英语人>词典>汉英 : 空穴载流子 的英文翻译,例句
空穴载流子 的英文翻译、例句


hole carrier
更多网络例句与空穴载流子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Minority Carrier - A carrier, either a hole or an electron that is not dominant in a specific region

少数载流子-在半导体材料中不起支配作用的移动电荷,在P 型中是电子,在N 型中是空穴。

Minority Carrier - A carrier, either a hole or an electron that is not dominant in a specific region, such as electrons


It is found that partial substitution of Sr for La induces the hole carrier evidenced by positive thermoelectric power but no bulk superconductivity is observed.


Raman spectrum, UV-Vis spectra, IR, NIR and XPS spectra were used to characterize the material. The result indicates that there is a conjugative effect between MWNT and bromine, which induces the change of electron distribution on the MWNT surface. It increased the car- rier density and the electrical conductivity of MWNT became higher.


PS, NIR, UV and Raman spectra indicated that there was conjugative effect between MWNT and bromine which induced the movement of π electrons from MWNT to bromine to increase the hole carrier density.


In this dissertation, after combining the high stability of C9 diaryl substituted fluorene derivatives with the high carrier mobility and hole-injection ability of pyrene, a series of novel blue-light-emitting materials were designed and synthesized.


Phenanthroline ligand was tuned by incorporating triphenylamine group with hole-transporting nature and oxadiazole groups with electron-transporting nature into phenanthroline, which can help their europium complexes to have improved carrier-transporting property and increased luminous efficiency.

研究的主要内容有: 1通过引入三芳胺空穴传输单元和噁二唑电子传输单元,对邻菲罗啉中性配体进行分子修饰,从而改善它的铕配合物的载流子传输性能,提高铕配合物的发光效率。

Strained Si PMOSFET with Polycrystalline SiGe gate can enhance its performance for improvement of carrier mobility and turnable threshold voltage without impurity scattering to carrier.

应变Si pMOSFET以多晶SiGe做栅,既能提高空穴的迁移率,又能调节器件阈值电压而不会对载流子引入杂质散射,因而提高了器件性能。

Conjugated polymers which are different from traditional semiconductor, have some unique properties. Most of them are quasi-one-dimensional systems with strong electron-phonon interaction. Their carriers are composite particles, which are different from simply electron and hole, characterized with the surrounding distortion of lattice configuration (polaron with spin 1/ 2 , bipolaron with spin 0 etc.). The transport of the carriers and the process that oppositely charged polarons combine to from exciton are believed to be of fundamental importance for electroluminescence properties.


The intensity of NP peak of type-Ⅱ initailly increased with the increase of the excitation power and decreased thereafter. This is due to the electrons and the holes were localized in different space of typ-Ⅱ QW, then the band bending occurs when the carrier concentration increases with the power, NP peak shft to high energy. The electron transited to relaxed Si〓Ge〓 layer and combined with the localized holes radiatively.


更多网络解释与空穴载流子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

forward bias:正向偏压

当正向偏压(Forward Bias)加在pn结时,多余的载流子(Carrier)会经过耗尽至而渗透至对方. 图6所示的是pn结能带,其中,图6(a)表示在平衡状态,图6(b)表示在正向偏压时,图6(c)表示在注入高密度电流时的电子与空穴复合产生光的情况,

depletion layer:耗尽层

n型半导体中产生电子,p型半导体中产生空穴,在其中间产生耗尽层(Depletion Layer). 当正向偏压(Forward Bias)加在pn结时,多余的载流子(Carrier)会经过耗尽至而渗透至对方. 图6所示的是pn结能带,其中,图6(a)表示在平衡状态,图6(b)表示在正向偏压时,


和场效应管(field-effect transistor)中只有一种 载流子主导不同,双极型晶体管的工作依赖于电子(electrons)和空穴(holes)两者的迁移. 一种在封装焊盘(package lead)和芯片绑定焊盘(chip/die bonding pad)之间连线的工艺.


化学元素周期表(periodic table)第III族(column III)的掺杂(impurity)材料,通过在导带中减少电子的数量,在硅上形成产生移动的空穴(Mobile hole),这些"空穴"是正电荷的载流子,因此用于制造可以接收电子的P-型(P-Type)半导体.

MIS:金属 绝缘体 半导体

6 金属-绝缘体-半导体(MIS)结构基础本书是21世纪大学新型参考教材系列之一,书中主要讲解半导体工程学基础、半导体中的电子和空穴、载流子输送现象、pn结和金属-半导体接触、二极管和双极晶体管、金属-绝缘体-半导体(MIS)结构基础等.


空穴 hole | 载流子 carriers | PN结 PN junction