英语人>词典>汉英 : 科学 的英文翻译,例句
科学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ology  ·  science  ·  Wiss  ·  sciences  ·  sci

更多网络例句与科学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fan Delian Metal Enrichment-Layer in Lower Cambrian Black Rock in South China. Study on Sediment and Petrology 北京:科学出版社, 1981,null

范德廉 南方几省下寒武统黑色岩系及层状多金属富集层北京:科学出版社, 1981,null

Science-learning phobia is deteriorating with the rapid growth of science. Science museums, enjoying a special status in this society, have to take the responsibility to help the public overcome impolitic phenomenon and sciencelearning and develop scientific literacy. A major tool to achieve this is the Constructivism exhibition, which is designed to enhance the visitor's experience and cultivate their interests in science.


According to philosophy of science, we can divide the essential view of science into two kinds, modern and tradition, the traditional essential view of science mainly include empiricism, rationalism and logical positivism


Nursling science education goal can not adapt to the need of the era of knowledge economy and information and we must study it deeply and make an relative adjustment. Teachers play an important role in the course of executing nursling science education at present. There is big distance among teachers in scientific fiber, science knowledge, scientific ability, lacking high fiber teachers has confined the development of nursling scientific education in Zhengzhou, even in the whole country, it must be changed through effective system and means.


Gender Theory of feminism provides a completely new sight of angle criticizing traditional science, gives a better elucidation of the formation of androcentric society, the oppressive origin of women in it, and the direction of solution.


Second, mordern science investigates Nature only through mathematical way, which make people take the mathematical nature for Nature itself. Third, its result is physicalistic objectivism was seen as the metaphysical foundation of natural science which has led to the riddle of cogni...


Under the guidance of my mentor, my study work consists of the investigation of laboratory animalstatus of 30 provinces all over the country, visiting about 20 institutes about laboratory animal science,review of the jurnals and magazines in this field lately 8 years, and browing through websets of morethan 20 institutes overseas. Summarized my experience on macro management in this field for manyyears, investigated and analyzed the development rules of laboratory animal science in China andabroad, and resumptively proposed my research results.


The systematic research on the AOS gives us a clear clue on the importance of AOS for healthy development of science, and the risky social consequences once it is damaged. Furthermore, while asking for the social control of science in order to prevent it from being catabolized,we should also give a full consideration on how to protect the AOS from damage?


Huang Ronghui%K Gambo On other wave guide in stationary planetary wave propagations in the winter Northern Hemisphere 中国科学A辑, 1983,null

陈文%黄荣辉中层大气行星波在臭氧的季节和年际变化中输运作用的数值研究Ⅰ常定流的情况,大气科学, 1996,null

Such doubts havesitimulated the researchers'curiosity and start to explore the students' terms This research proceeds by observation interview test using learning sheets and etc The purpose is to explore students' terms of scientific concepts sources of terms connections between students' usage nomenclature and chooses of usage The results of the research are as follows: 1 There are five kinds of naming principles for students' terms of scientific concepts: appearance habit function replacing and sound Appearance principle contains three categories: color shape and partial construction; habit principle contains custom and ability; replacing principle contains reality and non-reality 2 Students' terms of scientific concepts come from two ways: self-acquisition and learning through senses The former way is only a bit more common than the latter 3 There are three different relationships between students' usage of terms and nomenclature: one both the same in usage and meaning; the other both different; another different usage but the same meaning Normally terms that students used are various from nomenclature in the aspects of usage and meaning only a few would match and even rare for "Synonyms" to occur 4 Alternative options for students' scientific terms are maintenance adaptation or co-existence with formal scientific terms The most common way of selecting usage of terms is to maintain Sometimes students would adapt themselves once learn of scientist's term However some believe that very odd chances for both could exist at the same time


更多网络解释与科学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CSA-Micro C: Algology; Mycology & Protozoology:剑桥科学文摘-藻类、真菌学和原

CSA-Micro B: Bacteriology Abstracts 剑桥科学文摘-细菌学 | CSA-Micro C: Algology; Mycology & Protozoology 剑桥科学文摘-藻类、真菌学和原 | CSA-Neurosciences Abstracts 剑桥科学文摘-神经系统科学文摘

Science Communication:科学传播

对于新世纪中的科学普及,已有专家学者提出"科学传播" (Science Communication)的理念,认为这是科学普及的一个新的形态,是公众理解科学运动的一个扩展和继续.

Geographic Information Science:地理信息科学

地球信息科学作为一门新兴的交叉学科,人们对其认识有多重含义,并出现了许多相类似但又不相同的科学名词,如地球信息技术(Geomatics)、地球信息机理(Geo-Informatics)、地理信息科学(Geographic Information Science)、地球信息科学(Geo-Information Science)等.

The Journal of laryngology and otology:耳喉科学杂志 英国

The Annals of otology , rhinology & laryngology 耳科学、鼻科学和喉科学纪事 ... | The Journal of laryngology and otology 耳喉科学杂志 英国 | Otolaryngology -head and neck surgery 耳鼻喉科学、头与颈外科学 ...


任鸿隽对"灵学"一章,评论为:"这种研究只可称之为假科学(Pseudoscience). 我们虽然承认科学的范围无限,同时又不能不严科学与假科学之分. 非科学容易辩白,假科学有时是不容易辩白的. "从而看出当时科学家对科学普及是十分认真求实的.

The Annals of otology , rhinology & laryngology:耳科学、鼻科学和喉科学纪事 美国

Archives of otolaryngology -head & neck surgery 耳鼻喉科学文献集. 头... | The Annals of otology , rhinology & laryngology 耳科学、鼻科学和喉科学纪事 美国 | The Journal of laryngology and otology 耳喉科学...

Scientific Socialism:科学社会主义

科学社会主义(scientific socialism)即科学的政治学理论,是关于人们认识社会的具体科学理论. 亦称科学共产主义. 一种政治形态. 为了同空想社会主义相区别,马克思和恩格斯才使用科学社会主义这个名称. 它有广义和狭义两种含义. 广义的含义,


概况: <<科学世界>>(Newton)是由中国科学院主管的一本综合性科普月刊,旨在向广大公众传播科学技术知识,倡导科学方法,激励科学思维,促进科学生活,竭力提高我国国民的科学素养.

CSA-Neurosciences Abstracts:剑桥科学文摘-神经系统科学文摘

CSA-Micro C: Algology; Mycology & Protozoology 剑桥科学文摘-藻类、真菌学和原 | CSA-Neurosciences Abstracts 剑桥科学文摘-神经系统科学文摘 | CSA-NTIS 剑桥科学文摘-美国政府报告文摘题录数据库

earth science:地球科学

科学课分为"地球科学"(Earth Science)和"物质科学"(Physical Science)两门. "地球科学"包括生物和地理;"物质科学"包括物理和化学. 两本书都是900多页的大部头. 大多数黑人进入了南方种植园,过着非人的奴隶生活,人身自由受到限制.