英语人>词典>汉英 : 等成分变化 的英文翻译,例句
等成分变化 的英文翻译、例句


congruent transformation
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Study on the phosphorate minerals assemblage shows that strongly developed anatexis of the area is responsible the occurrence of wagnerite and its coexistence with apatite, and both present as rock-forming minerals. The volatiles F, P and components Ca, Mg determine the formation of wagnerite, while the P-T condition affects the variation of wagnerite polytypes.


Pyroxene grains in gabbroic anorthosite,troctolite,microporphyritic crystalline impact melt breccia,and Ti-bearing clasts are mainly low-Ca pigeoniteEn_(63Fs_(32)Wo_5,En_(66)Fs_(23)Wo_(11),En_(55)Fs_(38)Wo_7,and En_(57)Fs_(35) Wo_8,respectively,and those in anorthositie gabbro,gabbro,and the matrix display a wide range of compositionEn_(31~33Fs_(35~48) Wo_(19~34),En_(18~48)Fs_(23~51)Wo_(24~38)+En_(1~9)Fs_(65~86)Wo_(14~26),En_(11~53)Fs_(23~63)Wo_(6~36),respectively,mainly occurring as pigeonite,augite, and trace amounts of pyroxferroite.

辉长质斜长岩、橄长岩、微斑熔融角砾岩等岩屑和含钛玻屑中的辉石相对贫钙,主要为易变辉石(分别为En63 FS32 WO5,En66FS23WO11,En55FS38Wo7和En57FS35WO8),而斜长岩质辉长岩和辉长岩岩屑中的辉石和晶屑辉石的成分变化比较大(分别为En31~33 FS35~48 WO19~34,En18~48 FS23~51 WO24~38+En1~9 FS65~86 WO14~26和En11~53 FS23~63WO6~36),为易变辉石和普通辉石,以及少量三斜铁辉石。

Base on above studies, some conclusions were obtained as follows:(1) ore-forming background of the studied ferromanganese crusts are mainly controlled by intensity of Antarctic Bottom Waters and variations of material source;(2) it is confirmed that the ferromanganese crusts are mainly hydrogenetic and their composition are affected by volcanic and continental material simultaneously; there are no obvious phosphatization reconstruction and element reaction occurred in them, so they have important paleoceanological significance;(3) from researches on element occurrence modes in the new-type ferromanganese crusts and the lying sediments, it is proposed that there is no great biological affection on the crusts formation and their composition mainly came from the adsorptive action of the ferromanganese oxides in them;(4) two major types of ore-controlling factors are identified through compilation of ore-controlling factors, which are geological and oceanic factors;(5) considering the long-term variation trends of the crusts composition, combing the U-series and 10Be isotope dating results, it is proposed that the ore-forming processes of ferromanganese crusts in the studied areas can be divided into three major stages (5.6~2.8 Ma, 2.8~2.7 Ma and since 2.7 Ma), and then the activities of AABW since the Late Miocene, changes of input flux coming from volcanic and continental material are confirmed.

通过研究,得出如下结论:(1)研究区铁锰结壳的成矿背景主要受控于南极底流强弱及物源供给的变化;(2)证实铁锰结壳主要为水成成因,同时其物质组成也受一定程度的火山和陆源物质的影响;结壳自形成以来没有遭受到明显的磷酸盐化等成岩后期改造和元素再迁移,具有重要的古海洋学意义;(3)通过新型铁锰结壳及下伏沉积物元素赋存状态的研究,认为生物作用对研究区结壳的形成并没有很大的直接影响,其物质成分主要来自于结壳中铁锰氧化物的吸附作用;(4)在控矿要素的研究中,归纳出了地质与海洋两大类结壳控矿要素;(5)根据结壳成分长周期变化趋势,结合铀系和10Be测年结果,将研究区结壳的形成过程划分为三个主要阶段(5.6~2.8 Ma,2.8~2.7 Ma和2.7 Ma以来),并确定了晚中新世以来研究区南极底流的活动情况、火山和大陆来源物质输入量的变化。

The planting condition and the nutritious component of samphire were studied after its introduction into yancheng, and the results showed that its main nutritious component had no diversification though the planting condition and the component content had changed slightly due to the altering of climate, the soil and so on. Further more, several nutriment's content had been increased.


