英语人>词典>汉英 : 糖苷配基 的英文翻译,例句
糖苷配基 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aglycon  ·  aglycone  ·  aglucone

更多网络例句与糖苷配基相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the case of glycoside, the aglycome may be synthesized by one or a combination of the pathways


In the case of glycoside, the aglycome may be synthesized by one or a comb in ation of the pathways


Protease treatment of the plasma membranes could abolish the binding but NaIO_4 and glycosidase could not, indicating that nsLTP144 bound to plasma membranes protein without carbohydrate moiety. Using the homobifunctional cross-linking regent bissuberate (BS~3) and rice plasma membranes incubated with ~(125)I-Trx-nsLTP144, we identified, after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, a putative protein receptor on the rice plasma membranes with the molecular mass around 60 kDa. NsLTP144 can not trigger extracelluar alkalization in arabidopsis, but can abolish the extracellular alkalization effect of phytopathogen elicitor cryptogein, suggesting that cryptogein and nsLTP144 may bind to the same membrane protein. In vitro pull-down assay showed that nsLTP144 interacted with OsCaM1, a possible extracellular calmodulin, implying that nsLTP144 and OsCaM1 could function in the same signal transduction pathway. These results shed light on revealing the roles of nsLTP in vivo and make it promising to finally characterize the plasma membranes receptor of nsLTP.


The chapter 6 makes a study on the design and synthesis of new glycosides, which prepared from imidazole, thiazole and tetrazole aglycones mentioned above and glucose derivatives by phase transfer catalysis under the moderate reaction condition.


The correlations of eleven floral and fruit quantitative traits of Liriodendron interspecific hybrids(L. chinense×L. tulipifera) and its parent species were analysized.The aglycone and glycoside of flavonoid and carotinoids of perianth segment in the three groups were studied qualitatively and quantatively by high performance liquid chromatography.The results were as followed: The aglycone such as cyanidin, 6-hydroxyflavone and trans-chalcone and the glycoside such as glucose, rhamnose and galactose were discovered in Liriodendron interspecific hybrids and Liriodendron chinense,carotinoids such as lycopene and β-carotene were also discovered.

本文对鹅掌楸、北美鹅掌楸和杂交F_1的花果共11 个数量性状进行分析,并应用高效液相色谱对上述三大类群花被片类黄酮糖苷配基和结合糖及类胡萝卜素进行了定性和定量研究,结果如下:鹅掌楸和杂交鹅掌楸花被片类黄酮糖苷配基为花青素、6-羟基黄酮和反式查尔酮,糖苷配基结合糖为葡萄糖、鼠李糖和半乳糖;类胡萝卜素为β-胡萝卜素和番茄红素。

The binding behavior and kinetics of uncoupling protein with its ligand, the Fourier-transformation infrared spectra of uncoupling protein and its changes during ligand-binding process, the inhibition of Guanosine 5'-Tetraphosphate (G-4-P) and Adenine-β-Darabinofuranoside 5'-triphosphate on the binding of uncoupling protein with GTP were studied.


更多网络解释与糖苷配基相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蚕豆中毒(favism) 蚕豆含有二种核苷-蚕豆嘧啶葡糖苷(vicine)和伴蚕豆嘧啶核苷(covicine),它们在弱酸环境中被β-糖苷酶分别水解为蚕豆嘧啶(divicine)和异乌拉米尔(isouramil).这两个糖苷配基在体内能降低红细胞的GSH含量,

Tea saponin:茶皂素

茶皂素(tea Saponin)属于五环三萜类皂苷,其分子中有亲水性的糖体、疏水性的配位基和有机酸结构. 茶皂素具有苦辛辣味,纯品为白色微细柱状晶体,吸湿性强,对甲基红明显酸性,难溶于无水甲醇、乙醇、不溶于乙醚、丙酮、苯、石油醚等有机溶剂,



filiate:使加入, 收作养子

spawner 产卵鱼(或虾、蟹等), 已成熟的雌鱼 | filiate 使加入, 收作养子 | aglycon [生化]糖苷配基


配聯氧化還原作用 coupled oxidoreduction | 配糖基;苷雜質 aglycone;aglucone;genin | 配子體異型 anisogamonty

coupled oxidoreduction:配联氧化还原作用

配聯反應 coupled reaction | 配聯氧化還原作用 coupled oxidoreduction | 配糖基;苷雜質 aglycone;aglucone;genin

glycosidic linkage:<醣>苷键联

glycoside <醣>苷;配糖体 | glycosidic linkage <醣>苷键联 | glycosido group 糖苷基

stock board:砖模底板

aglycon [生化]糖苷配基 | stock board 砖模底板 | packaging technology 封装工艺