英语人>词典>汉英 : 第一次世界大战 的英文翻译,例句
第一次世界大战 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与第一次世界大战相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of the antecedents of World War II lie in economic conditions in Europe following World War I.


Flamethrower first in the appearance of World War I trench warfare in World War II is widely used.


Numerous accounts from the First World War, interwar conflicts, Second World War, and postwar conflicts attest to this aspect of air attack.


"Logistics, first used by Henri Jomini, Alfred Thayer Mahan, and others, was adopted by the U.S. military in World War I and gained currency in other nations in World War II."


The Luger was patented in the US in 1904, and is the basic form of the Luger used in WWI and WWII.


However the Luger was approved by the German Army , and saw service in WWI and WWII .


On the eve of World War II, a British officer revisits Waterloo Bridge and recalls the young man he was at the beginning of World War I and the young ballerina he met just before he left for the front.


World War I prevented the Olympic meeting of 1916, and World War II the 1940 and 1944 meetings.


A battle in World War I (1916); in some of the bloodiest fighting in World War I the German offensive was stopped.


AN EXHIBITION at the Musée Maillol in Paris about the brutal and brutalising effects of the First World War, as recorded by a handful of German Expressionist artists, has been drawing crowds of French visitors, many of whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought on the other side of the same conflict.


更多网络解释与第一次世界大战相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter eleven:第一次世界大战

Chapter Ten 海外扩张 | Chapter Eleven 第一次世界大战 | Chapter Twelve 二十年代

first world war:第一次世界大战

第一次世界大战(First World War)是1914~1918年间同盟国集团与协约国集团之间为重新瓜分殖民地和势力范围、争夺世界霸权而进行的第一次世界规模的战争.

the First World War:第一次世界大战

他警告说,要牢记第一次世界大战 (The First World War) 是如何爆发 -- 二战又是如何引发的. 还要记住广岛 (Hiroshima) 和长崎 (Nagasaki) 的教训. 更不能忘记之后冷战 (Cold War) 时期的军备竞赛,以及目前的1000多枚多弹头洲际弹道导弹.

in the First World War:在第一次世界大战中

8. injured soldiers 受伤的士兵 | 9. in the First World War 在第一次世界大战中 | 10. in the war 在战争中

Allies, during First World War:协约国 第一次世界大战期间

Alicante 阿利坎特 | Allies, during First World War 协约国 第一次世界大战期间 | Alma 阿尔马

A the First World War:第一次世界大战

1. What is Sunset Song mainly about?>主要说的是 | A the First World War第一次世界大战 | B the beauty of the sunset日落的美丽

Korean War:答: 第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战、韩战、越战或海湾(或波斯湾)战争

78. Name one war fought by the Unit... | A: World War I,World War II,Korean War,VietnamWar,(Persian) Gulf War 答: 第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战、韩战、越战或海湾(或波斯湾)战争 | 79. Who was President dur...

The First World War had ended:第一次世界大战刚结束

And I was born under unusual circumstances.|"我生在一个不寻常... | The First World War had ended,|第一次世界大战刚结束 | and I've been told it was an especially good night to be born.|有人告诉我 那晚出...

35. the First World War:35. 第一次世界大战

34. the lost generation 34. 迷惘的一代 | 35. the First World War 35. 第一次世界大战 | 36. Red Scare. 36. 赤色恐怖

A: World War I:答: 第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战、韩战、越战或海湾(或波斯湾)战争

78. Name one war fought by the Unit... | A: World War I,World War II,Korean War,VietnamWar,(Persian) Gulf War 答: 第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战、韩战、越战或海湾(或波斯湾)战争 | 79. Who was President dur...