英语人>词典>汉英 : 社论 的英文翻译,例句
社论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
editorial  ·  editorials

a leading article
更多网络例句与社论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

N Image Magic, we provide professional shooting service, models booking, press release writing, advertorial organizing etc...

mage Magic内,除了可以会提供专业的摄影服务外,还会为不同的客户预约模特儿,务求提供一站式的服务,如有需要,Image Magic还可为客人撰写新闻稿、社论式广告等,甚至输出至不同媒体,为客户提供全方位的解决方案。

Judging from the mode of presentation and standard of current technique, Web Advertising can be grouped as, Banner Ads, Co-brand Contents Ads, Advertorial Ads, pop up ads, Special Dynamic Ads, Email ads, Event Ads, offline ads and more.


Monday, Aug 22, 2005,Page 8Your editorial "Hen Tai is a badge of pride"(Aug. 20, page 8) ends with a remark to the effect that Irish are prepared to use violence to stand up for their own country and culture -- surely this is the correct interpretation of your editorialist's talk of a "robust" response -- and laments the Taiwanese inability to follow suit.


You're editorializing here.- I never editorialize.


An extraordinary editorial is different from a political and expositive editorials or editorials on current affairs in that it has its special background and rich emotion.


Broadcast editorializing is not nearly as common in radio as editorializing in newspaper and some magazines.


All editorializing was left to the editorials pages.


The State Department is rejecting, in unusually blunt terms, editorial criticism that Secretary Clinton has soft-pedaled human rights issues in her initial trips abroad in her new post.


The State Department is rejecting, in unusually blunt terms, editorial criticism that Secretary Clinton has soft-pedaled human rights issues in her initial trips abroad in her new post.


Mahoney has won more than 30 national and state awards for editorial writing and reporting, including The American Society of Newspaper Editors Award for Editorial Writing, the National Headliners Award for Editorial Writing, the Associated Press Managing Editors First Amendment Award and the Lee Enterprises President's Award for News.


更多网络解释与社论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


""商业信息片"和"社论式广告"(advertorial)是两个时髦的杂交词,描述了公关领域的两个新兴致富之源. 它们指的是那些伪装成新闻的广告,如此伪装是为了获取消费者的信任,让他们就跟信任报纸文章或电视新闻一样信任这些广告.


memorialist 请愿者,建议者,传记作者 | editorialist 社论作者,撰写社论者 | territorialist 领海主义者


editorialize on 发表社论 | editorialize 发表社论 | editorially 以编辑身份地


editorial /编辑的/编辑上的/主笔的/社论的/社论/评论/ | editorialize /发表社论/插入编者意见/ | editorialize on /发表社论/

editorialize on:发表社论

editorialist 撰写社论者 | editorialize on 发表社论 | editorialize 发表社论

You're editorializing here. - I never editorialize:你在这里发表社论了 -我从不发表社论

"He is absorbed, cold, impatient of interruptions."|"他冰冷而专... | - You're editorializing here. - I never editorialize.|-你在这里发表社论了 -我从不发表社论 | - At the end. - You're right. Cut it.|-结...


leaderette 编者按 | leaderette 简短社论 | leaderette 简短社论

The push in pennsylvania:宾夕法尼亚的决战 社论

[2008 04 29] A changing war 一场正在变革的战争 社论 | [2008 04 21] The push in pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚的决战 社论 | [2008.04.19]Samsung's woes 社论

Silent no more:不再沉默 社论

[2008.06.28]The meaning of Bill Gates 比尔盖茨的意义 社论 | [2008.07.10]Silent no more 不再沉默 社论 | [2008.07.05]The presidential campaign-Return to centre 回到中间 社论

The new colonialists:新殖民主义者 社论

[2008.10.04] World on the edge 世界命悬一线 社论 | [2008.03.15]The new colonialists 新殖民主义者 社论 | [2008.03.13] Where is everybody?人呢? 商业