英语人>词典>汉英 : 筛状的 的英文翻译,例句
筛状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cribral  ·  cribrate  ·  cribriform  ·  cribrose

更多网络例句与筛状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Methods Nineteen bone impacted and unerupted teeth in 18 cases selected by orthopantomograph were scanned by 3DX-CT with 1.0 mm slice thickness. Images obtained by 3DX-CT (horizontally, sagittally, coronally) were analyzed after multi-plane reconstruction and 3D reconstruction including the angle of the bone axis impacted and unerupted teeth; maximum radius of the coronal teeth; distances between the tooth and the cortical bone around; distances to the neighboring tooth roots and nerve forum canal; the thickness of the bone tissue, etc.


Objective To study the histopathological characteristics, diagnosis differential diagnosis and prognosis of invasive cribriform carcinoma of the breast.

目的 探讨乳腺浸润性筛状癌(invasive cribriform carcinoma, ICC)的病理形态学特点、诊断、鉴别诊断和预后等。

The glandular component consisted of 1 or more patterns: papillary (46% of cases), glandular (42%), cribriform (33%), and flat (25%).


The most common architectural pattern was cribriform (73%), followed by fused/poorly defined glands (55%), cords/single cells (11%), and solid sheets (5%). Nuclear enlargement was observed in 45 of the 55 studied cases (82%). Prominent nucleoli were either absent or infrequent in 38 cases (69%).


The cribriform pattern had the strongest positive expression and the solid pattern the weakest.


Cribriform epithelial stomata were seen mostly in 1.5-month old rats.


Adenocarcinoma had a solid trabecular, papillary, cribriform or diffuse pattern. The cribriform-morular and papillary cells were positive for CEA and EMA, but focally positive for AFP by immumohistochemical analysis.


Results The tristar of groove was consisted of beak of the ethmoidal bulla and its prolonging process, apex of the uncinate process and anterior peak of the middle turbinate, at the region of frontal recess. The structures called meatal groove, uncinate groove and bullar groove were observed around the ethmoidal bulla and the tristar of groove located at their origination. Under endoscopic view these structures looked like a triangular clefts, so it was named.

结果 星状裂是由筛泡的顶端及其向上伸出的角、钩突的顶端、中鼻甲的前顶端在额隐窝区域汇合形成的一个星状裂隙,上述结构围绕筛泡形成鼻道沟、钩突沟、筛泡沟,星状裂为三条沟的起始部。

The unit of radioreaction in ethmoidal sinus was ethmoidal cell. Several ethmoidal sinus cells were fused to patch in severe cases. The radioreactions in ethmoidal sinus, maxillary sinus and sphenoidal sinus were seen within three months, after three months and after one year respectively. And nasal sinus radioreactions of most cases were not absorbed spontaneously after one year. When the two kinds of radiotherapies were equal in dosing level, there was no obvious difference between them in respect to the radioreaction of accessory sinus, but when the dosing level was above 3182GBq, the radioreaction of accessory sinus was remarkably increased, compared with those caused by lower-dose radiotherapies.

筛窦放射反应以筛窦小房为单位,重者也可以多个小房融合成片状;筛窦的放射反应在放疗后3个月内即可出现,上颌窦常在3个月以后出现放射反应,而蝶窦一般在放疗后1年以后才出现;大多数病例副鼻窦放射反应在1年以后难以自动吸收、消退;两种方法放疗剂量相同时所致副鼻窦放射反应无明显差别,但放疗剂量在3182 GBq以上时所致副鼻窦放射反应较其它放疗剂量时明显增高。

更多网络解释与筛状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ethiopian sour gourd 猴面包[Adansonia digitata] | ethmoid 筛状;筛形的 | ethocel 乙基纤维素


crevice 裂隙,裂缝 | cribral 筛状的 | cribration 过筛

cribral parenchyma:筛状薄壁细胞

cribellum | (某些蜘蛛的)筛器, 辅助吐丝器官 | cribral parenchyma | 筛状薄壁细胞 | cribrate | 具密孔的, 筛状的

cribrate:具密孔的, 筛状的

cribral parenchyma | 筛状薄壁细胞 | cribrate | 具密孔的, 筛状的 | cribration | 过筛 多孔性


cribellum 筛器 | cribriform 筛状的 | cribwork 筏状木框


cribellum /筛器/ | cribriform /筛状的/有小孔的/ | cribwork /筏状木框/

cribriform pit:筛状纹孔

cribal parenchyma 筛状薄壁细胞 | cribriform pit 筛状纹孔 | crioll (磨浆过程产生的)粉状纤维


cribriform 筛状的 | cribrose 筛状的 | cribwork 迭状木框

cribrose:筛状的, 有小孔的

cribriform | 筛状的, 有小孔的 | cribrose | 筛状的, 有小孔的 | cribrum | 棘区


"crenate","crenatus","具钝锯齿的" | "cribrose","cribrosus","筛状的","cribriform" | "crowned ",,"冠状的","coronary&qu