英语人>词典>汉英 : 筛蝶的 的英文翻译,例句
筛蝶的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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To analyse eleven cases with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, pituitary tumor, encephalomeningocele, sphenoid sinus cyst and ethmoid sinus tumor, were analyzed from 1998 to 2004 and beening followed up for 6 months to 6 years.


In 23% specimens,the ultimate ethmoid cell was larger than or equal to the ipsilateral sphenoid sinus.


Completed endoscopic ethmoid, transsphenoidal surgery more than 1,000 cases.


Results According to the relation of posterior ethmoid sinus to sphenoid sinus.

结果 根据后组筛窦蝶窦的位置关系分为蝶前型(49.2%),蝶侧型(36.7%)和蝶上型(14.2%)。

The most two common used approach of saddle area operation (extemal ethmoid approach and transnasal sphenoid approach) was observed.


Results:The distance from the front wall of sphenoid sinus to the nasal spine was 56.5±5.9 mm for left and 54.9±7.2 mm,44.3±6.5 ,,for left and 44.0±6.5 mm for right to nasion.


No light perception, disturbance of consciousness and presence of blood within the sphenoidal or ethmoidal sinus are the risk factors to the visual prognosis of traumatic optic neuropathy.


The unit of radioreaction in ethmoidal sinus was ethmoidal cell. Several ethmoidal sinus cells were fused to patch in severe cases. The radioreactions in ethmoidal sinus, maxillary sinus and sphenoidal sinus were seen within three months, after three months and after one year respectively. And nasal sinus radioreactions of most cases were not absorbed spontaneously after one year. When the two kinds of radiotherapies were equal in dosing level, there was no obvious difference between them in respect to the radioreaction of accessory sinus, but when the dosing level was above 3182GBq, the radioreaction of accessory sinus was remarkably increased, compared with those caused by lower-dose radiotherapies.

筛窦放射反应以筛窦小房为单位,重者也可以多个小房融合成片状;筛窦的放射反应在放疗后3个月内即可出现,上颌窦常在3个月以后出现放射反应,而蝶窦一般在放疗后1年以后才出现;大多数病例副鼻窦放射反应在1年以后难以自动吸收、消退;两种方法放疗剂量相同时所致副鼻窦放射反应无明显差别,但放疗剂量在3182 GBq以上时所致副鼻窦放射反应较其它放疗剂量时明显增高。

The thickness of the inner wall was (0.68±0.46) mm. It showed no significant difference between the two sides of the optic canal in diameters(P>0.05).(2)The optic canal, the superior orbital fissure and the inferior orbital fissure were respectively shown as track, crack and gorge type in CT axial pictures, while in the coronal pictures, they were respectively shown as butterfly eyes, horizontal fissure and vertical fissure type.(3)The relationship of the posterior ethmoid sinus and the optic canal was: anterocanal(42.00%), semicanal(27.5%), whole-canal(18.75%),sella turcica(9.75%) and circumcanal(2.00%).(4)The relationship of the position of the sphenoidal sinus and the optic canal was:Ι degree sphenoidal sinus(20%),Π degree (63%) and Ш degree (17%).


Transnasal endoscopic sphenoethmoidal optic canal decompression is a good method for treatment of pst-traumatic optic neuropathy.


更多网络解释与筛蝶的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Agger nasi:鼻丘

中鼻甲前方的鼻腔外侧壁上有一 丘状隆凸,谓鼻丘(agger nasi),通常含1~4个气房,其实际上是前组筛窦的一部分. 中鼻甲垂直部尾端恰位于蝶窦前壁下半部之前,尾端的后上 方、近蝶窦底处的鼻腔外侧壁上有一骨孔,谓蝶腭孔,向后通翼腭窝,



chronic sinusitis:慢性鼻窦炎

慢性鼻窦炎(chronic sinusitis) 大多由于急性鼻窦炎反复发作所致,营养不良、身体抵抗力差、变态反应体质、纤毛无力综合征、及增殖腺肥大亦为致病原因. 慢性上领窦炎及筛窦炎发病率较高,额窦及蝶窦发病率较低. 慢性鼻窦炎可为慢性支气管炎、支气管扩张症或支气管哮喘的病灶,

Middle turbinate:中鼻甲

前鼻镜检查不易窥见.上鼻甲后上方为蝶筛隐窝(sphenoethmoid recess),蝶窦开口于此.图1-6 鼻腔外侧壁(上、中、下鼻甲部分去除)鼻的解剖(2)上鼻道(superior meatus):内有后组筛窦开口.鼻的解剖(3)中鼻甲(middle turbinate):系筛骨的突出部,中鼻甲中常有筛窦气房生长,


或因黏膜分泌物中的蛋白含量过多而引起的一系列生化和免疫反应所致. 本病多发生于筛窦和额窦,蝶窦和上颌窦少见,一般为单侧发病. 2.脓囊肿(pyocele)由于继发化脓性感染而形成,易引起窦壁骨质的吸收破坏,并可向颅内扩展并发颅内感染.


Sphagiasmus 颈肌痉挛(癫痫时) | sphenethmoid 蝶筛的 | sphenion 蝶点


sphenethmoid 蝶筛的 | sphenion 蝶点 | sphenoidal fontanel 蝶囟

sphenoethmoidal recess:蝶筛隐窝

上鼻甲后端的后上方有蝶筛隐窝 (sphenoethmoidal recess),位于筛骨(上)和蝶窦前壁(下)形成的角内,是蝶窦开口所在. 后组筛窦则开口于上鼻道 (superior meatus). 以中鼻甲游离缘水平为界,其上方的鼻甲与鼻中隔之间的间隙称为嗅沟(olfactory sulcus)或嗅裂.

sphenoidal sinus:蝶窦

检查可见中鼻甲肿胀、肥大或鼻息肉样变,以前端为明显,中鼻道前上部有脓液,可认为来自额窦;"蝶窦(sphenoidal sinus)位于蝶骨体内,左右各一,均各通过其前壁的孔开口于蝶筛隐窝.

sphenopalatine artery:蝶腭动脉

⑦蝶腭动脉(sphenopalatine artery)上颌动脉的终支,经蝶腭孔至鼻腔后部,供应鼻腔内、外侧壁、蝶窦、筛窦及上颌窦. 此动脉亦是鼻腔部介人治疗的重要血管. ①眼动脉(Ophthalmic artery)发自 C3和C2的交界处,向前外走行,供应眶内结构.