英语人>词典>汉英 : 秘密监视 的英文翻译,例句
秘密监视 的英文翻译、例句


spy out
更多网络例句与秘密监视相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When I left that house, I went out into the winter day with the determination of abandoning all further thought of the secret of George's death, I see her, and she forces me onward upon the loathsome path--the crooked byway of watchfulness and suspicion.


Even after the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union,Moscow and Washington keep tabs on each other clandestinely.


In another field of red,three boys are distracted by the mysterious purple head of a spectacled woman, who may well be a security camera decked out as demoness.


We have been fingering him for months.


Boss, spotter, starter, hostler, somebody loafing on you, you


It will not be an easy goal to achieve, but the use of unmanned aerial systems in monitoring borders can help make it more difficult for forces of instability and insecurity to covertly or illicitly cross borders.


While the RPF/A and UPDF are often named for leading the charge and supplying the bulk of the forces, the 1996 invasion of Zaire, launched from Uganda and Rwanda, involved US covert forces with state-of-the-art C4ISTR—Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance—and there were Humvees and C-130 aircraft ferrying black-skinned US Special Forces into South Sudan and northeastern Congo.

虽然卢旺达爱国阵线/ A和乌干达人民国防军往往命名为领导负责,并提供大量的部队, 1996年入侵扎伊尔,开始从乌干达和卢旺达,参与美国的秘密部队与国家最先进的C4ISTR指挥,控制,通信,计算机,情报,监视和侦察和有悍马和C - 130型飞机运送黑皮肤美国特种部队进入苏丹南部和刚果东北部。

Thirty years ago, they had the Stasi. Today, Britain has such broadly drawn and elastic surveillance laws that Poole borough council could exploit them to spend two weeks spying on a family wrongly accused of lying on a school application form.


Respected by-the-book Statsi member Wiesler has been appointed to a surveillance mission on playwright Dreyman and his actress-girlfriend. As he listens to what transpires in the couple's apartment, Wiesler discovers the potential of a more fulfilling existence.


更多网络解释与秘密监视相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big brother:大哥

他在>中描绘了一个时刻监视人们的"大哥"(Big Brother)形象. 然而事情发展到今天,信息革命使公民得以监视"大哥". 随着守护秘密的文化一点一点被透明度所侵蚀,公民可以更好地了解和监督政府. 通信手段的改善使人们更易于协调自发的行动,



perpetrator:犯罪者, 作恶者

Surveillance 监视, 监督 | Perpetrator 犯罪者, 作恶者 | Infiltrate秘密地潜入


Resort to 诉诸于, 采取 | Shady 可疑的;秘密的 | Surveillance 监视, 监督


本集片名>(Stakeout),破案小组成员们去仓库蹲点,本来想抓获窃取高科技雷达的小偷,但没想到目睹了一桩谋杀案. 另外Ducky也有秘密没有告诉其他同事. 进入四月中旬,本周将有很多美剧回归. 4月14日,


城区军事行动(MOUT):在人口、建筑密集的城区进行军事行动. 侦察和监视:在时间紧迫的情况下,在敌控环境里获得重大的战略、行动、战术绝密资料. 接应导引:秘密设置导航信号、电子装置等为直升机导航,或在特定的海区设置信号进行导航.

spread oneself:舒展身体,伸展四肢

spread v. 延伸; 展开 | spread oneself 舒展身体,伸展四肢 | spy n间谍;侦探; v. 窥探;秘密监视