英语人>词典>汉英 : 竞技运动 的英文翻译,例句
竞技运动 的英文翻译、例句


competitive sports
更多网络例句与竞技运动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I love this sport; it is classy with a great competitive flair to it.


Using the methods of Gallup, documentary reference, and comparative analysis, utilizing the economics, demotics, managerial theory and comparative theory, this dissertation researches the driving factors of Chinese university athletic sports, the relationship between human capital investment and innovation of system, and the development of university athletic sports in USA and China.

本研究采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、比较分析法、调查访问法,运用经济学、社会学、管理学、比较学等学科的相关理论,对我国高校竞技运动发展的驱动机制—人力资本的投资、制度的创新以及中美两国高校竞技运动发展状况进行了研究和比较,结论如下: 1。

Electroencephalography is the form of measurement most widely used among physiological measurement techniques in this area of research.


At the same time, the author elaborates the arrangement of sports training process according to the development regularity of playing condition in the modern athletic sports...


According to his aesthetical theory, we can not only specify aesthetical principles for competitive sport, but also from his classification of artistic layers clearly identify the forms and tendencies which competitive sport is going to dissimilate, has dissimilated or will dissimilate into, thus providing a theoretical reference and practical idea for preventing, reducing or overcoming the sign of competitive sports dissimilation.


Based on the high standard sports of Texas University, USA, this paper intents to probe into the following aspects: How does the PE Teaching of American Universities develop a very high standard sports team with all dimensions while keeping high standard universal education; The teaching mode: high standard sports brings abundant sponsorship and donation which conversly stimulate the flourishment of PE teaching.


On the other hand, however, it ought to be noted that the Olympic movement has to depend upon the foundation of physical education for its birth and revival, but as a movement of competition, the Games tend to exceed and even diverge from the intended goal of improving physical and psychological harmony by physical education by emphasizing professionality, vocationality and championship.


On the other hand, however, it ought to be noted that the Olympic movement has to depend upon the foundation of physical education for its birth and revival, but as a movement of competition, the Games tend to exceed and even diverge from the intended goal of improving physical and psychological harmony by physical education by emphasizing professionality, vocationality and championship.

com ,我们 sSBbWw 也应看到,尽管 ssbbww.com 奥林匹克运动需要 sSbBwW.cOm 借助体育教育的基础而得以萌生和光复,但其作为 dddtt 一种竞技运动,又以职业化、专业化、锦标化的倾向渐渐超出、甚至偏离了体育教育促进身心和谐的原有之意。

There were different athletic sports in different world ancient-civilization regions, leeched on to religion to grow at first but only athletic sports in ancient Greece is the most developed and gestates Olympic Games finally.


Chinese sports professionization falls behind a lot contrast with the developed country Seeing that the condition of our country,most Chinese sports items haven't transformed through the original system to the profession system, the heavy responsibility of constructing the 21C sports project drops to the two kinds of systems Under the great environment of the sports developing, people has been considering the development of the Chinese sports, and expound various kinds of concepts The most projecting one among them is that the "whole national system "is the result of the planned economy, so it has to be reformed; The"whole national game system" does not accord with the developing demand of the market economy, and it should be banned, etc Furthermore, everything should be in accordance with the functioning means of the market economy Whatever country, they combat putting into practice of "admimstrational monopoly", as "monopoly" brings "looking for hireing" and "corruption", it nips the contest in marketplace.


更多网络解释与竞技运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sports adaptability:竞技适应性

sport skill training 运动技术训练 | sports adaptability 竞技适应性 | sports alertness 运动机敏性

Sports aerobics:竞技健美操

竞技健美操(Sports aerobics)是在音乐伴奏下,表现连续复杂的和高强度动作能力的运动项目,该项目起源于传统的有氧健身运动.成套动作必须展示出连续的动作组合,柔韧性、力量与7种基本步伐的使用,并结合难度动作高质量地完美完成.当今竞技健美操运动风靡全球,


依照马斯洛人的需求层次理论,又可以理解为是源于人本性的心理特点. 另外,表现自我还是一种野性的回归,是一种侵略性(aggressiveness)的表现. 正是这些本性与需求,结合了具体的社会环境,促成西方竞技运动的产生,进而是西方竞技文化的形成.


希腊语中另有一竞技(agon)的词根,两者区分开来. 梵文中是kridati,指动物,儿童,成人的游戏,同时也指风,波涛的运动,还指人的跳跃,舞蹈. 而赫伊津哈特别指出,中文里有"争"这个词,类似希腊文中的agon. 希腊文,梵文,

athletic sports:竞技体育

运动疲劳:sports fatigue | 竞技体育:athletic sports | 体育活动:sports activities

athletic sports:高校竞技运动

体育教学:Athletic teaching | 高校竞技运动:Athletic sports | 竞技体育俱乐部:Athletic club


athleticism 崇尚运动 | athleticism 竞技热 | athleticshoes 球鞋

hypoxia training:高地训练

那是一种国力与科学实力的宣扬,因此,运动科学被视为是选手竞技能力的加强,也就是在竞技运动中如何去赢的科学(陈全寿,1995);赢的科学包罗万象,诸如五大类增补剂(ergogenicaids)、高地训练(hypoxia training)、心智训练(mental training)等,


公司在海边,有个帆船运动(Sailing)联盟和十条公司赞助的小帆船,入会费还不如一箱汽油贵,俺没忍住上了贼船,于是无可就要的爱上了这项运动. 帆船运动是集娱乐性、观赏性、探险性、竞技性于一体的项目,技术性很强,自学很困难,一定要有高手教,

athletically:竞赛地, 运动比赛地, 具运动员风范地

athletic | 运动的 | athletically | 竞赛地, 运动比赛地, 具运动员风范地 | athleticism | 运动竞赛, 崇尚运动, 竞技热