英语人>词典>汉英 : 积分分布函数 的英文翻译,例句
积分分布函数 的英文翻译、例句


integral distribution function
更多网络例句与积分分布函数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then by matching the traction along the branches and the boundary of the strip, Cauchy singular equations were obtained, in which the point dislocation and the distributed dislocation density served as the unknown function.


Furthermore, we show that every generator of a nondegenerate distribution cosine function generates a regularized cosine function.

自然地 ,我们可以考虑一类退化型的分布余弦函数,并讨论该分布余弦函数与二阶 Cauchy问题、积分余弦函数及其其它类型余弦函数的关系。

The characteristic function of the probability density function of response variable is obtained by the high efficient multidimensional numerical integration method or convolution integral based on response surface method. Then the discrete probability density function of response variable is calculated using the fast Fourier inverse transform technique, at last the cumulative distribution function of the response variable can be quantitatively determined.


This article analyzed laser gain function and Voigt function I( v,v0 ), pointed out that the integral difficulty originate from Dopper and Lorentz profiles.


The discrete velocity ordinate method in the kinetic theory of gases is developed and applied to discretize the correspo


LBIE, based on the local boundary equation, adopts the traditional moving least squares approximation which depends on only the values of the nodes in the domain of the problem or along its boundary. The whole process of integration is carried on over a local domain or its local boundary centered at the node in question. The local boundary equation can be rewritten to represent the values of the unknown function at the point of interest, and the essential boundary conditions can be directly and easily enforced by using the Green formula and the characters of the Dirac function.


Recurrent formulas for calculating the coefficients of the Legendre polynomial and the expressions for calculating the sedimentation coefficient are deduced analytically.


In study of the truss structural dynamic characteristics analysis, randomness of the structural physical parameters and geomtric ones are all considered. The finite element model of the stochastic truss is built and the random functions of its natural frequencies are obtained by use of the Rayleigh quotient. Employing probabilistic distribution function expression for the random functions, through a series of mathematical processing including determination of limits of integrals, variable substitution etc., the probaabilistic density function for the truss natural frequencies are gained to realige accurate calculation for the reliability of the truss natural frequencies.


In this dissertation, many works have been done on the basis of the summarization of the merits of all kinds of meshless methods after a large number of relevant references are read and studied. The basic ideas, principles of meshless methods and their development in the recent years are introduced synoptically. Applications of Element-free Galerkin method in elastic foundation plate are studied deeply and some useful conclusions are obtained as follows:(1) Comparisons between numerical solutions and analytical solutions for several different styles of weight functions, including Gaussian weight function, spline weight function and singular weight function etc, are performed. The results show that Gaussian weight function is the best one.(2) Ranges of relevant parameters for Gaussian weight function are given.(3) Influences of nodal distribution schemes and the number of Gaussian integrated dots on computational results are discussed.


The collision term is two bi-velocity non-dimensionalized reduced ngle tri-velocity model equation is transformed into a bi- h integrating weightedly the non-dimensionalized model equation about the third component of molecule velocity.


更多网络解释与积分分布函数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cumulative distribution function:分布函数

呵呵,很有意思的问题,应该是和你抽样的次数无关的,对于一个正态分布,楼上说的CDF,应该是累计分布函数(cumulative distribution function)吧,其实就是概率密度函数的一个积分,不过cdf不是变量小于等于某值的概率吗?

dirac delta function:脉冲函数,狄克拉函数

integrate to one:积分等于1 | dirac delta function:脉冲函数,狄克拉函数. | zero-mean,unit-variance,univariate normal density:0均值,1方差,单变量正态分布.


佐藤干夫的主要成就是创立一个全新的数学领域��代数分析(Algebraic Analysis),其起点是佐藤干夫创造的超函数(hyperfunction)理论. 超函数是广义函数(法文直译为分布)的推广,它同傅里叶积分算子一起是线性偏微分方程理论的主要工具.

l distribution l:分布

l distribution l分布 | l function l函数 | l integral 勒贝格积分

l function l:函数

l distribution l分布 | l function l函数 | l integral 勒贝格积分

potential function:位势函数

位势分布 potential distribution | 位势函数 potential function | 位势积分 potential integral


经过进一步研究发现,此态是完备的,构成量子力学新表象,且该态有助于量子力学中的层析成像(Tomography)理论的研究. 这不仅丰富和发展了量子相空间分布函数理论,而且开辟了寻找量子力学表象的新途径. 有序算符内的积分技术可以用来研究许多纯态的完备关系,