英语人>词典>汉英 : 积分学 的英文翻译,例句
积分学 的英文翻译、例句


integral calculus
更多网络例句与积分学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Integral calculus' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree.


In integral calculus, the mean value of a function on an interval is, in essence, the arithmetic mean of its values over the interval.


In mathematics, Newton established "the Newton binomial theorem", and nearly simultaneously established the calculus study with Leibniz.


He invented calculus and investigated the nature of light.


But, in fact, the application of contour integral is more important, its application in integral calculus, physics and engineering science is quite extensive.


This paper probes into its application in integral calculus especially--- utilizing contour integral to calculate relational real integral.


This book assumes a basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus.


" In mathematics , two theorems, one associated with differential calculus and one with integral calculus."


The higher mathematics curriculum is a college engineering course undergraduate course each specialized student's compulsory important basic theory class, through this curriculum study, causes the student to obtain: Circular function calculus study, the space analytic geometry and the vector algebra, the function of many variables calculus study, the infinite series, aspect and so on ordinary differential equation basic concepts, the elementary theory and the fundamental operation skill, and further obtain mathematics knowledge for the study successor curriculum to lay the essential mathematics foundation,During instruction knowledge, must train the student through each teaching link to have the abstract thinking ability, logic reasoning ability, spatial imagination ability gradually and studies independently ability, but also must pay attention specially trains the student to have the quite skilled operational capability and the synthesis utilization studies the knowledge to analyze the question and to solve the question ability.


Third, the use of Lagrange's theorem proving the points of the study on some conclusions, that the Lagrange theorem in the integral study also has a wide range of applications.


更多网络解释与积分学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute differential calculus:绝对微积分学, 张量分析

absolute difference | 绝对差别 | absolute differential calculus | 绝对微积分学, 张量分析 | absolute dispersion | 绝对差量

calculus of classes:类演算

如命题演算(Calculus of proposition)、类演算(Calculus of classes)等. 此外"Calculus"一词还用来表示"微积分学". 计算机或计算器本身则被称之为"Calculator". 克、克拉与盎司都是质量(重量)的计量单位. "克拉(carat)一词来自希腊文,


积分学(Calculus)是数学的一个基础学科. 内容主要包括极限、微分学、积分学及其应用. 微分学包括求导数的运算,是一套关於变化率的理论. 它使得函数、速度、加速度和曲线的斜率等均可用一套通用的符号进行讨论. 积分学,包括求积分的运算,

Infinitesimal calculus:微积分学

infinitesimal analysis 微积分 | infinitesimal calculus 微积分学 | infinitesimal deformation 无穷小形变

Infinitesimal calculus:微积分学,无穷小计算

infinitesimal balance equation 微元平衡方程 | infinitesimal calculus 微积分学,无穷小计算 | infinitesimal canonical transformations 无穷小典型变换

integral calculus:积分学

积分学是微分学(Differential Calculus) 和积分学(Integral Calculus)的统称,英文简称Calculus,意为计算. 这是因为早期微积分要用天文、力学、几何中的计算问题. 后来人们也将微积分学称为分析学(Analysis),或称无穷小或无穷在等极限过程处理计算问题的学问.

integral calculus:积分学=>積分学

integral calculation method 积分计算法=>積分計算法 | integral calculus 积分学=>積分学 | integral cam 整体凸轮轴

cumulus:积云, 堆积

calculus 微积分学, 结石 | cumulus 积云, 堆积 | igneous 火的, 似火的, [地]火成的

Integralrechnung integral calculus:积分学

Integral integral 积分 | Integralrechnung integral calculus 积分学 | Integralzeichen integral sign 积分符号

single variable integral calculus:一元函数积分学

.一元函数微分学 single variable differential calculus | .一元函数积分学 single variable integral calculus | .微分方程 differential equation