英语人>词典>汉英 : 糊精糖 的英文翻译,例句
糊精糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与糊精糖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To make fondant sugar, which is used in icings and confections, very fine sucrose crystals are surrounded with a saturated solution of invert sugar corn syrup, or maltodextrin.


The milk-white, instant, harmonious flavor, no off-flavor and palatefull microcapsule of geniposide was developed with geniposide as core material, with βcyclodextrine and malt dextrine as wall material after spray drying under the coditions of 176~180 ℃inlet wind, 106~110℃ outlet wind.


Wild baccae of lonicera edulis was used as raw material.


The mechanism in which trehalose is produced from dextrin or starch hydrolyzate by endocellular enzymes of bacterium D-97 can be elucidated by high performance liquid chromatography with differential refraction detection basically, including the effect of the different carbon sources on the endocellular trehalose-producing enzymes in bacterium D-97 and the possibility or ability of the endocellular enzymes to produce trehalose using maltooligosaccharides of different chain lengths.


AmeriSweet Packets contain: sucralose,maltodextrine ,xylitol,sorbitol and silicon dioxide


AmeriSweet Packets contain: sucralose,maltodextrine ,xylitol powder,sorbitol and Silicon Dioxide

AmeriSweet 主要成分为:三氯蔗糖,麦芽糊精,木糖醇,山梨。糖醇和二氧化硅。

After making berry pulp, being added with granulated sugar, calcium chlorid, citric acid, low-methoxyl pectin and β-cyclic-dextrin, controlling the concentrate, the low-sugar jam was processed.


INGREDIENTS: skim milk, sugar, cream, chocolaty chips (sugar, coconut oil, cocoa processed with alkali, partially hydrogenated coconut oil, cocoa, salt, soy lecithin, natural flavor), corn syrup, cocoa processed with alkali, whey protein, egg yolks, tapioca maltodextrin, soy protein, natural flavor, Propylene Glycol Monostearate, guar gum, carrageenan, cellulose gum, mono and diglycerides, salt, malt extract, xanthan gum, molasses, vitamin A palmitate, dextrose, caramel color

成分:脱脂牛奶,糖,奶油, chocolaty芯片(糖,椰子油,可可碱处理,部分氢化的椰子油,可可粉,盐,酱油,卵磷脂,天然香料),玉米糖浆,可可碱处理,乳清蛋白,蛋蛋黄,木薯麦芽糊精,大豆蛋白,天然香料,丙二醇酯,瓜尔豆胶,卡拉胶,纤维素胶,单声道和diglycerides ,盐,麦芽提取物,黄原胶,糖蜜,维生素A棕榈酸酯,葡萄糖,焦糖色

The preparation of immobilized enzyme: The inulinase, used in the fructose production from Jerusalem artichokes, and the glucoamylase, used in the glucose production from dextrine were chosen as samples. The comparative tests were carried out on specially designed setups for the immobilization of enzymes, and a synthetic evaluation was made of the quality of the immobilized enzymes.


The taste components comes from incomplete fermented residual sugar and dextrine, glycerin by fat splitting, amino acid by protein, acid and delicate flavour materials.


更多网络解释与糊精糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amphivalency异配现象[用于配位化学] | amylodextrin极限糊精 | amyloglucosidase淀粉葡糖苷酶


"amylo process","阿米洛法;霉菌糖化法" | "amylodextrin","淀粉糊精;红糊精" | "amylogen","淀粉精"

Dextran Sulfate:右旋糖酐硫酸酯,硫酸葡聚糖

dextran platelet agglutination test 右旋糖酐血小板凝集试验 | dextran sulfate 右旋糖酐硫酸酯,硫酸葡聚糖 | dextriferron 葡聚糖铁,右旋糖酐铁,糊精铁

dextrin glycosyltransferase:糊精糖移转酶

dextrin 糊精 | dextrin glycosyltransferase 糊精糖移转酶 | dextrogyral 右旋的


amylase 淀粉酶[包括糖化酶和麦芽糖化酶] | amylin 糊精 | amylo process 阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生

amylo process:阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生产酒精]

amylin 糊精 | amylo process 阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生产酒精] | amylodextrin 极限糊精

amylo process:阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生

amylin 糊精 | amylo process 阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生 | amylodextrin 极限糊精

amylo proce:阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生产酒精]

amylin|糊精 | amylo proce |阿明露法,淀粉发酵法,霉菌糖化法[由根酶及酵母菌同时生长糖化,发酵生产酒精] | amylodextrin|极限糊精


chitodextrin壳糊精 | chitosamine壳糖胺;氨基葡糖;葡糖胺 | chitosan壳聚糖


erythrol 丁四醇;赤藻<糖>醇 | erythrodextrin 红糊精 | erythrocruorin 拟血红素