英语人>词典>汉英 : 称霸 的英文翻译,例句
称霸 的英文翻译、例句


seek hegemony
更多网络例句与称霸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He said that to find Atlantis, it will be able to dominate the world in supernatural forces.


By the early 16th century the Ottomans had also defeated the Mamlk dynasty in Syria and Egypt; and their navy under Barbarossa soon seized control of much of the Barbary Coast.


By the early 16th century the Ottomans had also defeat ed the Mamlk dynasty in Syria and Egypt; and their navy under Barbarossa soon seized control of much of the Barbary Coast.


By the early 16th century the Ottomans had also defeated the Mamlk dynasty in Syria and Egypt; and their navy under Barbarossa soon seize d control of much of the Barbary Coast.


Some say he came into the Russian show business owing to its another bigwig: Bari Karimovich Alibasov.

有些人说他能称霸俄罗斯娱乐界得助于另一个大人物:Bari Karimovich Alibasov。

Sunflower is a very common flower, that it did not like Bougainvillea, crazy shot up, do not put the entire garden stays over a few years, a great ambition of dominating the world; it is also not so precious flowers such as Daphne, serving well, an unhappy, they Wuhuaizai, passed away.


Rome and not Carthage was to be the mistress of the world.


Recently, at ThinkGeek World Domination Headquarters, an entire afternoon was spent watching a government mandated corporate safety video that showed, in excruciating slo-motion Tarantinoesque detail, just how terrible accidents with staples can be.


Long and vivid Chinese civilization contains the spirit of cosmopolitanism and pursing peace.


Europeans seem less bothered about global dominance-although they are sure to gloat about the fact that the weakening dollar means that the euro area could overtake America as the world's biggest economy this year.


更多网络解释与称霸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Atlantic Division:大西洋组

首都队现居东南组(Southeast Division)第一;魔鬼队虽然也称霸大西洋组(Atlantic Division),但总积分为67分,落后东区第二名的首都队3分. 波士顿棕熊队(Boston Bruins)现以80分稳居东区龙头.

BIG BAND:爵士大乐团

纵横爵士大乐团(Big Band)时期的首席人物,一代作曲家兼钢琴家--艾灵顿公爵(Duke Ellington ),既没有显赫的家庭背景,也没有受过正式的音乐教育,但他靠著自身的旷世奇才及对音乐的执著狂热,在爵士乐坛称霸了50年之久.

Bring me to life:让我重生

>和单曲>同时分别称霸欧洲专辑榜和单曲榜,其中>已经连续三周蝉联单曲榜冠军. 据报道,洛佩兹是2003年8月伊凡赛斯以专辑>和单曲>(Bring Me To Life)之后,18个月来再次问鼎两榜冠军的歌手.

will compete for a $10 million cash prize:将在这里竞争这一千万美元现金的奖金

International killers of every imaginable discipline|这些称霸... | will compete for a $10 million cash prize|将在这里竞争这一千万美元现金的奖金 | and the honorable title of the "World's Best:"|以及"世界...

environmental degradation:生态恶化

跨国犯罪 trans-boundary crimes | 生态恶化 environmental degradation | 永远不称霸 never seek hegemony

Tacitus Domination:(塔西陀称霸)

Overlord's Judgement(尊王的审判) | Tacitus Domination(塔西陀称霸) | Tiberium Wars 2(泰伯利亚战争2......C&C3开发团队泪流满面)

would end up as the kings of Wall Street:一切尘埃落定之时 就是高盛

inside the government, they would ensure that Goldman|政府授意的行为 他们确定 | would end up as the kings of Wall Street|一切尘埃落定之时 就是高盛 | when the dust settled.|华尔街称霸时代的终结之时

We rule the pool, goosey:这里我们称霸,鹅女

I love this pond.|我爱这池子 | We rule the pool, goosey.|这里我们称霸,鹅女 | Give me some feathers!|来击膀庆祝!

go off at half cock:操之过急,还没准备好就匆忙行事

A cock of the loft 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 | Go off at half cock 操之过急,还没准备好就匆忙行事 | Red cock 因为纵火而引起的火灾

Tai chi practics', snowboard champion:我可以打太极 我可以称霸滑雪比赛

* Way too smart to be waiting around *|* 等待太痛苦 我已无力... | * Tai chi practics', snowboard champion *|* 我可以打太极 我可以称霸滑雪比赛 * | * I could fix the flat on your car *|* 我可以为你修理车...