英语人>词典>汉英 : 移动图片 的英文翻译,例句
移动图片 的英文翻译、例句


move picture
更多网络例句与移动图片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you pay attention to the center, move a little bit to the right and zoom the picture, you can see the mysterious object.


By default the picture rotates around its center, but you can change the pivot point by moving the black crosshair to the desired rotation center.


It takes in ordinary pictures and creates full-screen moving kaleidoscope images from them.


We get addicted to it, so dependent on its moving pictures that it begins to dominate our lives.


Are you promoting your new major motion picture?


The user can select and move the small picture over the big one without any flickering.


Picture mobile source code, can control the picture in the window of the mobile!


In the A and B figures, small grape-like tissue covered over all the epiglottic area that is hypertrophic lymphoid tonsil. More advanced the fiberoptic laryngoscope during spontaneous inspiration phase, larynx and vocal cord can be visualized in the C and D figures. We must emphasize that endotracheal intubation and even artificial ventilation was hardly performed under direct laryngocopy and general anesthesia.


In the A and B figures, small grape - like tissue covered over all the epiglottic area that is hypertrophic lymphoid tonsil . More advanced the fiberoptic laryngoscope during spontaneous inspiration phase, larynx and vocal cord can be visualized in the C and D figures. We must emphasize that endotracheal intubation and even artificial ventilation was hardly performed under direct laryngocopy and general anesthesia .+{{: congress:2008:abstract:c01-1. jpg


I'd use the mouse to move the picture, and the mouse wheel to change the size (like in DeepEarth and Google Maps).


更多网络解释与移动图片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

analyzing data:分析数据

4.插入、移动和缩放图片 4.Insert, position, and size graphics | 分析数据 Analyzing Data | 1.运用自动筛选功能筛选数据清单 1.Filter lists using AutoFilter


游戏中如何善用人力物力,是仁者见仁,智者见智,不一而足,不过抓紧时间发展自己,搞舒淇照图片0 近战防护力:8 移动速度:慢 攻击力等各项主要指标比升级前都有提高,其中攻击力提高有10点 最高级炮台 (Balllista Tower) 弹道学(Ballistics),市政将发展成能够


最近,"内容"(Content)一词变得很时髦. 互联网上传送的是数字化的文件、数字化的音乐、数字化的图片与视频;移动网上流动的是数字化的语音;广播电视网上传送的是数字化的高清晰视频. 这些数字化的文件、语音、音乐、图片及视频,

move message:移动消息

1469mouse-driven鼠标驱动 | 1470move message移动消息 | 1471move picture移动图片

move picture:移动图片

1470move message移动消息 | 1471move picture移动图片 | 1472movie file电影文件


ROTATE LEFT--逆时针旋转图片. | ROTATE RIGHT--顺时针旋转图片. | UP--向上移动图片.


觉得看不懂,就不太有兴趣. 现在从第一集开始看,果然很吸引人. 用Irfan View看图片时,来有这个缩图(Thumbnail)的功能我也很常用. 这「缩图」不是把图片缩小的意思,是把相片缩小列出,方便寻找或是移动.


iy:逻辑索引坐标Y | walkable:可移动区域 | filename:显示图片

Flingy Editor:移动修改

.Campaign Editor 战役修改 | .Flingy Editor 移动修改 | .Image Editor 图片修改

Removable Media Invades Camcorders:移动媒体介入摄像机市场

5、新闻工作流市场的新发展What's New in News Workflow | 6、移动媒体介入摄像机市场Removable Media Invades Camcorders | 7、图片迈向多媒体形式Photo Pros Go Multimedia