英语人>词典>汉英 : 立即地 的英文翻译,例句
立即地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
instantly  ·  offhandedly

更多网络例句与立即地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Should any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered

KEY: C万一有任何或怀疑的应检疫疾病,或任何爆发的疾病或任何的死亡被发现,当地检疫官员必须立即地被通

And then rage hit her like an explosion, boiling through her hardwiring and instantly making her head and her hands throb.

/ 然后发怒打她的同类一个爆炸,沸腾的经过她的 hardwiring 而且立即地制造她的头和她的手悸动。

Ken slipped up behind one of the rearmost goons and punched him, knocking him out almost instantly.


It is that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately.


Depending on the power requirements and outside temperature, the fuel pressure is variably controlled almost instantly.


When a car careens off the edge of a cliff and smashes into the boulders below, we instantly hear the explosion.


Instantly he reappraised his adversary and added the possibility of some unknown body-enhancing practice to the lineup of other intangibles this man had exhibited so far.


Ken entered his room and instantly noticed the three filled thermoses that had been left on his small dresser.

肯恩进入了他的房间并且立即地注意了三被装满的已经在他的小化妆台上被留下的 thermoses 。

Your payment ID will instantly be added to the randomizer and start to appear in the Payment button when someone clicks to join.

当某人按参加的时候你的付款身份证将会立即地在付款钮扣中被增加到 randomizer 和开始到出现。

However, because by default the area is filled with white, it might not be immediately obvious that GDI is filling the area.

然而,因为缺省情况下区域是由白色填充的,所以 GDI 正在填充区域可能不是立即地显而易见。

更多网络解释与立即地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a word:(对请求、建议或命令等)反应很快地,立即地

He was a teacher at one time, but now he works for foreign trade. 他... | at a word(对请求、建议或命令等)反应很快地,立即地: | At a word from the teacher, the little girl got up and sang for the visitors....

IMM Immediately:立即地

IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金会 | IMM Immediately 立即地 | INCOT Including Over Time 包括加班时间

immediately ad.1:立即,马上 2.直接地,紧接着地

immediate a.1.立即的,即刻的 2.直接的,最接近的 3.紧靠的 | immediately ad.1.立即,马上 2.直接地,紧接着地 | amid prep.在...中间,在...之间,被...围绕

instantaneously:立即,立刻地 substitute for代替

homogeneously 单一地,同样地 | instantaneously 立即,立刻地 substitute for代替 | constitute v.组成


instantiation 实例化 | instantly 立即地 | instar 中间形态


offhand 即时的 | offhanded 立即的 | offhandedly 立即地

offhandedly:立即地, 即席地

CAC 帐户管理中心 | offhandedly 立即地, 即席地 | television satellite earth station 电视卫星地球站


offhanded 立即的 | offhandedly 立即地 | office block 办公大楼

outright ad.1:坦率地,直率地,无保留地 2.完全地,彻底地 3.立即,当场

vt.激起...的义愤,激怒 | outright ad.1.坦率地,直率地,无保留地 2.完全地,彻底地 3.立即,当场 | outset n.开始,开端

off the reel:立即;迅速不停地;陆续放长

off the land 离开陆地;在离岸海面 | off the reel 立即;迅速不停地;陆续放长 | off the reel 立即迅速不停地陆续放长