英语人>词典>汉英 : 称职的 的英文翻译,例句
称职的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

worth one's salt
更多网络例句与称职的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is an abler teacher than he is .


I think I was best at that.


We need another attacker and I think Rudy will help us in that regard.


But I have to tell you, I left them with a very reliable baby-sitter.


You're basically the world's most overqualified babysitter.


To be a good hostess, she had to be all ears throughout the party.


WELLNESS健康先生:What a lugguage carrier. Now I know why you are such a big shopper.! XIXI, SOPPER in Chinese is GOU WU KUAN ! XIXI, HAHA,XIXIHAHA!


Official certification of blamelessness , trustworthiness , or suitability .


Official certification of blamelessness , trustworthiness , or .


Not worth one's salt:不称职 As a secretary,she is not worth her salt ;as a mother of three children,she is great.


更多网络解释与称职的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Political Business Cycle:政治商业周期 是指这样一种理念,货币政策在选举前放松,以便支持称职的政治家

physical capital实物资本 一个企业用来生产其产量以及人们居住的... | political business cycle政治商业周期 是指这样一种理念,货币政策在选举前放松,以便支持称职的政治家. | portfolio组合 一个投资者拥有的有价...

You're basically the world's most overqualified babysitter:可以说你是这世界上最称职的保姆

and spends 50 minutes with Mr. McPherson.|然后花50分钟和麦克弗森先... | You're basically the world's most overqualified babysitter.|可以说你是这世界上最称职的保姆 | - I need to use the restroom.|我去下洗...

Even when I was up against an overzealous agent:即使当我遭遇称职的国际警察时

Phone in a sighting of the Kristol south of Aruba.|发讯号让... | Even when I was up against an overzealous agent...|即使当我遭遇称职的国际警察时 | ...I had a number of methods for discouraging a search...


其中有些是称职的(qualified),但也有一些是没有受过正规训练的(unqualifed),雇请他们的原因往往仅是因为他们是讲英语的本族人. 他们的共同点就是:绝大部分不懂汉语. 开始一段时间里,学生对外籍教师的"全英化课堂"(all English class.

inept unskillful; said or done at the wrong time:不适当的,无能的,不称职的

indistinct not easily heard, seen, clearly marked不清楚的,模糊的... | inept unskillful; said or done at the wrong time不适当的,无能的,不称职的 | infertile not fertile, barren不肥沃的,贫瘠的,不毛的,不结...

To be worth one's salt:意即称职的、胜任的、有能力的

8、To take...with a pinch of salt.抱着半信半疑的... | 9、To be worth one's salt 意即称职的、胜任的、有能力的 | Any doctor worth his salt should know how to cure the illness.任何一个称职的医生都应知道如何治...

employable:称职的; 有资格任职的 (形)

employ 雇用, 使从事于, 使用 (动) | employable 称职的; 有资格任职的 (形) | employee 职员, 受雇人员, 员工 (名)

Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on:一群我所见到的最不称职的家伙

Now, I remember... I remember when I first met you all.|现在 我想起来了 我想... | Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on.|一群我所见到的最不称职的家伙 | Suppose you remind me of meself a little.|不...

2."Flying Misfits:2)"不称职的飞行

1."Flying Misfits (1)"不称职的飞行 | 2."Flying Misfits (2)"不称职的飞行 | 1st Season of Black Sheep Squadron 1976 第一季黑羊中队 (1976年)

1."Flying Misfits:1)"不称职的飞行

1."Flying Misfits (1)"不称职的飞行 | 2."Flying Misfits (2)"不称职的飞行 | 1st Season of Black Sheep Squadron 1976 第一季黑羊中队 (1976年)