英语人>词典>汉英 : 祝您好运 的英文翻译,例句
祝您好运 的英文翻译、例句


good luck
更多网络例句与祝您好运相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We wish you luck and prosperity for your business marketing campaigns through our software.


She Guozhichu-sowing "I wish you the best of luck," a blessing, head decoration symbolizes freedom flying, the Olympic rings in a green ring.


More cries of "Buona fortuna ".


Kline, after you've had your bypass to repair your burst blood vessel and I wish you luck with...


Keep your smarts about you, and good luck!


Premier Wenjiabao, which benediction do you want to get in the new year? I make the cat scratch your nose by its tail, so you feel pruritic and sneeze. Then I bless you to your health. I make the cat scratch your nose by its tail again, so you feel pruritic and sneeze again. Then I bless you to your good mood. I make the cat scratch your nose by its tail again, so you feel pruritic and sneeze again. Then I bless you to your good luck and your glow of happiness. I thought your poem is very wonderful.


The title of ancient PekingThe 妮妮 gladdens the spring with bring people, flying its a fine wish for sowing 撒" wishing your good luck".


更多网络解释与祝您好运相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Viel Gluck:祝您好运

23. Ich wunsche Ihnen viel Erfolg bei der Prufung. 我祝願您考試成功/順利! | 24. Viel Gluck! 祝您好運! | 25. Angenehme Feiertage! 節日愉快!

Please go straight ahead:请直走

78、能请您跟我走吗?Could you please follow me? | 79、请直走. Please go straight ahead. | 87、祝您好运. Good luck.

And Godspeed:一路顺风

Good luck. God bless.|祝你们好运. 上帝保佑您们. | And Godspeed.|一路顺风. | Earth...|地球...

kor thoad:对不起/请原谅

下次见 laew phob gan mai | 祝您好运 kor hai chok dee | 对不起/请原谅 kor thoad

make good choices:做正确选择

(12)Best of luck to you! 祝您好运! | (13)make good choices 做正确选择 | (14)be made up of 由......组(构)成

make good choices:作正确选择

(12)Best of luck to you! 祝您好运! | (13)make good choices 作正确选择 | (14)be made up of 由......组(构)成


您好 实在不行就买书 祝您好运权力之人际关系 交易之人际关系 爱情之人际关系 张宏文 (1996) 陌生(strange) 相识(acqu 圆通的人际关系 各讲主要内容: 第一讲 中西方人际关系 1.前言 2.中西方人际关系对比 第二有条件的话,

Whin will you come to take:请问您什么时候来提货呢

16、 Keep in touch good luck.保持联系,祝您好运. | 17、 Whin will you come to take?请问您什么时候来提货呢? | 18、 You take or we deliver to you ?您是自己来取还是我们给您送去?