英语人>词典>汉英 : 精巧的 的英文翻译,例句
精巧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cleverest  ·  delicate  ·  finished  ·  ingenious  ·  workmanlike  ·  dedal

更多网络例句与精巧的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a clever piece of work.


To achieve this, I have an elaborate air-conditioning system.


A: Aus-tri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-man-y, which is ...


That's a skillful piece of bricklaying.


The chancery has been found to be riddled with sophisticated eavesdropping systems and has never been used.


The function all say ●Choiceness features design Choiceness of external appearance design, accommodation of hand feeling.


On the other hand, EverQuest II provides those subtle immersive factors in its environment.


In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw.


An exquisite encoding technique is used in the invention, so the length of microinstruction is reduced from 56 to 40 bits.


Just look at the Java class hierarchy to see an elaborate set of object inheritance hierarchy.

仅仅查看 Java 类就可以看到一组精巧的对象继承层次结构。

更多网络解释与精巧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


rank 排列,地位,军衔,把什么分等级 | artful 精巧的 | artificial 人工的,虚假的


contraprop 螺旋桨 | contraption 精巧的设计 | contrapuntal 对位的

delicate deliberate debilitate:精巧的 深思熟虑的 削弱

17) condole condone console 吊唁 宽恕 安慰 | 18) delicate deliberate debilitate 精巧的 深思熟虑的 削弱 | 19) discretion discrete discrepancy 判断力 分散的 不同


architecture建筑风格 | exquisite 精致的,精巧的 | artistic value 艺术价值

hiding the grossness with fair...ornament:将它的粗劣隐藏在 精巧的...装饰之下

and approve it with a text,|以文字来赞许它 | hiding the grossness with fair...ornament?|将它的粗劣隐藏在 精巧的...装饰之下? | Look on beauty|看着它的美丽

quaint:离奇有趣的, 奇怪的, 做得很精巧的

quail ) 畏惧;畏缩;沮丧 | quaint 离奇有趣的, 奇怪的, 做得很精巧的 | split 劈开, (使)裂开, 分裂, 分离

quaint quaint:古怪有趣的,精巧的

pyramid pyramid金字塔 | quaint quaint古怪有趣的,精巧的 | qualification qualification n.资格,限定

subtle a.1:稀薄的,不浓的 2.精巧的,精妙的 3.微妙的,微细的

postmodern: a.后现代主义的,后现代派的 | subtle: a.1.稀薄的,不浓的 2.精巧的,精妙的 3.微妙的,微细的 | integrate: v.1.使结合,使一体化 2.取消(学校等)的种族隔离,使(黑人等)

subtle a.1:(因细微、精巧或微妙而) 难于觉察或描述的,精巧的,巧妙的 2.诡秘的,狡诈的

vt. 危及... ...的安全,使受牵连 | ◆subtle a. 1.(因细微、精巧或微妙而) 难于觉察或描述的,精巧的,巧妙的 2.诡秘的,狡诈的 | hatred n. 痛恨,憎恨

ESAA- Boulle:巴黎最精巧的高级细木工

Ecole Estienne以传统制书艺术闻名 | ESAA- Boulle 巴黎最精巧的高级细木工 | ESAA- Duperre 公认的时尚好学校