英语人>词典>汉英 : 科学公园 的英文翻译,例句
科学公园 的英文翻译、例句


science park
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This Spanish structure with gardens offers elegant accommodation and modern facilities to make your stay in Valencia a pleasant one.Located just 10 minutes from the Trade and Congress center and city centre, Hotel La Carreta Chiva is only 15 minutes from the beach.

AC Hotel Valencia 距离港口5分钟路程﹐毗邻城市科学与艺术中心N海洋学公园﹐这里是 Valencia城市急速发展的新区﹐周围充满动力﹐本酒店最适合商务和休闲旅客。

Yesanpo Geopark is situated in Laishui County of Hebei Province, covering an area of about 600km~2 , main scenic spots 258km~2 . Yesanpo geopark is a wonderland gifted by nature, characterized by its One-Hundred-Li structural erosion gorge area, Gantry days related faults granite gorge area, Ming and Qing Great Wall, cliffside carvings culture heritages with great scientific and tourist significance.


According to the present situations of protected area in China and referring to the definition and category abroad, we suggested the forest natural protected area mainly include three types as follow: Nature Reserves (NR; types of forest eco-system), Forest Parks and Public Welfare Tree Farm. Researches of evaluation on ecotourism resources of forest natural protected area focused on two aspects basically: to appraise and account the ecotourism resources monetarily from the standpoint of pure economics; to assess the exploitability of ecotourism resources based on the theories of conservation biology and ecology, in which finding the reasonable equilibrating point between protection and: utilization was emphasized. On the studies of development pattern of forest ecotourism resources, it is necessary to deal with the relationship between protection and exploitation correctively, namely to put the protection as the first consideration and balance the "Tree r.1ajor Benefits" so that prompting the virtuous circle afforest ecotourism.


It has been caused much attention by many geologists at home and abroad. Based on the rich dinosaur resources in Henan Province, the author has obtained some important results through the scientific study and protection research of dinosaurs and,these results can help to discover more and more complete dinosaurs and other vertebrate fossils, to promote and raises the research level on the systematic paleontology and dinosaurs in Henan Province, and thus provides important scientific data on stratigraphy, paleogeography and paleoenvironment of Mesozoic basins, which can accelerate to build protection system at all levels and geological parks, all these can bring about a great advance in environment protection, tourism economy, agriculture, industrial production and social civilization.


The tourist peccancy had a great negative impact on the forest park environment and other tourist's experience. How to manage the tourist peccancy already became a difficult problem for the forest park.


As a 20 years before the establishment of the city, in the previous municipal government's scientific policy-making and hard work, in recent years, Zhangjiajie City has undergone a rapid development period, with the world's natural heritage, the World Geological Park, China's first national Forest Park, the National "5A" Jinzizhaopai four spots, from the "purdah in custody did not know" has become a world-renowned tourist destination, Hunan's leading tourism.


While, in suburb Wetland Park planning, the top-drawer ecosystem services are water quality and water supply reservoirs, and biodiversity conservation.


Arriving at scores of every forest park and the sort of landscape environmental quality of every Forest Park, pointed out the problem that existed in landscape construction and raised constructive comment for futural task of landscape construction.


This paper explicated the importance of ecological rehabitation and proposed an ecological rehabitation planning for this park,where an ecological system of self-maintenance is established in accordance with the condition of Maluan Mountain Country Park.


In August that year, the 32nd International Geological Congress was convened in Florence, Italy. Oral presentations and posters made by hundreds of geologists and geopark administrators from scores of countries of five continents demonstrated the current situation of geoheritage conservation, geoscientific researches on geoheritages, public education, methods and technology of protection, the relations of geoheritages with cultural heritages, with development and planning of cities and regions, and with the development of tourism, the relations between geoparks and national parks, the prospects of geoparks in Europe, America, Africa, Australia and Asia etc.


更多网络解释与科学公园相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kobe:日本 神户

日本,神户(KOBE)是一个拥有着众多的名胜景点的地方. 诸如:六甲山牧场、桥之科学馆、舞子海上散布大街、水果.花卉公园、葡萄酒城、凑川神社、北野异人馆、有马温泉、南京街即景......


汁堂(Tsujido)海滨公园11 马格纳(Magna)科学探险中心滨松(Hamamatsu)科学博物馆阿斯特里克斯(Astarix)公园巴巴洛德(Papalote)儿童博物馆爱知(Aichi)儿童中心

national park:国家公园

"国家公园"(National Park)的概念源自美国,指国家为了保护一个或多个典型生态系统的完整性,为生态旅游、科学研究和环境教育提供场所而划定的需要特殊保护、管理和利用的自然区域.

nature park:自然公园 theme park主题公园

pet shop宠物商店 | nature park自然公园 theme park主题公园 | science museum科学博物馆

nature reserve:保护区

"这一概念与我国现行的"自然保护区"(Nature reserve)概念相比较,有更广泛的外延,包含了自然保护区,如科学保护区、国家公园、自然纪念地等,也包括一般的保护区,如管理的资源区、持续利用区、世界遗产迹地等.

Hong Kong Science Museum:香港科学馆

香港仔郊野公园Aberdeen Country Park | 香港科学馆Hong Kong Science Museum | 香港海防博物馆Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

the Space Museum:科学博物馆

81. get to school, get home, get to the park 到学校/到家/到公园 | 82. the Space Museum 科学博物馆 | 83. People's Square 人民博物馆

zoological garden:动物园

动物园(zoological garden)搜集饲养各种动物,进行科学研究和科学普及并供群众观赏游览的园地. 分专设和附设于公园内的两种. 园中有饲养各种动物的特殊建筑和展出设施,并按动物进化系统结合自然生态环境规划布局.

zoological garden:园

动物园(zoological garden)搜集饲养各种动物,进行科学研究和科学普及并供群众观赏游览的园地. 分专设和附设于公园内的两种. 园中有饲养各种动物的特殊建筑和展出设施,并按动物进化系统结合自然生态环境规划布局.


6 汁堂(Tsujido)海滨公园11 马格纳(Magna)科学探险中心16 滨松(Hamamatsu)科学博物馆17 阿斯特里克斯(Astarix)公园22 巴巴洛德(Papalote)儿童博物馆26 爱知(Aichi)儿童中心