英语人>词典>汉英 : 第九十 的英文翻译,例句
第九十 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ninetieth  ·  ninetieths

更多网络例句与第九十相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 94 The provisions in Article 47 and Article 49 of this Code shall apply to the shipowner under voyage charter party.


Article 99 The charterer may sublet the ship he chartered, but the rights and obligations under the head charter shall not be affected.


Sotades at the ninety-ninth Festival was victorious in the long race and proclaimed a Cretan, as in fact he was.


The Ninety-Ninth Squadron became a part of that group. Four hundred fifty black pilots were in the group.


He and the other pilots of the Ninety-Ninth Pursuit Squadron had come a long way from Tuskegee, Alabama, to fight that battle.


The planes were part of the United States Army Air Forces, the Ninety-Ninth Pursuit Squadron.


A group of enemy fighter planes immediately appeared. The pilots of the Ninety-Ninth attacked them.


If the Customs personnel in question do not recuse themselves in accordance with this Law when investigating law-violation cases, the directly responsible official and other personnel shall receive administrative sanctions.


If the taxable amount is not enough for setoff, the margin may be carried forward to subsequent years for setoff.


The Shanghai High Court review found that appellants Shanghai Xu Jing River City Sports-did not appeal to the court of first instance confirmed that its debts had no objection, in accordance with the "Law of Civil Procedures" 97, 98, the implementation of the applicable statutory minimum conditions.


更多网络解释与第九十相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Song of Azrael:第 九十八 集 死神的炮声

第 九十七 集 智斗猎豹 Fighting Leopard | 第 九十八 集 死神的炮声 Song of Azrael | 第 九十九 集 少年兵Young Soldiers

the Great Barrier Reef:第 九 十 集 大礁堡

第 八十九 集 古船入海 Sailing That Old-time Boat | 第 九 十 集 大礁堡 The Great Barrier Reef | 第 九十一 集 风谷中的铁桥 The Iron Bridge in The Wind Valley

th nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninth:第九十九万九千九百九十九

999,999 nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ... | 999,999th nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninth 第九十九万九千九百九十九 | 1,000,000 one million ...


eightieth第八十 | ninetieth第九十 | once一次


eightieth第八十,第八十个 | ninetieth第九十,第九十个 | beef 牛肉,牛排

ninetieth:第九十的; 九十分之一的 (形)

nineteenth 第十九的, 第十九个的; 十九分之一的 (形) | ninetieth 第九十的; 九十分之一的 (形) | ninety 九十; 九十人; 九十个; 九十岁 (名)

ninety-ninth th:第九十九

25twenth-fifth th 第二十五 | 99ninety-ninth th 第九十九 | 153a hundred and fifty-third rd 第一百五十三


第八十 eighties | 第九十 nineties | 第一百 hundredth...


fifty-first 第五十一 | eight-third 第八十三 | ninety-fourth 第九十

The Iron Bridge in The Wind Valley:第 九十一 集 风谷中的铁桥

第 九 十 集 大礁堡 The Great Barrier Reef | 第 九十一 集 风谷中的铁桥 The Iron Bridge in The Wind Valley | 第 九十二 集 绿色魔鬼 Green Monsters