英语人>词典>汉英 : 竞选经费 的英文翻译,例句
竞选经费 的英文翻译、例句


campaign funds
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I was strongly supporting the new campaign finance reform bill sponsored by Senator John McCain and Senator Russ Feingold, but I doubted that its passage would increase public confidence in the integrity of politicians.


During the State of the Union on February 4, I first asked the Congress to conclude the unfinished business of our country: balancing the budget, passing the campaign finance reform bill, and completing the process of welfare reform by providing more incentives to employers and states to hire recipients and more training, transportation, and child-care support to help people go to work.


They are also the people who fill the coffers.


He said that I would be totally occupied for the next two years in staying out of jail, and called me a draft dodger who was tainted by ethical lapses, corrupt campaign financing, and a lax attitude toward drug use.


Senate in 1986. He won reelection in 1992, 1998 and 2004. During his time in Washington, Sen. McCain has pushed for campaign finance reform, opposed pork barrel spending and supported the Iraq war.


He thought if he were to run for the presidency he would have to raise ample funds.


The issue of hard and soft money is only scratching the surface of this complicated subject of campaign money.


He was also the nephew of Witt and Jack Stephens, so he had guaranteed financing for his campaign.


In her victory speech Mrs Clinton noted that Mr Obama had heavily outspent her in the state.


Our campaign money was undisputably clean money that had been withdrawn at the end of the campaign to pay for our efforts to call voters and offer rides to the polls on election day.


更多网络解释与竞选经费相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chuck Blazer:查克.布雷泽

作为中北美及加勒比海足联的裁判主任,科德萨尔可以领到一笔相关经费,这一点被秘书长查克布雷泽(Chuck Blazer)抓住不放,"按照我们的规章制度,从足联支取薪水的人员不得在组织内竞选公职.