英语人>词典>汉英 : 精心挑选 的英文翻译,例句
精心挑选 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与精心挑选相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is made by hand of leaves carefully selected from the best tobacco plantations in the Vuelta Abajo area.

它是由精心挑选的来自 Vuelta Abajo 地区烟草种植园的烟叶手工制作的。

But the photograph on the front pages of China's state-controlled newspapers, which select such images advisedly ,was of the two men shaking hands.


The 15 years after graduation, in which I went through from state owned enterprise to foreign company and finally to consulting, seemed to be a carefully selected travel route, on which I, full of perseverance and afflatus, have been and am running to explore every place I am willing to explore.


The academicians at ALFA are carefully selected and bring together with them a vast amount of knowledge and experience.


Its outstanding quality is the result of the time and attention that have been devoted to the carefully harvested selected Arabica coffee beans.


The image is well chosen, because animals like these were depicted in Babylonian art.


Many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.


The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.


Each leaf has been carefully selected and genuinely handpicked from nature.


His town-hall meeting in Shanghai was minutely controlled, with handpicked youth cadres bused in to ask handpicked questions.


更多网络解释与精心挑选相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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Auntie Lan:兰姨

特别收录: 精选猛片预告 剧照 原装海报 电影简介 SMARTER影视频道提供众多影视作品信息,您在查询的邵氏全新数码修复电影 兰姨 (Auntie Lan)是电影行业的知名品牌,聪明点为您精心挑选了此款邵氏全新数码修复电影 兰姨 (Auntie Lan)的相关销售商家信息,

Scott Caan:斯科特-卡安

亚(Andy Garcia) 唐-奇德尔(Don Cheadle) 斯科特-卡安(Scott Caan) 凯西-阿弗莱克(Casey Affleck)导演:史蒂文-索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)类型:喜剧/动作/冒险片分级:PG-13(粗口、性) 丹尼精心挑选了11个身怀各种绝技的顶尖人物,

Casey Affleck:凯西-阿弗莱克

西亚(Andy Garcia) 唐-奇德尔(Don Cheadle) 斯科特-卡安(Scott Caan) 凯西-阿弗莱克(Casey Affleck)导演:史蒂文-索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)类型:喜剧/动作/冒险片分级:PG-13(粗口、性) 丹尼精心挑选了11个身怀各种绝技的顶尖人物,


生产羊毛首先经过精心挑选,整理并收集成通常称为毛条(top)的软性条子,然后进行精梳(COMBING)处理,随后送往染色(DYEING)部进行首次上色. 待羊毛完全干燥后,将上色完成的毛条送至纺纱(SPINNING)部进行整个工艺流程中的首道重要工序:用环锭纺纱工艺对羊毛进行进一步分离,


聪明点为您精心挑选了此款镜架 - 新 Ray Ban RX5144 2000 眼镜(Eyeglasses)的相关销售商家信息,您可以在本页面轻松获得关于镜架 - 新 Ray Ban RX5144 2000 眼镜(Eyeglasses)最新报价,精美外形图片,


一款意大利法尔内塞(Farnese)庄园的精酿之作. 人工采摘葡萄,精心挑选后入橡木桶陈酿18个月. 此酒具有浓郁而持久的芳香,兼带有烟草、木头、甘草等味道,还具有成熟水果的芬芳,酒体丰满、醇厚而均衡,陈放5-6年,口感更佳.

a well-dressed woman/a well-chosen gift:一个穿着讲究的人/一份精心挑选的礼物

25. 一个体格健壮的人a well-built man | 26. 一个穿着讲究的人/一份精心挑选的礼物a well-dressed woman/a well-chosen gift | 27. 把...放置得井井有条(两个)put sth in good order/keep sth in order

through a variety of well-chosen mutual funds:通过精心挑选的共同基金

I won $55 million, and increased my net worth by 40 percent...|我赚了$5500万... | ...through a variety of well-chosen mutual funds.|...通过精心挑选的共同基金 | - Forty percent? - At virtually no risk.|-...

Music is carefully selected by top musicologists to meet the needs of young infants:音乐是精心挑选的顶级音乐学家,以满足青少年的需要婴幼儿

Features 15 minutes of fine c... | Music is carefully selected by top musicologists to meet the needs of young infants音乐是精心挑选的顶级音乐学家,以满足青少年的需要婴幼儿 | Soft and colorful animals a...