英语人>词典>汉英 : 筑巢 的英文翻译,例句
筑巢 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incubate  ·  nest  ·  nidification  ·  nidificate  ·  nidify  ·  incubated  ·  incubates  ·  incubating  ·  nests

更多网络例句与筑巢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I made sure the Argive heroes could not withstand us, whereas like slim-waisted wasps, or bees that have their nests in the rocks by the wayside- they leave not the holes wherein they have built undefended, but fight for their little ones against all who would take them- even so these men, though they be but two, will not be driven from the gates, but stand firm either to slay or be slain.


Originally, the Barn Swallow nested primarily in caves, but gradually they converted to breeding under the eaves of buildings or inside artificial structures such as bridges and even deserted pipes.


The widewinged nostrils, from which bristles of the same tawny hue projected, were of such capaciousness that within their cavernous obscurity the fieldlark might easily have lodged her nest.


The most common motive for DIYing among the English car-park sample of typical nestbuilders was that of 'putting a personal stamp on the place'.


He used a 300mm lens to take this unusual photo of a rufous hummingbird collecting fibers from a cattail—presumably to build a nest.


In mechanical communities, or ecosystems, some machines are more likely to associate with certain other machines, just as red-winged blackbirds favor nesting in cattail swamps.


To birds and butterflies, the typical suburban landscape resembles an unfriendly desert. Close-cropped lawns, sheared foundation shrubs, and deadheaded flowers mean no place to nest, no food to eat, and nowhere to hide.


And sadly for us, it appears we will NOT be watching the comings and goings of hawks nesting across the street.


Well, I reckon because mockingbirds don't do anything but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat people's gardens, don't nest in the corncrib, they don't do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us.


The nest materials, pH values, and soil compactions were measured respectively in 4 kinds of nest sites different in surface soil composition, and the process of nesting was observed continuously in fixed points.

共调查统计5 148个蜂巢的筑巢场所和朝向;选择4个土壤表层成分不同的筑巢地,分别测定其筑巢沙土的机械组成、pH值和土壤紧实度;定点连续观察整个筑巢过程。

更多网络解释与筑巢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


caseworker 生活环境调查员 | caseworm 在身体周围筑巢的幼虫 | cash 现款


公司主要从事互联网应用服务:筑巢(NEST)网站定制业务、SEO/SEM搜索引擎优化以及搜索引擎研究的新型技术企业. 我们拥有一支极具凝聚力和战斗力的管理团队. 以"组织结构专业化、工作方式标准化、 管理控制制度化、员工队伍职业化"的管理理念贯穿始终,

nester:放牧地自耕农; 穴居的兽; 筑巢的鸟 (名)

nested 嵌套的 (形) | nester 放牧地自耕农; 穴居的兽; 筑巢的鸟 (名) | nesting 嵌套 (名)

nesting site:营巢区; 筑巢区

NESS 国家环境卫星局 | nesting site 营巢区; 筑巢区 | net donator 净污染者


nidificate 筑巢 | nidification 筑巢 | nidifugous 离巢的

nidification:筑巢 (名)

nidation 营巢; 着床 (名) | nidification 筑巢 (名) | nidify 筑巢 (动)


nidicolous 仍留在巢中的 | nidificant 筑巢的 | nidificate 筑巢


nidificant 筑巢的 | nidificate 筑巢 | nidification 筑巢


nidification /筑巢/ | nidify /筑巢/营巢/ | nidus /巢/孵卵所/发生处/

nidify:筑巢 (动)

nidification 筑巢 (名) | nidify 筑巢 (动) | nidus 储卵巢; 病灶; 胞窝; 发源地 (名)