英语人>词典>汉英 : 祭祀的 的英文翻译,例句
祭祀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与祭祀的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper analyzes the basic layout and origin of oboo cult after reviewing relevant historical records and ethnographical material, and indicates that an early form of the similar cult to oboo, namely fairy stone cult, appeared in the northern prairie area of Eurasia long before oboo cult which was adopted by the Mongols as a traditional religion. Oboo has held on this tradition of the prairie culture both in the layout and manner of cult.


Ode is used for the sacred music of religion fete, which is very close to music .


He kneads you until you are pliant;And then he assigns you to his sacred fire


The prime factor that determines whether Chinese opera could subsist in Malaysia is its function in religious aspects.


They have even received a monstrous extension, for it is a plausible opinion that the self-immolation of the widow at her husband''s funeral, a practice continued to historical times by the Hindoos, and commemorated in the traditions of several Indo-European races, was an addition grafted on the primitive sacra, under the influence of the impression, which always accompanies the idea of sacrifice, that human blood is the most precious of all oblations.


In smoke-filled, and will sacrifice the long message to the sky.


But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.


I always believe, however, that it is a season good for remembrance and honoring.


He said, The god we worship here, Wangling, is very powerful.


Ritual ceremonies marked by singing, dancing, and drinking still take place throughout the year to ensure a successful harvest.


更多网络解释与祭祀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从这个角度,我们就可以解释为什么祭祀的对象 "必须"是"死人",即"缺席"(absent),而不可能是"活人",即"在场"(present)的基本理由. 在这里,即使被祭祀者是以"人"的形式出现,但其真实的意义则也是持守和纪念特定共同体之内在精神,

Stout Bather:强壮的浴女

女孩和梯子Girl With A Ladder | 强壮的浴女Stout Bather | 祭祀的公牛Sacrificial Ox


""可我不会伪装大法(Disguise)啊!""这些杀千刀的NPC!它们为了利用'天赐神兵'提高军团生物的产量,竟然要拿女玩家做祭祀品来祭祀战神阿瑞斯. 这下触犯了众怒,广场上的玩家们现在都群情激愤,正在向主持祭祀的克鲁罗德公爵及其麾下第一悍将约克(Yog)大人讨说法.


凡是被登记为基本类型"宗教与祭祀活动场所"(FAC)的单体就不能再拆分成其他基本类型的多个单体. 进而可知,凡是被拆分成若干个单体的旅游资源就不能再以单体形式登记,凡已被作为某个基本类型登记的单体,就不能再拆分成其他单体.


另一方面,每一个扩大家庭都有自己的祭祀地点--基瓦(Kiva). 到了很晚的近代,才出现了社会共有的祭祀建筑. 家庭祭祀的存在维系了血缘组织,起到了防止血缘组织解体的作用. 这是宗教在阻碍文明进程的一个例子.


月之女祭祀(POm)走出祭坛,立即攻击这棵大树,但她那微弱的攻击力并不能阻止大树修建完成. 此时,两个DH几乎同时赶到了萧新的基地--一个是刘菲的,一个是小甜的.

ritual murder:祭祀的杀牲

ritornello 咏唱 | ritual murder 祭祀的杀牲 | ritual 典礼


flavoring 调味品,调味料 | sacrificial 用于祭祀的 | token 标志,象征

Enchanted Woodcutter:迷醉的伐木

祭祀的公牛Sacrificial Ox | 迷醉的伐木Enchanted Woodcutter | 演讲Eloquence

Immolating Arrow:祭祀之箭 灼热的火焰随箭束射人敌人的身体,久久不肯熄灭,如同那祭坛上熊熊的烈火

Strafing Arrow 散射之箭 发散式攻击,命中不同的... | Immolating Arrow 祭祀之箭 灼热的火焰随箭束射人敌人的身体,久久不肯熄灭,如同那祭坛上熊熊的烈火 | Freezing Arrow 冻结之箭 接近绝对零度的寒气,迅速把敌人的细...