英语人>词典>汉英 : 窖 的英文翻译,例句
窖 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
vault  ·  vaults

cellar or pit for storing things · store sth. in a cellar or pit
更多网络例句与窖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to improve interlayer pit mud fermentation, self-made pit mud fermenter was used and pit mud functional bacteria were supplied in each turn of fermentation. Such measures could evidently increase contact area between fermented grains and pit mud, enhance ethyl caproate content in fermented grains (enhanced by almost three times than before) with no adverse influence on liquor yield, and improve liquor quality. Its application could effectively settle the problems such as pit mud odor in liquor, difficult operation, recycle use and unsatisfactory effects etc.


The text tells the relations of caproate bacteria and pit mud, methane bacteria ,pit mud and Fen-flavour liquor,Luzhou-flavour liquor,Feng-flavour liquor,analyses the aging reason and prevention measures of pit mud,and introduce the prescripionmaterials chooseoperating and manage of manmade pit mud.


Besides, some problems including the used pit mud type, the change of pit mud in recycling use, and the materials of pit mud fermenter were also investigated in this paper.


Caveolin is a 21-24 kD membrane protein, and it is an essential structural molecule of caveolae.

蛋白是分子量为21~24 kD的整合膜蛋白,是胞膜的标志性结构分子。

The functional pit mud was used in liquor production. Four months production practice indicated that the average yield per pit increased by 75.48 kg than before for consecutive three months and quality product rate increased by 8.56 % than before. Besides, the application of funtional pit mud could improve pit mud flavor, strengthen ester aroma of pit mud, reduce the off-flavor of produced liquor, increase main flavoring compositions and the complex flavoring compositions in liquor, perfect liquor body, and enhance the purity and softness of the liquor.


Solid fermentation process of Luzhou-flavor liquor is actually the typical substitution process of microflora and the syngenesis,co-fermentation and metabolism proces.


The research suggested that the optimized pH value of CAB in pit mud is 5.5~6.5,the excessive content of caproic acid and the excessive accumulation of caproic acid in pit mud should be avoided.


A caproic acid bacteria strain was separated from pit mud and then compounded with compounded bacteria A and functional bacteria B to produce functional manmade pit mud.


This plant contains three one-fire, single deck kilns, 354' long and one double deck refire kiln, equally as long.


"This new plant contains three one-fire, single deck kilns, 354' long and one double deck refire kiln, equally as long."


更多网络解释与窖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

casemate:防炸弹掩蔽部 避弹窖 空心造型

caseleak 管壳漏泄 | casemate 防炸弹掩蔽部 避弹 空心造型 | casement 空心造型 空型 孔模

Cellar Deck:窖层甲板(钻油台)

"[货柜]导槽","cell guide" | "层甲板(钻油台)","cellar deck" | "槽架式货柜储放","cell-type container stowage"


cellarage 地容积 | cellarer 管人 | cellaret 酒橱


declarer 宣言者,申报者 | cellarer 管者,葡萄酒库管理员 | snarer 设陷阱者

cyclone cellar:防風窖

"cyclone","气旋" | "cyclone cellar","防风" | "cyclone family","气旋群"

cyclone cellar:避风窖

cyclone capacity 旋风筒出力 | cyclone cellar 避风 | cyclone chamber 旋风室

dung depositary:粪窖

dung 动物粪 | dung depositary 粪 | dung earth 粪土


rectum 直肠 | hypogeum 地下室, | contagium 接触传染物

root cellar:储藏根块植物的窖

root carving 根雕 | root cellar 储藏根块植物的 | root cells 根细胞

horizontal silo:青贮窖

horizontal signal 水平信号 | horizontal silo 青贮 | horizontal single action presses 卧式单动冲床