英语人>词典>汉英 : 糖化 的英文翻译,例句
糖化 的英文翻译、例句


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The results showed:(1) Through glycosylated orthogonal test, When the substrate concentration is 1:2, glycosylated temperature is 60℃, the enzyme dosage is 0.5%and glycosylated time is 6 hours, glycosylating was at best, and the sugar concentration was 33%(2) through fermentation orthogonal test, when adding the yeast is 2.0%, proportion of Rhodiola and glutinous rice is 1:1, the temperature is 28℃, and fermentation time is seven days, alcoholicity of the wine was the highest and sensory evaluation was the best..


Steam the Ru rice familiar, add into duple water its dilution, throw in into barley bud to make its sugar turn, add just the right amount of wine song to help the sugar to turn, under the in keeping with temperature, the 35th complete the sugar turn and the wine liquid appears sweet flavor.


The brewhouse can mash both by batch processing and continuously.


This article mainly introduced completes with programmable software to the saccharification pot , the dextrinize pot, Boils the pot, the lye pot, the thermal flask, the ice watering can and the disc heat interchanger carries on the temperature xamination control, carries on the examination to the filter-tank temperature To the balance tank fluid position examination control, the thermal flask and the ice watering can fluid position carries on the examination; To wheat juice current capacity examination control, The steam current capacity carries on the measurement; To the saccharification pot, the dextrinize pot, boil the pot clamp cover steam pressure as well as the steam distributor pressure carry on the examination; To various unclear wines liquid pump, Delivers Mai Zhibeng, the mixer and various pipe-line valve according to each operating time order realization automatic control.


Software to design. This article mainly introduced completes with programmable software to the saccharification pot , the dextrinize pot, Boils the pot, the lye pot, the thermal flask, the ice watering can and the disc heat interchanger carries on the temperature xamination control, carries on the examination to the filter-tank temperature To the balance tank fluid position examination control, the thermal flask and the ice watering can fluid position carries on the examination; To wheat juice 环境/给排水论文 current capacity examination control, The steam current capacity carries on the measurement; To the saccharification pot, the dextrinize pot, boil the pot clamp co 土建水利论文 ver steam pressure as well as the steam distributor pressure carry on the examination; To various unclear wines liquid pump, Delivers Mai Zhibeng, the mixer and various pipe-line valve according to each operating time order realization automatic control.


RESULTS A eukaryotic expression system for high expression humanmutantCD59 were successfully set up : The recombinant PALTER-MAX plasmid containing human mutantCD59 cDNA and PCDNA plasmid were co-transfected into CHO cell by cation lipoid mediating method ;and the cells were grown in F12 medium containing 400ug/ml G418 for 14 days, positive clones were grown in RPMI1640 medium to get stable expressing cell lines . Highly expressing clones were selected by flow cytometry ,and were named PALTER-CD59-CHO1PALTER-CD59-CHO2 . Flow cytometry indicated that expression rates of PALTER-CD59-CHO1 and PALTER-CD59-CHO2 were 53.7%and 54.5%. Further more, Stable highly expressing CHO cell lines were more detected by immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence technology . PALTER-CD59 -CHO1 and PALTER-CD59-CHO2 were grown in RPMI1640 to get a large of cells . CD59 protein were obtained by spalling PALTER- CD59- CHO1 and PALTER - CD59 - CHO2 cells . Stable highly expressing cells were further validated by SDS-PAGE, immunoblot analysis and solid enzyme immunoassay . PALTER - CD59 - CHO1 and PALTER - CD59 - CHO2 were glycated in RPMI1640 of 50mM ribose for 72 hours .BCECF releasing test indicted that the releasing rate of PALTER-CD59-CHO1 or PALTER-CD59-CHO2 was less high than PALTER-CHO ,and the releasing rate of glycated PALTER-CD59 -CHOI or PALTER-CD59-CHO2 was higher than unglycated ones . PALTER -CD59-CHO1 and PALTER -CD59 -CHO2 were glycated in RPMI1640 of 50mM ribose for 72 hours .BCECF releasing test indicted that the releasing rate of PALTER - CD59 - CHOI or PALTER - CD59 - CHO2 was less high than PALTER-CHO ,and the releasing rate of glycated PALTER-CD59-CHO1 or PALTER - CD5 9-CHO2 was higher than unglycated ones .

