英语人>词典>汉英 : 管状器官 的英文翻译,例句
管状器官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pipe  ·  fistulae

更多网络例句与管状器官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Between P14 and P21,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction in the brain,heart and liverbecame much lower. However,between P21 and P28,CIAPIN1 immunoreactionin the heart,brain,liver and skeletal muscle became much lower,while with thekidney development,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction in the kidney became higher. Invarious tissues from adult mouse,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction could be seen incardiac muscle cell,brain,hepatocyte,epithelium of renal tubule,skeletal muscle,lung tissue,gastric mucosa and gland,acinus lienalis.2. Distribution of CIAPIN1 in normal fetal and adult human tissuesTo reveal the possible physiological role of CIAPIN1,we examined theexpression and distribution of CIAPIN1 in fetal and adult human tissues usingimmunohistochemistry. We found that CIAPIN1 was ubiquitously distributed infetal and adult tissues,and was localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus.


The ampullae join the ducts of two other saclike organs, the seminal vesicles, to form short and straight tubes called ejaculatory ducts.


A diarch or triarchsiphonostele with exarch primary xylem was found at lower cotyledonary node zone.


One of the paired, flexible, segmented sensory appendages on the head of an insect, a myriapod, or a crustacean functioning primarily as an organ of touch.


One of the paired,flexible,segmented sensory appendage s on the head of an insect,a myriapod,or a crustacean functioning primarily as an organ of touch.


Zoology One of the paired, flexible, segmented sensory appendages on the head of an insect, a myriapod, or a crustacean functioning primarily as an organ of touch.


After this, the refilling of embolized tracheary elements can resuscitate water transport in some embolized tracheary elements, and maintain normal physiological functions of some organs.


更多网络解释与管状器官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


概述 附肢 (appendage)体躯具有分节的附肢是节肢动物共同的特点,昆虫在胚胎发育时几乎各体节均有1对可以发育成附肢的管状外长物或突起,到胚后发育阶段,一部分体节的附肢已经消失,一部分体节的附肢特化为不同功能的器官.

epithelial tissue:上皮组织

上皮组织(epithelial tissue)通常分布在动物体表面或体内各种管、腔、囊状器官的临界面. 有机体与外界环境的物质交换、新陈代谢都要通过上皮组织来实现. 上皮组织主要是由-层或多层上皮细胞紧密排列而成,细胞间有少量细胞间质:并以一层极薄的细胞间质形成的基膜与结缔组织相隔.



sensory organ:感觉器官

(四)感觉器官(sensory organ)鱼类的感觉器官主要包括皮肤感受器、侧线感觉器、听觉器官、视觉器官、嗅觉器官和味觉器官等1.侧线系统(lateral line system)是鱼类特有的皮肤感觉器官,呈管状或沟状,埋于头骨内和体侧的皮肤下面,


阳具包括一个阳茎(aedeagus)和1对位于基部两侧的阳茎侧叶 (parameres). 阳茎多是单一的骨化管状构造,是有翅昆虫进行交配时插入雌体的器官. 射精管即开口于阳茎端的生殖孔. 少数无翅亚纲昆虫无阳茎,而原尾目、蚌诺目和革翅目昆虫,

cribriform plate:筛状板

中颜面骨折可能合并筛状板(cribriform plate)骨折,因此这类病患,插胃管必须经由口腔进行. 颈部穿刺伤可能伴存有潜在性的一些器官伤害. 延伸过扩颈肌(Platysma)的伤口不应在急诊室用手或器械去探查,并且在急诊室训练不足的人员不可处理如此的伤口.


fistulae 管状器官 | fistuliform 管状的 | fistulous 管状的

infundibuliform:漏斗状的 (形)

infundibular 漏斗形的; 有漏斗状器官的 (形) | infundibuliform 漏斗状的 (形) | infundibulum 漏斗状器官; 漏斗管 (名)

intertentacular organ:触手间器官

06.2339 泡状体(苔藓动 物) vesicle | 06.2340 触手间器官 intertentacular organ | 06.2341 指形管 dactylethrae


fistula 瘘 | fistulae 管状器官 | fistuliform 管状的