英语人>词典>汉英 : 算进 的英文翻译,例句
算进 的英文翻译、例句


reckon in
更多网络例句与算进相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though comparing Canny operator and center B spline dyadic wavelet, the following conclusion is proven in this dissertation: a Center B spline function has tight support and Canny operator hasn't. b Center B spline function asymptotic convergence to Gaussian function and the derivative of Center B spline function asymptotic convergence to Canny operator. c The derivative of fourth order center spline B function is more suitable as a optimal edge detector than Canny operator. d Center B spline function can balance the smoothing and approximation of original data, and the fourth center B spline function is the only optimal solution of two order smoothing problem. e The error between the valve of time-frequency uncertainty of the fourth center B spline function and the lower bound of time-frequency uncertainty does not exceed 0.143% of the lower bound. f The derivative of center spline B function can construct a stability dyadic wavelet and can give a fast algorithm for multiscale edge detection, but Canny operator can do neither.


Thus, it enables developers avail oneself of loopholes, not to mention the club, a garage area into the pool acts.


The codingoperator expresses the genes with N-decimal system floating numbers, and then the genes are divided into integer part and decimal part. The two parts are encoded into chromosomes respectively. The corresponding selection, crossover and mutation operators are designed with the theory of symbol encoding and the properties of N-decimal system floating numbers.


A eugenic evolution strategy genetic algorithm,which integrates random evolution operation and deterministic optimization operation,is adopted in this paper to realize global optimization in high efficiency.


The purpose is to inspect the grade differences on time of mental addition and mental subtraction of pupils from three grades as well as grades differences of arithmetic time and integration time. The results show that mental arithmetic time of pupils from Grade 2, 4 and 6 decreases with the increase of grades.In the non-carry mental addition of 1-digit number and multi-digit number, menta...

研究结果表明,2、4、6 年级小学生口算时间随年级的增高而减少;在一位数加多位数不进位加法口算中,口算时间差异主要源于运算时间差异和整合时间差异;在一位数加多位数进位加法口算中,口算时间差异源于运算时间差异;在多位数减一位数不借位减法口算中,运算时间年级差异不显著,而整合时间存在显著的年级差异;在多位数减一位数借位减法口算中,口算时间的年级差异主要表现为运算时间的差异,而整合时间差异不显著。

The step motor can receive digital signal directly and has the ability to response outer environment immediately and has no accumulation error, which often is used in driving system. In this driving system, open-loop control system is composed of stepping motor, which can satisfy the demand not only for control precision but also for the target of economic and practicality. On this basis , the analysis of stepping motor in power calculating and style selecting is also given.


Mental predicates are "projectable"(they figure in explanations of agents' behavior, for instance) because they hold of agents in virtue of those agents' possessing causally similar properties.

精神述词是&可投射的『 projectable 』&(例如,这可算进对'人行为'的解释中)因为它们根据那些人所拥有的因果上相似的属性而满足人。

Capitalism fails when businesses can externalise costs like climate change, or when those costs occur in the future and the manager's pay and promotions are tied to this quarter's financial performance.


I've budgeted for two new numbers of the staff.


That's because the Internal Revenue Service counts the value of the domestic partner's benefit as income for the employee.


更多网络解释与算进相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

decimal arithmetic operation:十進算術運算

十进算术数据类型 decimal arithmetic data-type | 十进算术运算 decimal arithmetic operation | 十进算术系统 decimal arithmetic system

cascaded carry:逐位进位

cartography 制图学 | cascaded carry 逐位进位 | casimir operator 卡巫尔算子

casimir operator:卡巫尔算子

cascaded carry 逐位进位 | casimir operator 卡巫尔算子 | cassini oval 卡吾卵形线

decimal arithmetic system:十進算術系統

十进算术运算 decimal arithmetic operation | 十进算术系统 decimal arithmetic system | 十进算术陷阱屏蔽 decimal arithmetic trap mask

decimal arithmetic adjustment:十進算術調整

十进算术 decimal arithmetic | 十进算术调整 decimal arithmetic adjustment | 十进算术数据类型 decimal arithmetic data-type

assumed decimal point:假定的小数点,假定十进位小数点,假定小数点,假设小数点

assumed datum 假定基准面 | assumed decimal point 假定的小数点,假定十进位小数点,假定小数点,假设小数点 | assumed fault calculation system 想定事故計算システム

figure in:算进

export volume出口量 | figure in算进 | figure out算出


序程算正标坐入进/:"SZ-LG"gorP | 序程算正桩边路公入进/:"SZ-ZB-LG"gorP | 择选行进元线路线对序程择选路线程高入进/:"ZX-LX-CG"gorP


1-HX-SZ序程子环循算正 | 择选行进元线路线对序程择选路线面平入进/:"ZX-LX-MP"gorP | 理处限超程里/:"LC-NAIXOAHC"gorP

Yay, a hole in one:嘿!一杆进洞!(一击必杀

Well done! Bond, you've done it! 好极了!邦德,干得好! | Yay, a hole in one! 嘿!一杆进洞!(一击必杀?) | Oh well, better luck next time. 算了,下次的运气会更好.