英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然事件 的英文翻译,例句
突然事件 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与突然事件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This implies that, as with food when 'green' became the 'next big thing' in the supermarkets and suddenly, abracadabra, with a change of packaging, new 'green' food appears everywhere, so with our IT services, server virtulisation, 'software as a service', data storage etc., become 'cloud computing services'.


This is true of businessmen. In fierce business competition, he won't fluster when emergence appears. Instead, he will make quick reaction and have ways to deal with it. He may run forward with the ball tightly held in his arm, or turn around alertly in case the rival comes over.


He studied the esoteric doctrine of the Cabbala, but lost himself in the maze of its abstruse problems, and, after having become, in academic retirement, the pride and glory of his nation, was suddenly forced by a peculiar incident into European notoriety.

他认真研究了深奥的理论Cabbala ,但失去了自己的迷宫其深奥的问题,之后,成为在学术退休,感到自豪和光荣,他的国家,突然被强迫特殊事件融入欧洲声名狼藉。

The Pearl Harbor Incident was on December 7, 1941 the early morning,the Japanese empire navy's aircraft carrier carrier plane and theminiature submarine suddenly attacks the United States Navy Pacificfleet in Hawaian base Pearl harbor as well as the United States Armyand on navy's in Ou Hu island airport event.


The article introduces the concept and characteristics of "chemical time bomb",and points out that the accumulation process of heavy metallic elements in soil is the typical "geochemical time bomb",which will result in huge loss once it erupts.

化学定时炸弹(chemical time bomb,CTB)是奥地利科学家W.M.STIGLIANI于1990年正式提出的,定义为"化学定时炸弹的概念涉及一系列事件。使长期储存于土壤及沉积物中的化学物质活化,引致延缓而突然爆发的有害效应"。

At the end of a hot summer, violence erupted in the costal cities.


There are a number of potential triggers that may cause a person with the trait to suffer a "flare-up" or sudden increase in the number or size of of areas of skin affected by the disease.


This situation reminded me of a paragraph in the book Climb the Bean Vine to See Myself - Cinderella's Education Diary: Sometimes the feelings I had in my childhood bumped back into my head or a childhood event that was hidden in a corner would burst out reminding me of how to treat children and understand their feelings.


Together with similar data for pyroxenes, garnet and spinel, we interpret this to imply that most carbon must be present as a separate phase in the deeper parts of the upper mantle, probably as a carbonate phase.


Key characteristics of 911 building demolition events: Straight Down Motion - Sudden Structural Failure - Buildings Collapsing At Free-Fall Speed - Total Collapse Of The Entire Load Bearing Cores - Many Examples of Cleanly Sliced Heavy Girder Steel Core Supports - Dust Clouds Containing Heavy Girders In Highly Energetic Horizontal Motion - Horizontal Ejections Of Heavy Girders And Pulverised Concrete Onto The Tops And Embedded Into Surrounding Buildings - Rescuers Reported And Seismic And Other Detectors Recorded Energy Dissipation Produced By Many Explosions (Recorded in real time by several different independent sources) In addition: Pools of molten Steel recorded over 1 week after collapse in the sub-basements (Refer to paper written by Physics Professor Steven Jones) Closer inspection of original video evidence shows heavy steel core columns turning to dust within seconds – question:- was a novel "StarWars type" energy directed beam weapon used in conjunction with explosives to undermine the integrity of the twin tower complex?


更多网络解释与突然事件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

come upon:突然袭击

come up with产生;找到 | come upon 突然袭击 | comedyn.喜剧;一出喜剧,喜剧性事件


它是公共突发事件,属于"灾害"(Disaster)范畴. 是灾(疫)情. 所谓灾(疫)情,公共突发事件,一般指因自然、社会、政治、科技等原因,突然的、出乎意料(也可在意料中)地造成对公众的伤害,如地震、水灾等. SARS虽是一种疫病,但根据它在北京流行的情况,



feed on:给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养

4.break out(指激烈事件)突然发生 | 5.feed...on给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养 | 6.round up使集合在一起

Pearl Harbor:珍珠港

在大多数人的记忆中,"珍珠港"(Pearl Harbor)首先与1941年12月7日的著名奇袭行动联系在一起. 由日本海军精心策划的突然袭击一举摧毁了美国海军太平洋舰队的主力,并促使美国正式加入二战. 时至今日人们还在乐于探究"珍珠港事件"背后的种种内幕,


直立人中的原始人(hominid)的确是进化的产物. 但智人本身则是一个突然的产物,是一个爆炸性事件. 他们在30万年前无法解释地出现了,比进化理论上的时间早了上百万年.



tree shrew:树鼩

而树鼩(tree shrew)则是还没有甩掉尾巴并直立行走的人类吗?直立人中的原始人(hominid)的确是进化的产物. 但智人本身则是一个突然的产物,是一个爆炸性事件. 他们在30万年前无法解释地出现了,比进化理论上的时间早了上百万年.

the Commonwealth of Australia:澳大利亚Univeisity利亚联邦

2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚Univeisity利亚联邦 | 4.broke away(指激烈事件)突然发生 | 5.feed...on给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养

Conflict erupts:冲突突然发生

Merger 合并,归并 | Conflict erupts 冲突突然发生 | Flare-up 名词 突然发生的火灾,事件