结果 成功构建突变人CD59的真核细胞表达系统:运用阳离子脂质体介导法将含有突变人CD59的PALTER—MAX重组质粒与PCDNA共转染入CHO细胞:用含有400ug/mlG418的F12培养基培养14天,筛选出稳定阳性表达克隆,RPMI1640培养基扩增获得稳定表达细胞株,并用流式细胞术进一步筛选出高效表达细胞株分别命名为PALTER—CD59—CH01、PALTER—CD59—CH02,表达率分别为53.7%、54.5%;应用免疫组化方法、免疫荧光技术进一步鉴定阳性细胞株;RPMI1640培养基大量扩增PALTER—CD59—CH01、PALTER—CD59—CH02细胞株,裂解细胞得到CD59蛋白质;通过SDS—PAGE凝胶电泳技术、免疫印迹技术、固相酶联免疫吸附试验验证了这两中文摘要个阳性细胞株CO59蛋白的高效表达;50mM核糖培养72小时,获得突变人CD59糖化细胞株,BCECF染料释放试验结果显示,PALTER一CD59一CHOI、pALTER一CD59一CHOZ细胞较PALTER一CHO细胞染料释放率低,未糖化PALTER一CD59一CHOI、PALTER一CD59一CHOZ细胞比较糖化后细胞染料释放率低。

Currently, most breweries grinded barley and corn together for dextrinization at 100 ℃ and then for saccharification. However, our experiments proved that it was unnecessary to dextrinize at 100 ℃ and saccharification could be operated directly without any additional enzyme.

但目前多数工厂是把大麦与玉米一同粉碎进入糊化锅100 ℃糊化,之后再进行糖化,本实验主要研究了大麦的糖化工艺,认为不需要进行100 ℃糊化,可以直接进行糖化,并且不需要外加酶。

Currently, most breweries grinded barley and corn together for dextrinization at 100℃ and then for sacchaxification. However, our experiments proved that it was unnecessary to dextrinize at 100℃ and sacchaxification could be operated directly without any additional enzyme.


With saccharified liquid of corn meal and cassava starch as a material respectively, the effects of corn steep liquor concentrations on glycerol fermentation by osmophilic yeast were discussed.

然后分别以玉米粉和木薯淀粉糖化液为原料,用耐高渗酵母发酵生产甘油,研究了玉米浆对二者甘油发酵的影响并对二者进行了比较,结果表明:当玉米粉和木薯淀粉糖化液还原糖含量分别为 2 5 %,尿素为 0 。2 %,pH为 4 。5时,用玉米粉糖化液发酵甘油时可不添加玉米浆,甘油产量最高可达 2 %,而用木薯淀粉糖化液发酵甘油时,适宜的玉米浆为 0 。15 %,甘油产量最高可达 4 。9%。

The treatment comparison by using Chinese TANG Kidney capsule and Western medicine TANG SHI PIN showed: the kidney capsule can lower the values of the blood sugar, blood fat, series of micro-protein un urine and carbon monoxide in plasma, thus the function of kidney can be improved, and prolong the process of deadness and hardening of the affected kidney small cell fibre.


更多网络解释与糖化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


caramelization test (蔗糖的)焦糖化试验 | caramelize 焦糖化作用;焦糖形成 | caramelizer (糖果)焦香机


saccharide 糖类 | saccharification 糖化作用,糖化水解 | saccharinic acid 变糖酸,糖精酸

saccharification power:糖化力

saccharification period 糖化周期 | saccharification power 糖化力 | saccharification rest 糖化停顿

saccharification temperature:糖化温度

saccharification rest 糖化停顿 | saccharification temperature 糖化温度 | saccharification time 糖化时间

amylo process:阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生产酒精]

amylin 糊精 | amylo process 阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生产酒精] | amylodextrin 极限糊精

amylo process:阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生

amylin 糊精 | amylo process 阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生 | amylodextrin 极限糊精

caramelization test:(蔗糖的)焦糖化试验

caramelization 焦糖化(作用) | caramelization test (蔗糖的)焦糖化试验 | caramelize 焦糖化作用;焦糖形成

caramelization test:(蔗糖的)焦糖化实验

caramelization 焦糖化(作用) | caramelization test (蔗糖的)焦糖化实验 | caramelize 焦糖化作用;焦糖形成


saccharification 糖化(作用) | saccharify (使)糖化;浸糖;糖煮;裹糖衣 | saccharifying enzyme 糖化


saccharobiose 蔗(二)糖 | saccharogenic 产糖的;糖化的 | saccharogenic power 糖化