英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然离去 的英文翻译,例句
突然离去 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flounce  ·  flounced  ·  flounces  ·  vamose

更多网络例句与突然离去相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't know the cause of his abrupt leave.


I don't know the cause of his abrupt leaving.


Don't know the cause of his abrupt leave.


Decamp:To depart secretly or suddenly.


The morning passed rapidly Frank was about to leave when he noticed a large packing case lying on the floor.


The morning passed rapidlyand Frank was about to leave when he noticed a large packing-case lying on the floor.


Leave when he noticed a large packing-case lying on the floor.


There is little doubt that soon he will turn his attention elsewhere and, as suddenly as his horde appeared, it will vanish to terrorise some other land, but for the moment Grimgor is content to meet the forces of Chaos in open combat.


Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans.


For this old artist to leave all of a sudden, the second on the local contest Cooking vegetables International players organizing committee and is a great loss because he had agreed to Chen's invitation to the Masters, will attend this event, many times before Rong Chen to attend the master of ceremony Shoutu, we only in the minds of silent blessing: Ma Yu Fei, a teacher, you take all the way!


更多网络解释与突然离去相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fling into:突然冲进 投入, 急速派遣

fling away 抛弃, 丢掉; 愤然离去 | fling into 突然冲进 投入, 急速派遣 | fling off 甩掉; 挫败; 气冲冲地突然跑开

make off:离开;离岸;急忙跑掉

make off 离开 | make off 离开;离岸;急忙跑掉 | make off 突然离去

James Mangold:詹姆斯.曼高德

>由美国导演詹姆斯-曼高德(James Mangold)执导,阿汤哥在片中扮演一名秘密间谍,他突然闯进一个单身女人的生活,然后又突然离去. 卡梅伦-迪亚兹将扮演这个单身女人. 20世纪福克斯计划让该片于2010年暑期上映.

pop fly:高飞球

pop concert 流行音乐会 | pop fly 高飞球 | pop off 突然离去

Pop out:突出

pop off 突然离去 | pop out 突出 | pop test 突然的测验


flouncevamose 突然离去 | flounderingly 一再失败地 | flounderingly 挣扎地

pop off:突然离去

pop fly 高飞球 | pop off 突然离去 | pop out 突出

We got some cons popping off. Pop off:这里是惹事的意思. 也有突然离去的意思

35.We'll move when the temperature situation is rect... | 36. We got some cons popping off. Pop off. 这里是惹事的意思. 也有突然离去的意思. | 37.Give 'em a smack,throw 'em on the line and write ' em up...


vamoose 匆匆离开 | vamose 突然离去 | vamp up 拼凑


vamoose /匆匆离开/ | vamose /突然离去/跑掉/ | vamp /鞋面/荡妇/修补/拼凑/捏造/勾引/即席伴奏/