英语人>词典>汉英 : 端坐呼吸的 的英文翻译,例句
端坐呼吸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The most common complaint is shortness of breath, chiefly exertional dyspnea at first and then progressing to orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and rest dyspnea.


Orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea are unusual in pulmonary disease, except in a very advanced phase when the increased efficiency of breathing in the upright position is manifest.


A 78-year-old woman presented with marked dyspnea, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Eight years earlier, she had receied a bioprosthetic mitral ale because of mixed mitral-ale disease.


Measurements and Main Results: The model comprises 16 variables of which 10 (older age, male sex, prolonged immobilization, history of deep vein thrombosis, sudden-onset dyspnea, chest pain, syncope, hemoptysis, unilateral leg swelling, electrocardiographic signs of acute cor pulmonale) are positively associated, and 6 (prior cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, orthopnea, high fever, wheezes, or crackles on chest auscultation) are negatively associated with pulmonary embolism.


Rats with CHF were divided randomly into two groups, one group was injected dexamethasone(1mg /kg) intramuscularly at the first and forth day respectively,the other group was injected equi-volume saline likewise, and observing the changes of symptoms of rats with CHF; measuring rats hemodynamics index including blood pressure, heart rate and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 4 days later. Part 2: To measure every group rats myocardialα1、β1、β2、β3-AR density by immunohistochemical method ,and to understand the AR density changes .Taking the first part rats'myocardium tissues for testing myocardialα1、β1、β2、β3-AR density and 5 normal rats for normo-contrast group and taking gray scale of slice as AR density. Part 3: The study enrolled 35 patients with DCHF. Patients were included if they had orthopnea and refractory edema due to acute DCHF that was severe and had taken more 1 week hospitalization and intravenous therapy in addition to diuretics.


更多网络解释与端坐呼吸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cardiac dyspnea:心源性呼吸困难

心源性呼吸困难(cardiac dyspnea)是指心力衰竭时,病人自觉空气不足,呼吸费力,出现发绀,端坐呼吸,并可有呼吸频率,深度与节律的异常.常见的病因是左心衰竭,由于肺淤血致肺气体交换障碍;也可见于右心衰竭,心包炎,

indirect laryngoscopy:间接喉镜检查

间接喉镜检查(indirect laryngoscopy)是最常用而简便的喉及喉咽部检查法. 患者端坐,头微前倾,张口、伸舌、用口呼吸,检查者用消毒纱布包住患者舌前端,用拇指与中指将舌轻轻固定...直接喉镜检查法(direct laryngoscopy)借助于患者一定的体位及金属硬管,


2.端坐呼吸(orthopnea):患者表现不能平卧或不能长时间地平卧,斜靠位甚至于端坐,双下肢垂于床边. 不能平卧的机制是①平卧时下肢和腹腔的血液失去地心引力作用,返回心脏增多,加重了心脏的工作负荷;②平卧时肺活量降低.