Through one year continuous observation the water chemistry,the seasonal,annual changes of water chemical composition and hydrochemistry type were mastered.which has important scientific significance on Chemical composition of groundwater and river water sources and changes regulation,as well as chemical characteristics of water,This research has practical significance on thescientificly and rationally development and utilization of local water resources and tourism reseo...urces and environmental protection.


The nutritional components of Moringa oleifera introduced from India to China's Hainan province were evaluated by analyzing the indices of mass nutrients,trace nutrients,amino acids and heavy metals.


In the 29 Aroma material studied, the content of the material having important effect such as norambreinolide, octadecanoic lactone(1), octadecanoic lactone(2), octadecanoic, 8,15-labdanum-1-ol,8,12-external oxidative labdanum-14-en-2-ol(1), 8,12-external oxidative labdanum-14-en-2-ol(2), 8,13-external oxidative labdanum-14-en-13-one(1), 8,13-external oxidative labdanum-14-en-13-one(2) Dihydroactinidiolide, solanone, norsolanone have Significant increasing trend in the aging, the peak of the content of material appear in the 18~21 months in the aging process.


But, for the Type 3 of unequilibrated meteorites, its difficult to determine their chemical groups exactly as the mineral composition varies in a large range and probably there is water in the meteorites.


The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

Fourteen parts of grammar were described, including the measure words, the location component, pronouns, helping words, adverb, verb auxiliaries, comparative sentence, giving sentence, dispositional sentence, passive sentence, negative sentence and question sentence.


更多网络解释与等成分变化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




进行预处理时,通过使纤维素等生物质成分的组织结构发生纳米级变化,改进了与纤维素分解酶(Cellulase)之间的接触方式,提高了酶的分解率. 为了提高大幅影响工艺整体经济性的酶分解工序的成本效益,在设备内生产了基于线状菌的淀粉酶.

atmospheric composition:大气成分

大气成分(atmospheric composition) 组成大气的各种气体和微粒. 大气的物质组成. 地球上的大气,有氮、氧、氩等常定的气体成分,有二氧化碳、一氧化二氮等含量大体上比较固定的气体成分,也有水汽、一氧化碳、二氧化硫和臭氧等变化很大的气体成分.

Serological diagnosis:血清学诊断

要依据,血清学诊断(serological diagnosis)就是用已知病原体(如细菌、病毒)或特异性抗原(病原体特异的成分或产物),用凝集试验、沉淀反应、补体结合试验、免疫荧光试验(IFA)、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)等免疫血清学试验检测患者血清中有无相应的特异性抗体及其滴度的动态变化,


罗勒变异性颇大,即使在同一种中,由于土壤、气候及栽培条件等因素,其挥发油之组成分也不一样,因此其辛香及风味之变化也大. 罗勒精油主成分为沉香醇(Linalool)、小茴香醇(Frenchol)、丁子香酚(Eugenol)、甲基黑椒酚(Methyl chavicol)


片麻岩(gneiss) 具片麻状构造的,主要成分为长石、石英、云母的变质岩. 片麻状构造(gneissic structure) 岩石...理论研究和实际工程中,常用大、中小和微孔隙、角砾、砂粒和粉粘粒、三大矿物(石英、长石和粘土矿物)含量等指标表征这3方面的特征.3方面指标在一定范围上变化幅度多大?





congruential sequence:同余序列

congruent | 适合的 | congruential sequence | 同余序列 | congruenttransformation | 全等变换, 相合变换 等成分变化

