英语人>词典>汉英 : 禁止使用 的英文翻译,例句
禁止使用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
taboo  ·  taboos  ·  tapu  ·  tabooed  ·  tabooing  ·  tabued  ·  tabuing  ·  tabus

prohibition of use
更多网络例句与禁止使用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These organizations, which became the steering committee of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines called for an end to the use, production, trade and stockpiling of antipersonnel landmines.


The countries of the Union undertake to prohibit the unauthorized use in trade of the State armorial bearings of the other countries of the Union, when the use is of such a nature as to be misleading as to the origin of the goods.


This thesis consists of six chapters, which will dissertate deeply some questions concerned the principle pf prohibition of use of force.


To the 19th century, some European countries have been able to industrial production of highly toxic substances to poison a large number of possible for the war, and aroused attention of the media .1899 proposed Declaration of the Hague Conference to prohibit the use of asphyxiating and releasing toxic gas projectiles .1907 for the sole purpose of the second Hague Conference, in the annex to the resolution of Marine regulations, once again states:"In particular, prohibit the use of poison or poison weapons facilities."


The authors of this paper pointed out the followings: there is no intrinsic certain relation between these two issues; we should neither discuss the hazards of using stimulants to physical and mental health and the harm of competitive sports to the body, psychology and morality of the athletes at the same level, nor con-sider that the hazards brought by using stimulants to the healthy development of sports are as equally bad as the phenomenon of unfairness existing in the development of competitive sports and the phenomenon of science and technology "dissimilating" competitive sports; the fundamental goal of prohibiting the use of stimulants is to main-tain the spirit of fair competition of competitive sports.


via their study the authors considered that it is lacking in logical reasoning for the authors of the paper titled on the return of competitive sports to their game playing nature - thoughts inspired by stimulant prohibition to further draw such a conclusion as the nature of competitive sports being game playing from their analysis of the hazards of using stimulants.the authors of this paper pointed out the followings: there is no intrinsic certain relation between these two issues; we should neither discuss the hazards of using stimulants to physical and mental health and the harm of competitive sports to the body, psychology and morality of the athletes at the same level, nor consider that the hazards brought by using stimulants to the healthy development of sports are as equally bad as the phenomenon of unfairness existing in the development of competitive sports and the phenomenon of science and technology "dissimilating" competitive sports; the fundamental goal of prohibiting the use of stimulants is to maintain the spirit of fair competition of competitive sports.


via their study the authors considered that it is lacking in logical reasoning for the authors of the paper titled on the return of competitive sports to their game playing nature - thoughts inspired by stimulant prohibition to further draw such a conclusion as the nature of competitive sports being game playing from their analysis of the hazards of using stimulants.the authors of this paper pointed out the followings: there is no intrinsic certain relation between these two issues; we should neither discuss the hazards of using stimulants to physical and mental health and the harm of competitive sports to the body, psychology and morality of the athletes at the same level, nor consider that the hazards brought by using stimulants to the healthy development of sports are as equally bad as the phenomenon of unfairness existing in the development of competitive sports and the phenomenon of science and technology "dissimilating" competitive sports; the fundamental goal of prohibiting the use of stimulants is to maintain the spirit of fair competition of competitive sports.


In conformity with Rule 405, which forecloses use of evidence of specific incidents as proof in chief of character unless character is an issue in the case, the present rule generally bars evidence of specific instances of conduct of a witness for the purpose of attacking or supporting his credibility.


After they had determined the kinds of work prohibited on the Sabbath they forbade the use of many things on the Sabbath on the ground that their use might lead to some prohibited labor.


Although, the sea salt purchased at a pet shop will have more minerals, it isn't necessary to go to that expense. Be sure never to use table salt, iodized salt, or salt with anti-caking ingredients.


更多网络解释与禁止使用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在美国不禁止使用美国(US或America)、美国的(American)、中国(China)、全国(national)等字样的域名. 使用这样域名的企业多了,人们就感觉不到这些域名就一定代表国家级企业. 美国也不禁止地名作为域名.






禁忌症(contraindication)是适应症的反义词,指药物不适宜应用于某些疾病、情况或特定的人群(儿童、老年人、孕妇及哺乳期妇女、肝肾功能不全者). 或应用后会引起不良后果,在具体给药上应予禁止或顾忌. 对禁止的指征应绝对禁止使用;对

Holy Freeze:神圣冰冻

无法交易的扔地上检查(usc)3.禁止的技能(所携带装备中含有以下蓄气或技能的,禁止使用该技能---装备上在战斗中可以被激发的技能除外,如流亡盾(exile)上面的生命偷取)B. pal 的圣光弹(Holy bot) , 神圣冰冻( Holy freeze)F. pal 的祈祷(prayer) 冥思(med)技能!

injunctive relief:禁止令救济

为了贯彻宪法所赋予的投票权,赋予合众国的联邦地区法院对在公共膳宿处(Public Accommodations)发生的歧视现象提供强制禁止令救济(Injunctive Relief)的司法管辖权,授权首席检察官司法部长(Attorney General)提起诉讼来保护使用公共设施和公共教育领域的宪法权利,


受控承运人无法证明的,联邦海事委员会可禁止(prohibit)受控承运人公布或使用这样的运价. 8.运价中止制度. 联邦海事委员会在调查受控承运人运价的过程中(但尚未做出结论),对于已生效的运价,在向受控承运人说明中止(suspension)的原因并至少提前30天通知后,

Using cutters with secable blades is forbidden:禁止使用带生锈刀片的切丁机

"The machine is regularly checked following the control... | " Using cutters with secable blades is forbidden禁止使用带生锈刀片的切丁机" | "Using staples, paper clips,and pins is forbidden on productio...

immobilisation n.f:禁止使用,冻结

confiscation n.f. 没收 | immobilisation n.f. 禁止使用,冻结 | cumulativement adv. 累加地,并罚地


Public toilet 公厕 | persecuted 未经允许,禁止张贴广告,否则追究责任. | Under repair, do not operate 正在修理,不能使用.