英语人>词典>汉英 : 积分元 的英文翻译,例句
积分元 的英文翻译、例句


integral element
更多网络例句与积分元相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To simplify the convenient method of the translation of double intergral and based the translation of definite integral and relevant knowledge of double integral , a simple and convenient method is introduced.


To simplify the detrusion of the double integral exchange formula,a simple method is derived after using the recevant knowledge of the methed of substitution in definite integral and double integral.


The subsection integral is used to get a simple function at first in the numerical calculation, and boundary integral is realized by gauss integral on each panel and line, then the complexity and isstability as a result of the high frequency surge function can be avoided.


In sphere approximate, GPS/Gravity-BVP is Neumann problem over exterior spherical domains. Then the natural boundary reduction, suggested by Feng and Yu, is applied to deal with the three dimensional problems. By expansion in spherical harmonics, the natural integral equations of harmonic problems over exterior spherical domains are obtained. Meanwhile, a numerical method for solving geodetic BVP is developed.


Indefinite integral concept,, indefinite integral nature of the basic integral formula, the indefinite integral proofs, indefinite integral substitution integration, integration by parts, the indefinite integral rational function integral.


Indefinite integral concept,, indefinite integral nature of the basic integral formula, the indefinite integral proofs, indefinite integral substitution integration, integration by parts, the indefinite integral rational functions.


Aimed at increasing the accuracy and speed of BEM, meanwhile decreasing taken up memory, this dissertation has studied singular integrals and nearly singular integrals of BEM, surface BEM character and multipole BEM delaminating and storing technology, and put forward high precision fast BEM. And appling this method the electric potential and electric field intensities distribution of the UHV insulators are calculated preliminarily.


Aimed at increasing the accuracy and speed of BEM , meanwhile decreasing taken up memory, this dissertation has studied singular integrals and nearly singular integrals of BEM , surface BEM character and multipole BEM delaminating .


In order to test the feasibility of spectral element methods, time integral methods and absorbing boundary conditions for aeroacoustics, several programs based of Microsoft Visual C++ are presented for different time integral methods and boundary consitions.

为验证本文的谱元方法、时间积分方法和吸收边界条件对于求解气动声学问题的可行性,本文基于Microsoft Visual C++平台编制了分别采用不同时间积分方法和边界条件的谱元算法程序,计算结果证明了谱元方法的高精度以及两种时间积分方法的可行性。

In the new method for two-dimensional problems the line integrals onboundary elements are converted into the evaluation of potentialfunctions at the ends of these elements.For three-dimensional cases,thesurface integrals on the usual boundary elements are transformed,through an application of Stokes'theorem,into line integrals on thebounding contours of these elements.


更多网络解释与积分元相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

regular integral element:正则积分元

regular integral 正则积分 | regular integral element 正则积分元 | regular integral manifold 正则积分流形

integration by parts:部分积分法;分部积分法

部分分式积分法 integration by partial fraction | 部分积分法;分部积分法 integration by parts | 代换积分法;换元积分法 integration by substitution

integration by substitution:代换积分法;换元积分法

integration by parts 分部积分法 | integration by substitution 代换积分法;换元积分法 | integration constant 积分常数

integration by substitution:换元积分法

换位子|commutator | 换元积分法|integration by substitution | 幻方|magic square

regular integral:正则积分

regular insulin 普通胰岛素,胰岛素 | regular integral 正则积分 | regular integral element 正则积分元

regular integral manifold:正则积分流形

regular integral element 正则积分元 | regular integral manifold 正则积分流形 | regular interrupt 正规中断

integration by successive reductions:递化积分法

integration by substitution | 代换积分法,换元积分法 | integration by successive reductions | 递化积分法 | integration constant | 积分常数

integration by successive reduction:递化积分法

代换积分法;换元积分法 integration by substitution | 递化积分法 integration by successive reduction | 积分常数 integration constant

Definite integrations by parts:定积分的分部积分法

Newton-Leibniz's formula 牛顿-莱布尼兹公式 | Definite integrations by parts定积分的分部积分法 | Definite integrations by substitution 定积分的换元法

Definite integrations by substitution:定积分的换元法

Definite integrations by parts定积分的分部积分法 | Definite integrations by substitution 定积分的换元法 | Calculating definite integrals by using elementary定积分的元素法