英语人>词典>汉英 : 空穴来风 的英文翻译,例句
空穴来风 的英文翻译、例句


There is something behind this.
更多网络例句与空穴来风相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alfred North Whitehead, British phillsopher and mathematician


"I suggest that before you do anything, you ask a most important question," Qui-Gon said."Rumors don't arise out of the air. If the Annihilator is a fabrication, who made it up?"


This objection to Bentham's rationale of excuses is not merely a fanciful one.

对边沁的免责理论的这一驳斥,并非只是空穴来风[MSOffice4] 。

Some may find our criticisms upsetting , but we do not make them gratuitously .


This is not groundless at all.


From the first quarter of this year's data, all of these worries are not groundless.


This is not groundless at all residential wisdom is that science and technology.


The proof of this force is not a groundless rumor, but will not know what day it announced.


Her ideas seem to come out of nowhere.


This is the last time that goes to press without proof.


更多网络解释与空穴来风相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


任何一个民族初期的历史,可说都是有后代藉着追记的方法而得知,因此自然免不了会有一些传说和神话(fable)的色彩. 不过,传说或神话并不尽然是空穴来风,总有一些事实根据. 中国的历史(history)也是这样,根据司马迁的史记记载,

Monkey around all day:整天闲逛

洗衣机:Washer ; Washing-machine | 整天闲逛: Monkey around all day! | 空穴来风:Where there is a smoke, there is a fire.

I--it came out of nowhere:[哦 这消息是空穴来风]

Oh,no,daniel. [哦 不 Daniel] | I--it came out of nowhere. [哦 这消息是空穴来风] | I didn't eventake her seriously. [我根本没当她认真的]

and maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control:狂热份子不会被操纵着空穴来风地无端生事

you can relax on both sides of the tracks 你尽可以... | and maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control 狂热份子不会被操纵着空穴来风地无端生事 | and everyone has recourse to the law 每人都会...

broken heart syndrome:伤心综合症

他说,"我们都知道丧偶会给人们造成巨大的精神打击,但研究数据显示丧偶会直接导致另一半死亡率的上升,也就是说所谓的'伤心综合症'(broken heart syndrome)并非空穴来风.