英语人>词典>汉英 : 穿着异性服装 的英文翻译,例句
穿着异性服装 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与穿着异性服装相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cross-dressing is against the law.


In Melbourne, Australia, it is illegal for men to parade in strapless dresses - but they are allowed to cross-dress in anything with sleeves.


In an amusing chapter entitled "L' poque des Duchesses", he recounts with relish the fancy-dress balls given by Count tienne de Beaumont, who "encouraged exhibitionism and transvestism" and "always managed to upstage his guests by appearing in one spectacularly androgynous costume after another, designed by himself."

在一个名为"公爵的时代(L' poque des Duchesses)"的有趣章节中,他津津乐道地叙述了艾蒂安纳·德·博蒙特伯爵举行的一场化装舞会,也就是这位伯爵鼓励了毕加索作品中的"裸露癖与异性装扮癖",他也总是穿着一件又一件由自己设计的引人入胜的两性服装,以设法无礼地对待他的客人。

In an amusing chapter entitled "L' poque des Duchesses", he recounts with relish the fancy-dress balls given by Count tienne de Beaumont, who "encouraged exhibitionism and transvestism" and "always managed to upstage his guests by appearing in one spectacularly androgynous costume after another, designed by himself."

在一个名为&公爵的时代(L' poque des Duchesses)&的有趣章节中,他津津乐道地叙述了艾蒂安纳·德·博蒙特伯爵举行的一场化装舞会,也就是这位伯爵鼓励了毕加索作品中的&裸露癖与异性装扮癖&,他也总是穿着一件又一件由自己设计的引人入胜的两性服装,以设法无礼地对待他的客人。

更多网络解释与穿着异性服装相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cross-dressing is against the law:穿着异性服装是违法的

Ironton -- 艾隆顿市 | § Cross-dressing is against the law.穿着异性服装是违法的. | Lima -- 利马市


异装癖(Transvestism)以反复出现穿着异性服装而得到性满足为特征的变态心理,是性心理障碍(性变态)的一种表现形式. 异装癖男女均可发生,而以男性多见. 其发生原因与同性恋相似,多数研究者认为幼年家庭环境的影响起着重要作用,


真正的易性癖者认为自己正是陷于一具错误的肉体中,连带他们的穿着或发型都会刻意打扮成他们心理上所认同的性别角色. 这种情形和第10章所讨论的易装癖者(Transvestite)不同,就易性癖者而言,穿着异性服装不会感到兴奋.