英语人>词典>汉英 : 粉末状态 的英文翻译,例句
粉末状态 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与粉末状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are no complete or public fabrication processes of SLS polymer powders. In this paper, according to the fabrication methods of polymer powders and the data analysis, the feasible fabrication processes and methods of cryogen and solvent are reached. The reasonable combination of process parameters is important to get the better quality.


Finally the mechanisms and factors of decarburization of WC particles in spraying were explor...


The effect of different content of disperser in the slurry to spray dried powder properties and liquid sinter process to metallurgical bonding of Cr3C2 and NiCr alloy was studied in this paper.


Laboratory data indicate that the water solubility and injectivity of the polymer were good at reservoir conditions.


The thesis documents emphatically analyze the state of equation of powders as well as the macroscopical and microcosmic mechanism of explosive compaction of powders, also the action of shock wave on powders in load settings.


In this paper, nanopowders of rare earth oxides and tungsten were prepared and 0-3 type nano-composit rare earth tungsten thermionic emission materials were fabricated with novel technics. The raw material selection, preparation technic parameter, structure, physical and chemical characteristic, the rare earth distribution and the emission behavior were studied. The influence between the active layer and the thermionic emission performance, rare earth elements diffusion and distribution along depth were investigated in detail. The surplus RE formation and the electron transfer were discussed in theoretically. The thermionic emission current density of the single surplus RE on the active layer was educed. We adopted "liquid-liquid mixing, freeze-drying and two stage-reduction" working step firstly to produce the RE-W nanopowders including La-W powder, Ce-W powder and Y-W powder.


The hard agglomerate formation could be effectively avoided by mixing some macromolecular surfactants with the undried gels.


It was found that the Mo-Cu compound powder after high energy ball milling was in a inequilibrium energy storage state.


In this paper, a number of procedures were designed for studying the mechanism of forming hard agglomerates of Z〓O〓 powders, and the properties of resulting powders were investigated extensively.


Its function is to become poisonous asunder the steam, liquid drop, spirit dissolve gum or powder appearance, making air, ground, headwaters and object dye poison to kill wound and slow enemy a soldier an activity.


更多网络解释与粉末状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

silver amalgam:银汞合金

文章摘要:银汞合金(Silver Amalgam)是一种历史悠久的齿科充填修复材料,也是一种特殊的合金. 其组成中的汞在室温下为液体状态,能与固体状态的金属粉末成分经调和后形成合金,这一过程称为汞齐化(Amalgamation). 早在十一世纪,


魔药课上Neville沸腾的魔药与我和Malfoy之间的状态相似,我瞪着他,狠狠放入一把药草. Draco仅是勾了一下嘴角,用最优雅的姿势朝坩锅(Cauldron)内抖入一点粉末.

air freshener:空气清新剂

任何一"防蛀虫产品"(moth-proofing product) 指符合以下说明的产品:产品的标签、包装或"空气清新剂"(air freshener) 指为掩盖气味或使空气清新、清洁、芬芳或除臭而设计"固体"(solid) 指不论在整体或细分 (例如组成粉末的微粒) 状态下,

guard cell:保卫细胞

保卫细胞 是叶表皮上组成气孔的两个特化细胞,保卫细胞(guard cell)通过膨胀和收缩来调节气孔的大小,进而调节气体交换和水分逸散. 糖原 在老教材中对应的名词是糖元. 糖原(glycogen)干燥状态下为白色无定形粉末,无臭,有甜味,不溶于乙醇,


pulverizing 粉碎 | pulverulence 粉末状态;易碎性 | pulverulent 粉状的


pulverous粉末(状)的 | pulverulence粉末状态 | pulveralent粉末状的


pulverize 变成粉 | pulverous 粉末的 | pulverulence 粉末状态


pulverizing磨粉 | pulverous粉末(状)的 | pulverulence粉末状态


pulverize /磨成粉/粉碎/变成粉/ | pulverous /粉末的/粉状的/满是粉的/ | pulverulence /粉末状态/


pulverizer 粉碎器 | pulverizing 粉碎 | pulverulence 粉末状态;易碎性