英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然地 的英文翻译,例句
突然地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abruptly  ·  plump  ·  slap  ·  suddenly  ·  plumps  ·  plumped  ·  slapped  ·  slaps  ·  whammo

on the jump · all standing
更多网络例句与突然地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was within three steps of the bottom; she already heard Morrel's voice, when suddenly a cloud passed over her eyes, her stiffened foot missed the step, her hands had no power to hold the baluster, and falling against the wall she lost her balance wholly and toppled to the floor.


She was within three steps of the bottom; she already heard Morrels voice, when suddenly a cloud passed over her eyes, her stiffened foot missed the step, her hands had no power to hold the baluster, and falling against the wall she lost her balance wholly and toppled to the floor.


When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand


And when he had a while laid unto her for the manner' sake ( Accused her, to justify arrest ), that she went about to bewitch him, and that she was of counsel with the Lord Chamberlain ( Lord Hastings , beheaded by Richard ) to destroy him; in conclusion when that no color could fasten upon these matters, then he laid heinously to her charge that thing that herself could not deny, that all the world wist was true, and that natheles every man laughed at to hear it then so suddenly so highly taken, that she was naught of her body.


Blown, gasping, out of breath, panting, pursy, winded short

a。 短的,矮的adv。短暂地;突然地,急地

Blown, gasping, out of breath, panting, pursy, winded

a。 短的,矮的adv。短暂地;突然地,急地

But he held her close and tried to cover her poor naked legs with his legs, to keep them warm. He lay on her with a close, undoubting warmth. 'Are yer cold?' he asked, in a soft, small voice, as if she were close, so close. Whereas she was left out, distant.


And from the ground the uninitiate would swear that the helmsman had suddenly become suicidal, when the nose of the warship abruptly angled to lateral and down, the Phoenix faltering in midair and falling sideways, engines cutting out.


Life popped into existence as a complete whole much as a crystal suddenly appears in its final form in a supersaturated solution: not beginning as a vague half-crystal, not appearing as a half-materialized ghost, but wham, being all at once, just as a lap game circle suddenly emerges from a curving line of 200 people.


The speed with which the damper falls back on the string to stop its vibrations results from the speed with which the finger abandons the key; that is, if we raise the finger abruptly, the damper drops abruptly and stops the sound instantaneously.


更多网络解释与突然地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


使双量子位元处理器成为可能的关键在於,让 qubits 在 "开启"或 "关闭" 之间突然地(abruptly)切换,故它们能迅速交换资讯,而且只在研究者要它们这麼做的时候才交换,Leonardo DiCarlo 说,一位耶鲁应用物理学博士后助理,

abruptly:突然地, 唐突地

abruption | 分裂, 分离 | abruptly | 突然地, 唐突地 | abruptness | 突然, 唐突, (举止, 言谈等的)粗鲁无理

abruptly: adv.1:突然地,意外地 2.(言谈,举止)唐突地,鲁莽地

impending: a.即将发生的,逼近的 | abruptly: adv.1.突然地,意外地 2.(言谈,举止)唐突地,鲁莽地 | knowingly: adv.1.熟悉通晓地 2.会意地 3.故意地

all of a sudden = suddenly:突然地

481. look on the bright sides 看事物的光明面 | 482. All of a sudden/ suddenly 突然地 | 482. in next to no time/ immediately 马上

all of a sudden = suddenly:突然地;冷不防

steamship n. 汽船;轮船 | all of a sudden suddenly 突然地;冷不防 | unbelievable adj. 难以置信的;不可信的

Abrupt, mechanically:突然地,机械地

A window opens like a pod, 一扇窗子似豆荚爆开, | Abrupt, mechanically; 突然地,机械地. | Somebody flings a mattress out. 有人扔出一个窗垫,

stop dead:(突然地)

dead drunk(完全地) | stop dead(突然地) | He was deadly pale.(死一般地)


我忘不了(forget),我也考虑(consider)了,我也认可(recognize)了,但我从来没有后悔(regret)过我所做的一切. 在这天余下的时间里,他不是突然地(suddenly),静静地(quietly),轻微地(slightly),而是紧紧地(tightly)握着妈妈的手.

all of asudden:突然地;冷不防;意外地

steamship n.汽船;轮船 | all of asudden突然地;冷不防;意外地 | unbelievable adj.不可相信的;难以置信的

all standing:来不及落帆地 突然地 冷不提防地

all square || 势均力敌, 不相上下 | all standing || 来不及落帆地 突然地 冷不提防地 | all such || 大家, 人们, 人人 所有这一类的人