英语人>词典>汉英 : 种 的英文翻译,例句
种 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
genera  ·  genus  ·  species  ·  varietas

更多网络例句与种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

B type of brandy 一种白兰地: Cognac and Armagnac are fine brandies.


ETS只接受13种货币:US dollar, Australian dollar, British pound, Canadian dollar, Danish kroner, Euro, Hong Kong dollar, Japanese yen, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian kroner, Singapore dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc.


Snack Sauce Boiled Cake , originated from Nanheng Street in the southern part of the city, is peculiar to Beijing特有的一种小吃, It was said that common people could not afford meat so they replaced it with pig's tripe and chitterlings.


I hope you will find that in the preparation of Flex 2种components very easily.

我希望你会发现在Flex 2编写组件很容易。

She said that a piece of land, not suitable for种麦子, you can try different beans; beans not long, you can kinds of fruits; If fruits are not economic, then sprinkled some buckwheat seeds will be able to bloom.


Species are medicinal plants, 65 species are timer plants, 60 species are ornamental plants,41 species are fiber plants, 33 species are wild fruits, 38 species are oil plants, 42 species are forage plants, 42 species are tanning plants, 25 species are wild vegetables, 27 species are pesticide plants, 26 species are scent plants, 23 species are starch plants, 19 species are health plants, 13 species are dye plants, 10 species are venomousness plants, 5 species are honey-resource plants.

公园中经济植物可分为12 类,分别是药用植物321 ,用材树65 ,观赏植物60 ,纤维植物41 ,野生水果33 ,油脂植物38 ,饲料植物42 ,鞣料植物42 ,野菜植物25 ,农药植物27 ,芳香植物26 ,淀粉植物23 ,保健植物19 ,染料植物13 ,有毒植物10 ,蜜源植物5

The single-celled phytoplankton included 116 inshore wide distribution species, 31 inshore warm-water species and 26 inshore temperate species, and the vascular plants were of 6 ecological groups, i.e., halophtes (24 species), hydrophtes (22 species), amphiphytes (35 species ), mesopllytes (103 species), zerophytes (6 species), and psammons (4 species). Halophtes, hydrophtes, and amphiphytes were the edificators and dominants, reflecting the azonal feature of the wetland vegetations. The vascular plants were divided into 5 life-forms, including 20 phaenerophytes, 4 chamaephytes, 54 hemicryptophytes, 48 geophytes and 68 therophytes, among which, hemicryptophytes and geophytes accounted for 52.58%, reflecting the relatively important function of cold and wet climate and local water-accumulated bottomland environment on the vascular flora formation.


The results showed that the freshwater species were predominant, and 45 species of algal (5 phylums, 32 genera), in which 18 species of Bacillariophyta belong to 12 genera, 15 species of Chlorophyta one genus, 10 species of Cyanophyta 7 genera, and one specie of Euglenphyta and Chrysophyta; 37 species of zooplankton, in which 9 species of Protozoa, 14 species of Rotifera,...


We organized and identified the specimens which collected in the insects specimens laboratory of life science and technology department of Xinjiang university, from almost everywhere of Xinjiang with combination of the conventional methods and the electroscopic scanning technique.

本文采用常规鉴定方法与雄性外生殖器解剖相结合,辅以扫描电镜观察,对收藏于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫室20年来积累的标本及三年在校期间系统地采集于全疆各地的拟步甲类标本进行了整理与鉴定,结合野外考察及重要类群的生物学研究,研究其区系成份,并对其区系特征及地理分布状况进行了系统的分析,主要研究成果如下:1)初步查明新疆拟步甲科昆虫共计266,分隶于23族72属,其中35为中国新记录,3为拟步甲类新,作新记述,并附图片;在研究过程中初步探讨了拟步甲的中文命名问题; 2)新疆拟步甲类繁多,其区系成分分析显示,除12为广布以外,共有6区系成分,其中中亚细亚为最多,有87,占已的32.7﹪;其次依次为中央亚细亚和特有,分别为81和65,各占已知类的30.5﹪和24.4﹪;泛古北12,占4.5﹪;欧洲西伯利亚7,占2.6﹪;欧洲中亚最少,仅有2,占0.75﹪,并根据新疆拟步甲科昆虫区系成分分析了其起源问题; 3)新疆拟步甲科昆虫的地理分布表明,分布于准噶尔盆地的类最为丰富,计161,占新疆已知的60.5﹪;其次是塔里木盆地92,占已知的34.6﹪;东疆诸盆地63,占23.7﹪;伊犁谷地56,占21.1﹪;在三大山系中,天山山系的拟步甲类最多,为54,占20.3﹪;阿尔泰山山系28,占10.5﹪;昆仑山山系13,占4.9﹪。

The lumber is dry is in fact through the change lumber 干燥窑 intemperature, the humidity controls the lumber drying in transit thelumber moisture content, causes the lumber moisture content accordingto certain technological requirement slow reducing, guarantees to thedifferent 材种 dry quality requirement.


更多网络解释与种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



companion species:伴生种

3.伴生(companion species)伴生为群落的常见类,它与优势相伴存在,但不起主要作用. 4.偶见或罕见(rare species)偶见是那些在群落中出现频率很低的类,多半是由于群本身数量稀少的缘故. 偶见可能偶然地由人们带入或随着某条件的改变而侵入群落中,


成熟子的皮上一般还有脐(hilum)、孔(micropyle)和脊(raphe)等结构. 脐是子成熟后与果实脱离时留下的痕迹;孔是原来胚珠时期的珠孔,子吸涨后在脐两侧轻轻挤压,有水从孔溢出,子萌发时,胚根首先从孔处突破皮.

interspecific hybrid:种间染种

间杂交 interspecies cross | 间染 interspecific hybrid | 间杂化 interspecific hybridization

interspecific hybrid:种间杂种[种间杂交的后代]

interspecific 间的 | interspecific hybrid 间杂[间杂交的后代] | interstices of soil 土壤间裂缝


成熟子的皮上一般还有脐(hilum)、孔(micropyle)和脊(raphe)等结构. 脐是子成熟后与果实脱离时留下的痕迹;孔是原来胚珠时期的珠孔,子吸涨后在脐两侧轻轻挤压,有水从孔溢出,子萌发时,胚根首先从孔处突破皮.

sympatric speciation:同域成种

事实上,成基因只是同域成(sympatric speciation)的一驱动力. 从遗传学的角度来说,成基因使居群间迅速出现了生殖隔离,使居群分化. 当然,同域成还存在有其他的驱动力,如自然选择(加拉帕戈斯群岛上的地雀,被认为因取食不同的籽造成喙的大小不同).

subdominant species:亚优势种

(2)亚优势(subdominant species)指个体数量与作用都次于优势,但在决定群落环境方面仍起着一定作用的类. (3)伴生(companion species)伴生为群落成见类,它与优势相伴存在,但不起主要作用. (4)偶见(rare species)偶见是那些在群落中出现频率很低的类,


分子生物学以及声谱分析等技术的应用,为分辨亲缘(sibling species)、超(superspecies)或组(species group)提供了新的手段. 近年来亚被提升为以及新的发现犹如雨后春笋,在鸟类分类学本书和亚的厘定是在参考国内外最新发表文献的基础上所做出的审慎判断.


确限度等级 : 奇偶(stranger)--偶然发现或入侵的或残遗的; 随偶(indifferent)--对任何群落都没有显著的亲缘; 适宜(preferent)--在若干群落中发现,但在其中一个群落中成为优势或生长最好的; 偏宜(selective)--特别在某一群落中出现,