英语人>词典>汉英 : 积分仪 的英文翻译,例句
积分仪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For achieve two-wheel balanced function, we used fuzzy control algorithm to program the controlled codes. About the processes of control, the encoders is used to measure the angle and angular velocity of two wheels; the gyroscopei is used to measure the angular velocity of the robot; the inclined angle is got from integrating the angular velocity, and is adjusted by angle got from tiltmeter per second.


The analytical data gathered from this detector is directed along line 48 to a signal to integrator/computer which is not shown.


This course consists of three parts : A.The fundamental theory of gyroscopes. a.Kinematics and dynamics of gyroscopes, consisting of Coriolis acceleration, theorem of angular momentum, Euler's dynamical equations, dynamical explanation of gyroscopes' properties. b.Gyroscopes' motion equations, including the complete equations, technical equations and precession equations derived from Euler's dynamical equations, and the technical equations derived from static vs. dynamic method. c.Analysis of gyroscopes' motion. d.Coordinate systems and their mutual transformation. e.Gyroscope drift and its measurement. B.Principle of typical gyroscope instruments, such as gyro compass, gyro north finder, gyro horizon, platform compass, rate gyroscope and integrating gyroscope. C.Principles and applications of new-type gyroscpes, such as electrically suspended gyro, ring laser gyroscope, fiber optical gyroscope, hemispherical resonator gyro, dynamically tuned gyroscope and micro inertial sensors.


The integraph be fix outer,satisfied all of fix request.


These results show that:(1) the results retrieved from the Abel integral and absolute TEC inversion are consistent on the whole at higher orbits altitude (~800 km), and in good agreement with those measured by ionosondes; the results retrieved from absolute TEC inversion are in better agreement with those obtained from ionosondes than that by the Abel integral inversion at lower orbits attitude (~500 km);(2) the maximal electron density N m from absolute TEC inversion is closer to N mF2 from ionosondes than that from Abel integral inversion, and the method of the former is more rigorous and effective than that of the latter;(3) absolute TEC is more sensitive to cycle slip than Abel integral, but for the two ways significant loss of inversion precision due to cycle slip always exists.

结果表明:(1)在较高轨道高度(约800 km),Abel积分与绝对TEC方法的反演结果基本一致,都与电离层测高仪反演结果符合良好;在较低轨道高度(约500 km),绝对TEC反演精度优于Abel积分反演精度;(2)绝对TEC反演的最大电子密度 N m较Abel积分法获得的结果更接近于电离层测高获得的峰值电子密度 N mF2,绝对TEC反演法更加严密和有效;(3)周跳对绝对TEC反演结果的影响较Abel积分反演结果的影响更为敏感,但无论哪种方法,周跳对反演精度都造成严重损失。

It consists of standard sources integrated sphere,double grating monochromator ,detectors ,and electronics-microcomputer system.


Continuous observation of atmospheric aerosol scattering properties was conducted from 17 December 2005 to 14 February 2006 in Taiyuan using the Integrating Nephelometer.


Atmospheric optics ; Aerosol optical characteristics ; Visibility sensor ; Integrating nephelometer


A new way of distance measurement is introduced in this paper, it is similar to traditional measurement way, and has its origination. In the new measurement way, the rough measurement of the distance is realized by countering high frequency pulses filled in discriminable phase pulses. Discriminable phase pulses go through integral circuits, and then are sampled by Analogue Digital Converter, so the accurate measurement of the system is obtained by the sampling value.

本文提出了一种新的测距方法,该方法与常规相位测距仪比较,既有相似之处也有其创新之处,常规相位测距仪一般使用多波长测尺频率组合、差频数字测相的方法,本系统虽然也采用多波长测尺频率组合,但并不采用差频数字测相,该方法摒弃了传统的内外光路的切换方式及电路的混频,粗测采用对鉴相脉冲填充高频脉冲的办法实现,精测则利用鉴相脉冲对积分电路进行积分,然后由ADC 对积分电平进行转换,通过对ADC 的输出值的计算处理实现精测。

Company building has 4000 square meters of international standards 10,000 ultra-purification of clean production workshop, and large-scale laboratory - equipped with automatic scanning ink analyzer, precision color matching instrument integration, precision gas filter respirator and other advanced equipment, have unique technology and double ion-exchange chromatography integral approximation technique , to rely on imports of professional membrane components, import 316L transmission pipeline, special-purpose valve non-residue, such as production equipment, can be analyzed synthesis of a variety of EPSON / HP / CANON inkjet printers such as dyes and pigment ink, and do better with the cartridge structure match ...


更多网络解释与积分仪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


将一种迭代方法和双共轭梯度法用于实际工程中常用的双感应测井仪(DIT)的反演和剖面成象. 基于目标区内、外电场积分方程,建立DIT的反演积分方程,利用MoM将积分方程离散为矩阵方程. 在每次反演迭代过程中,

electromyographic integrator:肌电积分仪

electromyographic electrode 肌电图测量电极 | electromyographic integrator 肌电积分仪 | electromyographic signal 肌电信号


integrand 被积函数 | integraph 积分仪 | integrated absoption 积分吸收


integrally-forged impulsed wheel 整锻冲动式转轮 | integraph 积分描图仪 | integraph 积分仪


负载[线]图 load diagram | 积分[图]仪 integraph | 绝缘[电]线 insulated wire

integration variable:积分变数

integration theory 积分论 | integration variable 积分变数 | integrator 积分仪


记录器 recorder | 积分仪 integrator | 馏分收集器 fraction collector

electronic integrator:电子积分仪

electronic instrument 电子仪 | electronic integrator 电子积分仪 | electronic intelligence ship 电子侦察船

mechanical integrator:机械积分仪

mechanical indicator 机械指示器 | mechanical integrator 机械积分仪 | mechanical interlocking machine 机械联锁机


integrator 积分仪 | integrimeter 求积仪 | integro differential equation 积分微分方程