英语人>词典>汉英 : 神经胚叶 的英文翻译,例句
神经胚叶 的英文翻译、例句


neurodermal layer
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ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate in clinicopathological features, histogenesis and biological behavior of primary primitive neuroectodermal tumors of cerebrum and spinal cord.


CCSK is a rare type of renal neoplasm in childhood and its diagnosis relies mainly on histopathology and immunohistochemistry. It is important to be familiar with the morphological variants of CCSK to avoid confusion with other similar lesions, such as Wilm's tumor, congenital mesoblastic nephroma, malignant rhabdoid tumor of kidney, primitive neuroectodermal tumor.


Here we address this question, focusing on SKPs, a cultured adult stem cell from the dermis that generates both neural and mesodermal progeny.

本文仅就 SKPs 对此问题进行研究, SKPs 是来自皮肤真皮层的一种成体干细胞,该类细胞可以生成神经源性和中胚叶来源的子代细胞。

Results Histologically, AT/RT was characterized by the presence of rhabdoid cells associated with various degrees of primitive neuroectodermal, epithelial or mesenchymal differentiation.

结果 非典型畸胎样/横纹肌样瘤具有特征性的横纹肌样细胞,伴有不同程度的原始神经外胚叶、上皮和间质分化。

更多网络解释与神经胚叶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他把人分成内胚叶型(endomorphy)(又称脏腑型)、中胚叶型(meso-morphy)(又称肌肉骨骼型)和外胚叶型(ectomorphy)(又称皮肤神经型). 内胚叶型肥胖,乐观,体态松弛,反应缓慢,睡眠很深;中胚叶型健壮,好动,体态线条鲜明,富于竞争性;

Mesenteric lymphadenopathy:肠系膜腺瘤

Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma 肠系膜囊状淋巴管瘤 | Mesenteric lymphadenopathy 肠系膜腺瘤 | Mesodermogenic neurosyphilis 中胚叶神经系梅毒


① 黑素细胞(melanocyte)来源于外胚叶的神经嵴、具有合成黑色素的作用. 其胞浆透明,核较小深染. 黑素细胞位于基底细胞层. 约8~10个基底细胞间有一个黑素细胞.


神经纤维瘤病(neurofibromatosis)是一种常染色体显性遗传性全身性神经外胚叶异常性疾病. 神经纤维瘤是起源于神经鞘细胞和间叶组织的神经内及神经外等结缔组织的良性肿瘤,可在神经末端或沿神经干的任何部位发生. 为了及早的发现神经纤维瘤,

Ectodermic disease:外胚叶病

Ectatic scar 扩张瘢痕 | Ectodermic disease 外胚叶病 | Ectodermogenic neurosyphilis 外胚叶神经系梅毒

neurenteric canal:神经消化管(胚胎)

\\"痉挛性不全麻痹之神经切除法\\",\\"neurectomy,spastic paresis\\" | \\"神经消化管(胚胎)\\",\\"neurenteric canal\\" | \\"神经上皮,上胚叶,外胚叶\\",\\"neurepithelium\\"


\\"神经消化管(胚胎)\\",\\"neurenteric canal\\" | \\"神经上皮,上胚叶,外胚叶\\",\\"neurepithelium\\" | \\"神经作用的\\",\\"neurergic\\"

Mesodermogenic neurosyphilis:中胚叶神经系梅毒

Mesenteric lymphadenopathy 肠系膜腺瘤 | Mesodermogenic neurosyphilis 中胚叶神经系梅毒 | Mesopharyngopathy 咽中部病

Ectodermogenic neurosyphilis:外胚叶神经系梅毒

Ectodermic disease 外胚叶病 | Ectodermogenic neurosyphilis 外胚叶神经系梅毒 | Ectoendothric trichophytia 发内外(发)癣菌病

Ectoendothric trichophytia:发内外(发)癣菌病

Ectodermogenic neurosyphilis 外胚叶神经系梅... | Ectoendothric trichophytia 发内外(发)癣菌病 | Ectogenic teratism; Malformation by defect; Malformation due to arrested development 缺损畸形; 发育障碍性畸...