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简洁法 的英文翻译、例句


pregnant construction
更多网络例句与简洁法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though it's an ancient art form, the aphorism is as sprightly and as apposite as ever.


Analysis for testability is widely used in DFT and test pattern generation, but most testability analysis algorithms have the shortcoming of either inaccuracy or being too complicated. A new method to calculate the signal probabilities of the nodes in IC is pre-sented in Chapter 7 of this dissertation. The signal probabilities by our method is more exact than by the previous ones. A symbol of the signal probability at the fan-out node is created and is propagated to the RFON (Reconvergent Fan-out Nodes). At the RFON, the expression containing the symbol is simplified using the rule which corresponds to the law of identity in Boolean algebra. After the expression is simplified, the symbol is substituted with its numeric value. Theoretical analysis shows that this method is concise and has a low computing complexity.

可测试性分析在可测试性设计和测试生成中都有着广泛的应用,然而大部分的可测性分析方法都存在不精确或者过于复杂的毛病,在第七章中作者提出了一种新的计算IC电路节点的信号概率值的符号算法,该算法得出的信号概率值比用以往的算法法得出的要更准确,也更简洁,针对电路中的扇出节点重汇聚现象,我们在每一个扇出节点定义了一个信号概率的符号,在以后的计算中一直使用该符号参与计算,直到该符号传播至重汇聚处,利用一定的规则把含符号的表达式化简,再将符号的真实值代入,在计算符号概率的过程中定义了一个和布尔代数中的同一律相对应的运算规则,通过该运算规则,使得信号概率的结果更加准确,符号算法具有简洁方便,计算复杂度小的特点 4。

Compared with the geometrical imaging method, the principle of the matrix transformation method is simpler, the meaning of the parameters is more intuitive, and the deriving process is more precise.


The instrument simultaneously sample for three phase voltage and current. Rotary photoelectric coding switch and LCD are used for human-computer interaction. it makes the interface compact and efficient. Utilizing the function of positive and negative edge trigger of the programmable counter array unit in MPU, signal zero-cross is captured for the phase detected based on double way. The software synchronism sampling method based on real-time parameter self-optimizing minishes period truncation error, and the measurement accuracy is improved. The digitization power measure imports traditional two-unit and three-unit methods and expands application range of the instrument. The capacity is discriminated by soft ware table-look-up on the load loss. The value of a quantity is converted to the value when reference temperature (75 ℃) from test temperature.


This paper explores shareholder approach, material approach and investment approach to cash flow, and it is concluded as follows: Net present value calculated is equal for shareholder approach and material approach, but for fixed assets investment projects, shareholder approach is far more concise and workable than material approach and provides direct cash flow information with clear and useful economic significance. Investment approach analyzes forecast cash flow for investment projects from a different angle, not only offering additional managerial accounting information, but also testing the properness of and providing theoretical support for shareholder approach and material approach.


The proper models, such as Chao-Seader model, are chosen to caculate physical properties parameter so that physical properties caculation can be simplified and has good accuracy, tridiagonal matrix method is used to solve process modes. Normalization algorithms is improved.


However, the weighted geometric mean method is simpler than the weighted arithmetic mean method, and the former can keep the reciprocity of the improved judgement matrix without transformation.


Britannica Book of English Usage对其的定义则说得更为明白简洁:zeugma makes one word refer to two items when it properly refers to only one of them.


The first step,this thesis evaluates the whole risk level of the port investment project. On the risk analysis,this thesis sets an index system for evaluation. The system comprehensively reflects risks on port investment projects. It has taken all the risks, through the construction to the running process of port investment projects into account,and numbers the index by experts investigation,then valuates the whole risk level of the project by fuzzy mathematics methods which is comprehensive, clear, effective and clean.


This "method of construction"(realized through the method of completing square) is far conciser than my classification method and I feel pleasantly surprised at the beauty of concision from the standard solution .


更多网络解释与简洁法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brevity maxim:简洁准则

bracketing 括号法 | brevity maxim 简洁准则 | bridging 架接


仍应按原著文书词序中文英语互译,并照顾汉语的习惯,以保持译文语句框架流利、匀称. 本章只列举在泛读文书中常遇到的倒装显像,以使exam学徒熟悉英语和汉语在语序上的差异. 文书要做到简洁,省略法(Ellipsis)是必用的.

Essay Method:叙述法

叙述法(Essay Method) 什么是叙述法 叙述法是指评估者以一篇简洁的记叙文的形式来描述员工绩效的方法,包括描述工作行为或能力,还可以包括培训和提升计划、问题诊断的结果以及绩效问题的解决.

pregnant construction:简洁法

pregnancy 怀孕 | pregnant construction 简洁法 | pregnant 怀孕的

stenographic:速记的; 简明的; 用速记法的; 简洁的 (形)

stenographer 速记员 (名) | stenographic 速记的; 简明的; 用速记法的; 简洁的 (形) | stenographically 速记地 (副)


(Singular Triplet),又称为k 个因子(factor),可视为k 个无相关(uncorrelated)的索都有一个简洁(Compact)的k 维表示法. 在图46 中,矩阵Uk的第i 列代表索引3、潜藏语意索引模型(LSI)的强健性统计图(color histogram)是一种针对影像像素颜色的个数进行统计的方法,

stenographically:速记地 (副)

stenographic 速记的; 简明的; 用速记法的; 简洁的 (形) | stenographically 速记地 (副) | stenography 速记, 速记法 (名)