英语人>词典>汉英 : 笔记本计算机 的英文翻译,例句
笔记本计算机 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

notebook computer
更多网络例句与笔记本计算机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If your laptop gets lost or stolen, copy your backup of the retrieval file to another computer.


If you have multiple computer users or laptop users in your household, the Belkin G+ Wireless Router Model F5D9231-4 may be something to consider.

如果你在家庭多个计算机用户或笔记本电脑的用户,贝尔金的G +无线路由器型号F5D9231 - 4可能是需要考虑的东西。

Its hardware is composed of a portable computer、 NI data acquisition card、 signal pretreatment box and sensors. Its software is programmed under Labview.


Desknote The name comes from combining desktop with notebook, also referred to as a desknote computer, a computer that physically is the size of a notebook computer but is designed to function as a stationary unit, like a desktop computer.

此名称是 Desktop和Notebook两字合并而成,有时也叫台式笔记本计算机,它是一种物理上具有笔记本计算机的尺寸,但设计为像台式计算机那样固定使用。

The American multinational computer technology corporation, Microsoft has recently announced plans to debut special edition versions of the No.1 best-selling notebook mouse in US - Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000, offering in 5 fashionable new vibrant colors including Pomegranate, Dragon fruit, Aloe, Milk chocolate and Creme brulee, which aimed to enhance your lifestyle.

美国跨国计算机技术公司,微软最近宣布计划推出特别版版本的一号最畅销的笔记本电脑鼠标,在美国-无线笔记本光学鼠标3 000,提供5个时髦的新的充满活力的颜色,包括石榴,龙水果,芦荟,牛奶巧克力和精英brulee ,其目的是为了提升您的生活模式。

Performance test shows that this telemetry system has reached the design requirement, and can be applied to study myocardial inotropism and chronotropism in mobile sites.


I think I 'll stop using my iphone and HP notebook.


Using AGEIA PhysX, Alion can build powerful training and simulation applications for the Marine Corps that will be deployed on the Deployable Virtual Training Environment system -- a program that will provide deployable simulations on laptops to train warfighters for combat environments.


Security functions will be moved from software to hardware, where they' re more tamper-proof. In September, Intel announced that it would work with VeriSign Inc. to implement in hardware VeriSign's digital certificate technology for notebook computers that use Intel's Banias processors.


When you start talking about laptops, notebooks, and palmtops, the question becomes,"How small is too small?"


更多网络解释与笔记本计算机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CD player:播放机

ID with SMS)、互动玩具、工程专用计算器、列表式计算器、家用电器(包括电饭煲、电热水器、微波炉、消毒柜、豆浆机、暖风机、空调扇、咖啡壶、电暧炉、电磁炉、吸油烟机....)、桌上型计算机、笔记本计算机、光盘播放机(CD player)等,都可看到ELA


我来到我的办公桌(Desk)前,看到办公用品(Stationery)和台式计算机(DeskTop)已经摆在桌上. 经理说以后还会配备笔记本电脑(Notebook/LapTop). [午餐 Lunch] 中午在公司餐厅(Cafeteria)吃饭,是免费的午餐(Free Lunch).


现在的计算机使用的关键元器件基本上都是超大规模集成电路. 按照计算机的工作能力,计算机分为巨型机、大型机、小型机和微型机. 微型机有多种形式,如台式计算机(desktop)、膝上型电脑(laptop)或笔记本电脑(notebook)、工作站(workstation)、掌上型电


机 (单片微型计算机入此.) TP368.2 单板微型计算机 TP368.3 个人计算机 (家用电脑入此.) TP368.32 笔记本计算机 TP368.33 超微型计算机 (手表式计算机入此.) TP368.5 服务器、工作站 TP368.6 网络计算机(NC) TP37 多媒体

Chinese nickel silver:中国镍银

Chinese mustard 芥菜 | Chinese nickel silver 中国镍银 | Chinese notebook computer 中文笔记本计算机

Notebook computer:笔记本计算机

笔记本计算机(Notebook Computer)是移动式计算机的典型代表. 它具有结构紧凑、小巧轻便、容易携带的优点. 同时,它也是高级多媒体计算机的一个种类,完美的功能并不亚于常规台式个人计算机. 它集中地采用了光、电、图、声等各个领域的最新科技成果,

Chinese notebook computer:中文笔记本计算机

Chinese nickel silver 中国镍银 | Chinese notebook computer 中文笔记本计算机 | Chinese oak silk 柞蚕丝

Multi-media Notebook Computer:多媒体笔记本电脑(计算机)

Multi-media Network 多媒体网络 | Multi-media Notebook Computer 多媒体笔记本电脑(计算机) | Multimedia Network of the Next Generation 下一代多媒体网络

Notebook PC:笔记本型个人计算机

multimedia多媒体 | notebook PC笔记本型个人计算机 | online在线,联机

Chinese oak silk:柞蚕丝

Chinese notebook computer 中文笔记本计算机 | Chinese oak silk 柞蚕丝 | Chinese olive 青果