英语人>词典>汉英 : 糖丸 的英文翻译,例句
糖丸 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Why inoculation point stressed Doctor candy vaccine polio after taking half an hour not to drink hot water or breast-feeding was mainly due to candy are live attenuated vaccines, if sent to serve with warm water will inevitably lead to failure of inactivated vaccine, which is why We have seen many of the Vaccine Inoculation point out from the refrigerator and placed on ice floe, and this is what we usually have to go through the vaccine cold chain system, the only way to ensure the vaccine will not be denatured failure.


So your baby's retch phenomenon candy is likely to be caused by their own side effects.


Therefore, when taking first tablespoon or chopsticks will be subject to pulverisation candy, or candy tablespoon will dissolve in cold water in use.


In the age of four months when the needle hit the first DPT, while a third eat candy stars, due to kick down the DTP after the fever to 38.6 degrees, a cold and then there will be no eating candy third, want to eat the time, but also coincides with the Spring Festival, epidemic prevention station will be extended all the vaccination needle to play in March, so that my children will be March 2 to 8 day playing second dose of DPT, hepatitis B third pin; eat section 3 candy, will it play if it works.

在满四个月时打了第一针百白破,同时吃第三颗糖丸,因打完百白破后发烧到38.6度,接着又感冒便没有吃第三颗糖丸,想吃的时候,又适逢春节,防疫站又将所有的防疫针延期到3月份打,这样我的孩子将在3月2日到8 日打百白破第二针、乙肝第三针;吃第三颗糖丸,请问这样打是否可行。

Calcium, blood calcium decreased, the brain caused by increased nerve excitability plant, resulting in baby night waking, night terrors, night irritability, sleep; baby should be given calcium and vitamin D and more sun: A, calcium: elemental calcium daily 200-300mg (1) Composite Calcium Granule: 2-3 packets a day (each contains calcium 100mg)(2) the activity of calcium granules: 4-6 packets per day (calcium per tablet 50mg) B, fill D : daily 400-800IU (1) concentrated cod liver oil drops: 2-4 drops per day (2) vitamin D2 candy: the daily 400-800IU (3) vitamin D3 injections: once a month, 20-300000 IU attention these objects must be a doctor's prescription, prescribed application. C, to the sun to vitamin D, ultraviolet radiation to the skin 7 - dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3, to help calcium absorption, could be a day outdoors on the sun for half an hour each afternoon. 3, bile is a yellow pigment bilirubin, was it yellow staining and faeces, after bilirubin by oxidation into biliverdin, thus making green manure, the manure discharge encountered in diapers in the air oxygen, so that oxidation of bilirubin biliverdin, so that the surface of green manure.


I search extensively for lozenges that taste good and was made with out sugar or sucrose.


更多网络解释与糖丸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

epidemic meningitis bacterin:流脑菌苗

乙脑疫苗 epidemic encephalitis B vaccine | 流脑菌苗 epidemic meningitis bacterin | 小儿麻痹糖丸疫苗 oral polio vaccine


首先疫苗分为灭活(inactivate)疫苗和减活疫苗,其中减活疫苗仍然是活性疫苗,接种时依然有感染的风险(但是这种风险极小). 比如国内使用的防小儿麻痹的糖丸疫苗,就是减活疫苗,已经听说一些服用糖丸后感染小儿麻痹的案例,感觉很恐怖.

Sabin vaccine:萨宾疫苗

Sabin process 萨平防锈法 | Sabin vaccine 萨宾疫苗 | Sabin''s oral vaccine 小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌

Sabin''s oral vaccine:小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌

Sabin vaccine 萨宾疫苗 | Sabin''s oral vaccine 小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌 | Sabine formula 赛宾公式


Sabiajaponica 清风藤 | Sabin'soralvaccine 小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌 | Sabinachinensis 圆柏

pillet:小糖丸 小丸

pilldish 药丸皿 | pillet 小糖丸 小丸 | pillforpromotingcoronarycirculation 活心丸

live polio virus vaccine in dragee-candy:脊髓灰质炎活疫苗糖丸

lithotomy position 膀胱切石卧式 | live polio virus vaccine in dragee-candy 脊髓灰质炎活疫苗糖丸 | local application of heat 局部用热

live polio virus vaccine in dra-gee-candy:脊髓灰质炎活疫苗糖丸

脊髓碘油造影术 iodolography of spinal cord | 脊髓灰质炎活疫苗糖丸 live polio virus vaccine in dra-gee-candy | 剖腹产术 cesarean section

Sabin vaccine:萨宾疫苗

Sabin process ==> 萨平防锈法 | Sabin vaccine ==> 萨宾疫苗 | Sabin''s oral vaccine ==> 小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