英语人>词典>汉英 : 神秘可怕 的英文翻译,例句
神秘可怕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与神秘可怕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When campers and staff mysteriously begin disappearing and turning into gruesome corpses, paranoid Ronnie can't shake the memory of a series of grisly murders that took place at Camp Arawak, where he worked two decades earlier.


But though towards the end of the battle the men felt all the horror of their actions, though they would have been glad to cease, some unfathomable, mysterious force still led them on, and the artillerymen—the third of them left—soaked with sweat, grimed with powder and blood, and panting with weariness, still brought the charges, loaded, aimed, and lighted the match; and the cannon balls flew as swiftly and cruelly from each side and crushed human flesh, and kept up the fearful work, which was done not at the will of men, but at the will of Him who sways men and worlds.


The cab stopped in the midst of Robert Audley's meditation, and he had to pay the cabman, and submit to all the dreary mechanism of life, which is the same whether we are glad or sorry--whether we are to be married or hung, elevated to the woolsack or disbarred by our brother benchers on some mysterious technical tangle of wrong-doing, which is a social enigma to those outside the Middle Temple.


In the ~ silence of the cavern.


Estatic fears - chapter i edit by hide The feeble leafs decline, Enshrined in downing deep The mourn abandoned plains, Laid down in sombre sleep Misty shades engulf the sky Like past, worn memories The bird's song fills the whispering breeze With autumns melody The lunar pale grim shape At evening's sight renews It's silented wail relieves Repressed thoughts anew I hear the lonesome choir Of fortunes past my way Disdained in fiery weeps Throughout my every day These skies I hail and treasure thee, Most pleasant misery Not pittes thorn I shelter thine Mysterious harmony Draw on most pleasant night Shade my lorn exposed sight For my grief's when shadows told Shall be eased in mist enfold Why should the foolish's hope Thy unborn passioned cry Exhaust unheard Beneath this pleasent sky?


It was luridly described in the book as the place where mystics took refuge.


I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious.


Such a portentous and mysterious monster roused all my curiosity .


Thus the mysterious and horrifying China and the blindly loyal Chinese are only the Orientalized place and people in the showcase of Tan's Chinese Orientalization.


But, not to be gainsaid, so fierce and unruly a thing is love in some men, he built this strength in the midst of the liver as you see, and placed upon it so many dark and terrible spells of magic that none could cross to or from it without his sanction.


更多网络解释与神秘可怕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"奇美拉"(chimaera)是来自"白杨谷森林"的神秘野兽,它是可怕的双头怪物,在黑暗森林的上空盘旋,用致命的喷吐来对付一切侵犯圣洁的卡利姆多大陆的敌人. 让许多敌人即使只看到这巨大的野兽后,就会马上撤退. 奇美拉具有两种不同的攻击方式:一种是魔法攻击,



Glaive Thrower:(投刃车)

来自白杨谷森林的奇美拉是和暗夜精灵族和睦相处的神秘野兽.这些可怕的双头怪物在黑暗森林的上空隙用致命的喷吐来对付一切侵犯圣洁...冰封王座 暗夜精灵族 投刃车(Glaive Thrower)具有很长射程的攻城武器.


『在保护伞公司(Umbrella Corporation)的老巢----"蜂房"(Hive)的巨大地下遗传研究中心暗藏着某种可怕的事情,在这里聚集着许多神秘的生物工程学家. 一种致命的病毒泄露了了,并快速地传播着.

Tobe Hooper:托比 胡珀

"大卫芬奇回复>风格的>(Zodiac)根据真实事件改编. 讲述上世纪一个被称为"十二宫杀手"的神秘罪犯在洛杉矶制造了一系列血案,使他成为美国历史上最可怕、最难以捉摸的连环杀手之一. 编剧: 金 亨克尔 (Kim Henkel) / 托比 胡珀 (Tobe Hooper)


电影>是以神秘的(Mystery)记忆(Memory)神秘的爱情(Melo)等多种类型表现的电影,描写出失去记忆的悲哀,又可怕又美丽的爱情故事.今年在康城电影市场上,因「Project M」这个名字而引起了话题.

Original Sin:原罪

据此,基督教神秘难解的 "原罪"(Original Sin)说,莫非可以借助这样一个简明公式,即:原罪=灵性+自私,作出合乎理性的诠释. 至於人类以外的一切生物,既然无缘问津人类独秉的灵性创造能力,其行为不能超越本能的范畴,无论其表现看去何等凶残可怕,


测谎仪(polygraph)是一种测量人们血压、脉搏、...不说谎的人觉得它很神秘,说谎的人觉得它很可怕,这就是神奇的测谎仪. 面对不断攀升的犯罪,善良的人们总是期望借助科学的灵丹妙药,将所有犯罪分子手到擒来. 测谎技术的推广者们正在说服人们相信,


uncannily /惊异地/神秘地/危险地/ | uncanniness /神密/ | uncanny /怪诞的/可怕的/离奇的/神秘的/

uncanny: a.1:怪模怪样的,可怕的 2.离奇神秘的,不可思议的

all the more: adv.更加,越发,格外,愈发,尤其 | uncanny: a.1.怪模怪样的,可怕的 2.离奇神秘的,不可思议的 | canny: adj. 谨慎的, 精明的, 节约的; 灵敏的;聪明的 (BrE.) 漂亮的;美好的