英语人>词典>汉英 : 管辖 的英文翻译,例句
管辖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
domination  ·  police  ·  rule  ·  policed  ·  polices  ·  policing  ·  ruled

have jurisdiction over
更多网络例句与管辖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to " code of civil law " the 25th regulation, appellant and appellee agree with respect to contract dispute administer is the contract fulfills the ground, accord with civil suit completely about the agreement administer regulation, it is lawful and effective.


The crime of espionage in the jurisdiction of the existence of confusion and conflict of jurisdiction.


After the court is examined, think, clause of this kind of format accentuated inconsequently the burden of consumer, if must be sued in website seat court, nonlocal consumer is about the expenses of poor travel of high specified number that extra burden should appeal to and time are expended, and the website can sit however enjoy this locality court administer convenience, this managing and many answering by the charge of its burden, accordingly this agreement administer the clause breaks fairness to be being shown consumer.


Consideringon the setting up procedure of the indictable cases in China,the investigation jurisdiction plays the center mis-sions in the criminal jurisdiction.


The jurisdiction of ICC consists of a set of jurisdictional principles, conditions and process based on the complementary jurisdiction.


China pursues a policy of good neighborliness and friendship.


The third part analyses the existing problems of the military judisfication on civil suits on perspective of legislation、judication and the present unfriendly conditions of the Army.


When two people's courts between which there is a jurisdictional dispute can not reach unanimity upon negotiations and report the dispute to their common superior people's court to designate the jurisdiction according to Article 37 (2) of the Civil Procedure Law, if both courts are grassroots people' s courts in a same districted city or municipal district, the intermediate people 's court of that districted city or municipal district shall timely designate the jurisdiction, if both courts are the people's courts in a same province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the higher people's court of that province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall timely designate the jurisdiction, if both courts are the people's courts in two provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government and the higher people's courts can not reach unanimity upon negotiations, the Supreme People's Court shall timely designate the jurisdiction.


Non—boundary of net progresses us to do something useful,for example,re—expurgating the tropism of merit of jurisdiction,carding basis of jurisdiction,and finding some suitable principles and ideas for jurisdiction of network cases.


Now, the majority of countries in the world have allowed the contractual choice of forum by the parties themselves through legal provision or judge-made la...


更多网络解释与管辖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Archie 搜索服务工具 | archiepiscopacy 大主教的管辖 | archiepiscopal 大主教的

archiepiscopacy:大主教的管辖, 大主教

archibenthic zone | 半深海底带 | archiepiscopacy | 大主教的管辖, 大主教 | archiepiscopal | 大主教的


bey 州长 | beylic 州长管辖 | beylik 土耳其省辖区

cognizant: a.1:察知的;认识到的,有认识能力的 2.有管辖(或审判)权的

dilemma: n.窘境,困境 | cognizant: a.1.察知的;认识到的,有认识能力的 2.有管辖(或审判)权的 | bereave: v.1.使丧失(亲人等),使孤寂;使凄凉 2.使失去(希望、生命等),剥夺

concurrent jurisdiction:共同管辖

公证机关 public notary office | 共同管辖 concurrent jurisdiction | 管辖 jurisdiction

contentious jurisdiction:诉讼管辖

contentgauge 液位指示器 | contentious jurisdiction 诉讼管辖 | contentious procedure 诉讼程序


法院管辖权 competence of court | 法院管辖以外的 extrajudicial | 法院判决 court decision

Jurisdiction in penal law:刑事管辖

税收管辖权:Jurisdiction over taxation | 刑事管辖:Jurisdiction in penal law | 民事管辖:Jurisdiction in civil law

superordinate construct:管辖建构

D:管辖建构(superordinate construct)能包容其它建构在其范围内的建构. 比如,一个学生认为"我应该学好今天这堂语文课",这个建构包含于"我应该学好所有的语文课",后一个建构又包含于"我应该学好每一门课". 在这个体系里,后一个建构对于前一个建构就是管辖建构.

change of venue:变更审判地点,转移管辖 变更审判地点,转移管辖

b. challenge for cause 有原因要求陪审员退席 有原因要求陪审员退席 | change of venue 变更审判地点,转移管辖 变更审判地点,转移管辖 | character evidence 人格证据,品德证据 人格证据,品德证据