英语人>词典>汉英 : 科学博物馆 的英文翻译,例句
科学博物馆 的英文翻译、例句


science museum
更多网络例句与科学博物馆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This spring, however, the Academy opened its doors for a series of boozy evenings intended to give the residents of this young, tech-savvy city another view of the science museum.


One reason was that Edison did more than just supply a light bulb, as Brian Bowers of London ' s Science Museum explains.


The Chongqing Grand Theatre in Chongqing is a part of a development that will also include skyscrapers and a science museum.


Harry Hamlin is the grandson of of Chauncey Jerome Hamlin who founded the Buffalo Museum of Science in Buffalo, New York.


Science-learning phobia is deteriorating with the rapid growth of science. Science museums, enjoying a special status in this society, have to take the responsibility to help the public overcome impolitic phenomenon and sciencelearning and develop scientific literacy. A major tool to achieve this is the Constructivism exhibition, which is designed to enhance the visitor's experience and cultivate their interests in science.


We should give them models to make and take them to science museums.


Can you tell me the way to the Science Museum?


Main attractions: Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, St.Paul's Cathedral, Natural History Museum, Science Museum, London Zoo, Kew Gardens, the Royal Academy, Notting Hill, Royal Albert Hall, London Eye, Tate Modern, the British Museum.


Most of them have free entry and kids enjoy going to museums like The Natural History and Science Museum.


The ab- sence of the vomer and pterygoid teeth,the anterior shift of the large pineal foramen,and the elonga- tion of the neck indicate that M.brevis may have had a close relationship with the Askeptosauroidea, to which the Chinese genus,Anshunsaurus is referred.

这些特征显示短吻贫齿龙可能与包括中国安顺龙属在内的Askeptosauroidea超科有相近的系统关系。中国台湾自然科学博物馆;加拿大自然博物馆;日本国立科学博物馆台中 40453;渥太华 ON K1P 6P4;东京

更多网络解释与科学博物馆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Natural History Museum:自然历史博物馆

美术馆和博物馆 大英博物馆、 维多利亚和阿尔伯特美术馆 (V&A)、 自然历史博物馆 (Natural History Museum)和 科学博物馆 (Science Museum) ,每一处都值得您花一整天的时间去细细观赏,但如果时间有限,即使只参观两 三个 小时, 您也会感触颇深.


汁堂(Tsujido)海滨公园11 马格纳(Magna)科学探险中心滨松(Hamamatsu)科学博物馆阿斯特里克斯(Astarix)公园巴巴洛德(Papalote)儿童博物馆爱知(Aichi)儿童中心

museum of natural history:自然博物馆

自然博物馆(museum of natural history)又称自然历史博物馆. 是收藏、制作和陈列天文、地质、植物、动物、古生物和人类等方面具有历史意义的标本,供科学研究和文化教育的机构. 自然博物馆即在自然志(自然史)方面收藏很充实的博物馆.

science museum:科学博物馆

美术馆和博物馆 大英博物馆、 维多利亚和阿尔伯特美术馆 (V&A)、 自然历史博物馆 (Natural History Museum)和 科学博物馆 (Science Museum) ,每一处都值得您花一整天的时间去细细观赏,但如果时间有限,即使只参观两 三个 小时, 您也会感触颇深.

the Science Museum:科学博物馆

但是要注意一点,科学博物馆(The Science Museum)的实际面积从建于1892年的米尔班克监狱(Millbank Prison)往上走,就来到泰特美术现出维多利亚一艾伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum)是维多利亚

National Science Museum:国家科学博物馆

访问期间代表团得到了泰国国家科学博物馆(National Science Museum)、泰国东方大学海洋技术学院的盛情接待,并应邀参观了泰国国家科学博物馆、泰国东方大学庄他武里校区海洋技术学院和海洋技术研究中心等,参加了泰中海洋技术研究中心揭牌仪式并进行了合作交流.

the Space Museum:科学博物馆

81. get to school, get home, get to the park 到学校/到家/到公园 | 82. the Space Museum 科学博物馆 | 83. People's Square 人民博物馆

go to the Science Museum:去科学博物馆

11. write to me soon 快写给我 | 12. go to the Science Museum 去科学博物馆 | 13. Watch out! 小心

Unit2 Where is the science museum:科学博物馆在哪里

know 知道--喽 | Unit2 Where is the science museum?科学博物馆在哪里? | library 图书馆 ---来不悔