英语人>词典>汉英 : 稀薄化 的英文翻译,例句
稀薄化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
attenuation  ·  rarefaction

更多网络例句与稀薄化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A decrease in density and pressure in a medium, such as air, caused by the passage of a sound wave.


The climate of here is cold and humid and lack of oxygen,everywhere is rugged drumlin、ice cone and permafrost of plateau,the ecological environment is unique and the natural scenery is magnificent.


You will come in May between June, between choice section shorter give birth to half lignification branch in those days, from base the ministry cuts dirty to insert spic, topmost reservation comes 3 pieces 5 flocculus, if branch is too long, yi Ke bite off carries a tip on the head, cuttage medium can use humus soil of orchid mud, high mountain, vermiculite, pearlite or Huang Xin earth to wait, thick about 15 centimeters reach 20 centimeters, the catchment layer that lower berth reachs 8 centimeters 7 centimeters; medium after in season is wet, in will inserting spic to insert matrix, deepness of the be buried that insert spic makes an appointment with the 1/2 that grows for spic, a few cuttage also can choose the family full-dress medium generation makes big flowerpot cuttage seedbed.


And when the dew evaporated, there on the surface of the desert were fine flakes like hoarfrost on the ground.


Results show that the velocity slips and temperature jumps increase at the solid walls with increasing rarefaction at the same Mach number.

在模拟的结果中显示,相同的Mach number随著气体的稀薄化,速度滑动现象与温度跳动现象会更加明显。

During the vacuolation ofthe meristem cell,the cytoplasm diluted and the numbers of the organellesreduced.


更多网络解释与稀薄化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diffusive equilibrium:扩散平衡

这种情形称为扩散平衡(Diffusive Equilibrium ). 另一方面, 在越高层的地方,因为空气越稀薄,太阳辐射被气体分子吸收的越少,而 强度越强,分子容易被光化(Photodissociation )成原子形式. 尤其是 O2被超紫外线光化为 O. 这种现象在较低层也会发生,


稀有气体 rare gas | 稀有金属 rare metals | 稀薄化 rarefaction


rappee一种粗鼻烟 | rarebit干酪土司;带干酪的干炸面包片 | rarefaction稀疏化;稀薄化;降低单位容积的重量或密度


稀薄化波 rarefaction wave | 稀薄化 rarefication | 拉西塔 Rashing column

rarefied plasma:稀薄電漿= 稀薄等離[子]體

rarefaction wave 疏密波= 稀疏波 | rarefied plasma 稀薄電漿= 稀薄等離[子]體 | rate equation 變[化]率方程[式]


rarefaction 稀薄[化] | rarefy 稀释;使稀薄,抽空 | rare metal 稀有金属


rarefaction 稀疏化;稀薄化;降低单位容积的重量或密度 | tabefaction 消瘦 | tepefaction 微温;温热

attenuative power:耗糖力, 发酵力

attenuation | 变薄, 稀薄化, 变细, 衰减 | attenuative power | 耗糖力, 发酵力 | attenuator resistance | 阻尼电阻, 衰减电阻

Rashing column:拉西塔

稀薄化 rarefication | 拉西塔 Rashing column | 光栅 raster


attenuate /减弱/ | attenuating /减弱/ | attenuation /变薄/稀薄化/弄细/衰减/