英语人>词典>汉英 : 糖化过程 的英文翻译,例句
糖化过程 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与糖化过程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article mainly introduced completes with programmable software to the saccharification pot , the dextrinize pot, Boils the pot, the lye pot, the thermal flask, the ice watering can and the disc heat interchanger carries on the temperature xamination control, carries on the examination to the filter-tank temperature To the balance tank fluid position examination control, the thermal flask and the ice watering can fluid position carries on the examination; To wheat juice current capacity examination control, The steam current capacity carries on the measurement; To the saccharification pot, the dextrinize pot, boil the pot clamp cover steam pressure as well as the steam distributor pressure carry on the examination; To various unclear wines liquid pump, Delivers Mai Zhibeng, the mixer and various pipe-line valve according to each operating time order realization automatic control.


Software to design. This article mainly introduced completes with programmable software to the saccharification pot , the dextrinize pot, Boils the pot, the lye pot, the thermal flask, the ice watering can and the disc heat interchanger carries on the temperature xamination control, carries on the examination to the filter-tank temperature To the balance tank fluid position examination control, the thermal flask and the ice watering can fluid position carries on the examination; To wheat juice 环境/给排水论文 current capacity examination control, The steam current capacity carries on the measurement; To the saccharification pot, the dextrinize pot, boil the pot clamp co 土建水利论文 ver steam pressure as well as the steam distributor pressure carry on the examination; To various unclear wines liquid pump, Delivers Mai Zhibeng, the mixer and various pipe-line valve according to each operating time order realization automatic control.


The results show that the process of biodegradation of lignocellulose is actually the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation.


The content of pyruvic and oxalic acid increased with the increase of the original gravity of the samples.

糖化过程中,有机酸有利于维持糖化醪和麦芽汁的 pH值,使麦汁制备过程中的各种反应过程能够顺利进行。

This process in which saccharification and fermentation take place in the same vat at the same time, is called "multiple parallel fermentation."


In this dissertation, with extruded rice being adjuncts of beer, important relevant issues about the saccharification process were researched systematically.


This paper focused on the change of DMS and its precursors during mashing ,and the effect of mashing variable on the DMS of wort.


The cooled wort is inoculated with Saccharomyces yeast and fermentation of the sugar formed from starch during mashing proceeds.


The research showed that there was serious loss of DON in the process of barley steeping (loss of 88.6 %), DON content increased in germination and saccharification process, and there was almost no change in DON in kilning, boiling and fermentation process.

研究表明,DON在浸麦过程中严重损失,损失了88.6 %,发芽和糖化过程中DON的含量有所增加,烘干、煮沸和发酵过程中几乎没有变化。

Thus enable the entire beer saccharifying to be under the automated control, strengthened in the process greatly stable, the safe movement, improved the beer quality and the competitive power.


更多网络解释与糖化过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在酿造过程中,淀粉糖化、酒精发酵和陈酿(ageing)作用同时进行,所以糖液浓度不会过高积累. 黄酒经酿成后,酒精含量约为15~20%,营养价值很高.

Glycolipid Dependent Adhesion Processes:糖脂依赖性黏附过程

Glycation糖化 | Glycolipid Dependent Adhesion Processes糖脂依赖性黏附过程 | Glycoprotein Folding and Processing Reactions糖蛋白折叠和加工反应

Glycolipid Dependent Adhesion Processes:糖脂依靠性黏附过程

Glycation糖化 | Glycolipid Dependent Adhesion Processes糖脂依靠性黏附过程 | Glycoprotein Folding and Processing Reactions糖蛋白折叠和加工反应


1)己糖激酶(hexokinase) 需要Mg2+或其他二价阳离子及ATP供能,反应不可逆,是酵解过程的第一个调节(别构)酶,肌肉中受产物G-6-P强烈别构抑制. 肝脏中主要是以glucokinase存在,对Glc有特异活性,不受G-6-P的抑制. 4)烯醇(化)酶(enolase) 有Mg2+或Mn2+存在时,


经静脉注射引入体内后,18F-FDG通过与葡萄糖相同的摄取转运过程进入细胞内,在已糖激酶(hexokinase)的作用下被磷酸化形成6-磷酸-18FDG(6-P-18FDG). 但与6-磷酸葡萄糖不同的是,6-P-18FDG不能被进一步代谢,而滞留堆积在细胞内(如图所示).

amylo fermentation process:淀粉发酵过程

amylase-lipase analyzer 淀粉酶脂肪酶分析仪 | amylo fermentation process 淀粉发酵过程 | amylo process 霉菌糖化法