英语人>词典>汉英 : 积分的主值 的英文翻译,例句
积分的主值 的英文翻译、例句


principal value of integral
更多网络例句与积分的主值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The process of the algorithm include: image enhancement, using self-adapting threshold value reduce redundance, using Hough transformation extract first feature line, according to the vertical projection of the horizontal gradient perform characters line, using the improving Hough transformation with angle constraints acquire the intersection of the two feature lines, according the characters of geometry position to judge the fault.


The boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function uses Cauchy integral formula as the foundation . The singularity of the Cauchy


For the Riemann boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we translates them to equivalent singular integral equations and proves the existence of the solution to the discussed problems under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , singular integral equation theory , contract principle or generaliezed contract principle ; For the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we proves the problems solvable under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , Cauchy integral formula , function theoretic approaches and fixed point theorem ; the boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function , we obtains the boundary integral equations by means of the generalized Cauchy integral formula of the generalized analytic function , introducing Cauchy principal value integration , dispersing the boundary of the area , and we obtains the solution to the problems using the boundary conditions .


In chapter 1, we introduce some notions and some classical results related to this paper, such as Cauchy type integral as well as the limiting value of Cauchy integral and so on.


A direct method is implemented for computing the free-term coefficient and the Cauchy principal value integral in the higher-order boundary element method for potential flow.


In addition, the natural BIE only contains Cauchy principal value integrals.


The final result indicates that in the expression of the completeness relation,the integral path is along the real axis from -∞ to ∞ but runs over near the origin,which is contrary to the Cauchy principal value appearing in previous works.

同时得到展开式中的积分是沿实轴从-∞到∞,但在原点附近将从上方绕过。这不同于过去所得的C auchy主值积分。为最明确显示这一差别,在单孤子情况下又用平方Jost函数的显式,直接作了验证。

This article discusses the use of the theorem of the residues to calculate Cauchy's Principal values of the improper integral, where auxiliary function has poles of higher order on the real axis and proposes a new theorem of culcuation.


This method ensures the integral request along the main diagonal of Aumann-Shapley value formula, and realizes the reasonable sharing of the security cost between consumers and power suppliers and between the bilateral transactions of using the congested line.


The following are main contents studied: A finite element method for Navier-Stokes equation with ALE formulation is considered and by combined with theNewmark method of numerical intergration a pressure correction scheme is obtained for the solution of the FE formulation of N-S equation. Because the incompressibility condition can be satisfied approximately in this scheme, the interpolation functions of elements can be equalorder for the velocity field and pressure field. In the ALE formulation the fluid-solid interaction analysis became a three-field coupling problem of the fluid field, the solid field and the fluid dynamic mesh. The properties and charactiristices of this three-field coupling problem are deeply discussed.
